Why did Blacks never invent the wheel?

and why didn't any ethnic black from every corner of the globe invent agriculture, mathematics, writing, alchemy and so on?

Other urls found in this thread:


higher beings dominate others without the need of additional tools


no written languages either.

What have YOU invented OP?

OP asked why one race hadn't invented anything compared to literally every other race which had made many advancements of their own.

Why you are making this personal, instead of sticking with the topic of the thread about population intelligence and achievements, can only be because you're attempting to derail the conversation.

I think you might find this infographic informative.

Blacks developed in sub-Saharan Africa. Unlike Europe or Northern Asia there was no winter time that required the populous to plan ahead and develop new tools or engineering with fire. over thousands of years the Euro's and Asians learned how to farm, blacksmithing, and domestication of animals from these methods of planning ahead, but Africa did not need this, and and the Sahara desert was a massive communication barrier so not much technology made if from he middle east to Africa at all.

When colonialist came centuries later they thought they where subhuman due to this backwardness, even though Africa was just as advanced as the rest of the world during early ancient times.

Veeky Forums are cucks
they like the feel of /pol/ raping their board

If that is the case, and blacks are just as capable as their European and Asian contemporaries, why is it then that they have a standard IQ of 85 in first world nations with the highest development index, and no amount of nutrition and special education has been able to permanently increase that to be on par with other races?

what about ancient greece?

Mediterraneans weren't Negros, and appeal to an extinct ethnicity has no bearing on the current ethnicities which inhabit the planet.

because thousands of years ago most peoples had IQ of 85, but over time the North and North East IQ's rose because of all the planning they had to do for winter (those who didn't plan froze or starved, enriching the gene pol)

they are so backwards because until the 1870's they where Isolated form the rest of the world by the Sahara desert. Also humans where no the most dominate species in Africa, as Africans had to compete with hunting a heard with Lions, cheetahs, dingos, ect...

Only interactions African had with the outside world was when they where sold off as slave labor and sent to the America (or as welfare recipients to Germany in modern times).

this cuck wants a piece of the action
likes to see those /pol/ shitposts on the front page

Nigra here. Beat me faggot.


>Nigra here.
Either fake news or the worst type of cuck.

Yes, but it was the warlords who enslaved their own people to exported them for goods. They enslaved their own kind.

You have a very Americanized view of world history.

it's another episode of Veeky Forums teaches us about history

you have a very americanised spelling btw

Greece thrived because of the normal development of civilizations

First civilizations developed around rivers due to good farming the ability to send shit down the river. Egypt was the greatest of these as they had the Nile, a fertile river surrounded by desert (no enemy tribes). their greatness spread into the Middle East with Jews and Persia and all that good good, than Greece picked up civilization torched because of Athens isolation in the mountains combined with good navigation of Aegean Sea.

This gave Greece good defense and good trade, made Athens rich so people started thinking about why they existed rather than surviving and western civilization was born (China was doing all this around the same time as well).

lol, you wish. Is it really that hard to believe there are also smart black people out there, even statistically speaking? Not everyone is a dumb 'Tyrone'.

My spelling:
Your spelling:

Unlike you, as a proud British man, I haven't bastardized the Queen's tongue for your low IQ populace. You Amerimutt.

Yes, it is difficult to believe because it's been statistically proven that actual high IQ blacks are literal unicorns. Out of 1000 blacks, only 10 or less would be deemed "clever", and the other three "intelligent".

This is a fact, and I'm tired of people denying it to push their liberal agenda.

But this is simply IQ. I could drop you and an African in the planes of Africa and tell you to survive and he would have a better chance at it. Do you people not get that IQ is not a good measure of survival? You don't need a high IQ to hunt and survive. There was literally no evolutionary need for them to develop any further than simple tools and simple hunting techniques. This isn't hard. IQ is simply a measure of pattern recognition, but it is not a measurement of how well you will do in any given environment.