Reminder that the mind image is more powerful than one perceived by eye, therefore word takes precedence over picture

Reminder that the mind image is more powerful than one perceived by eye, therefore word takes precedence over picture.

Which works deal with power of words?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not cool

I don't understand this. I really don't.

Why do "reply to this or ur mom dies lol" posts get so many replies?

Is it supposed to be a meta-commentary about how Veeky Forums has been infested with normie idiots? Are people really so dumb as to have a "lol i'll reply to it just in case, you never know......." kind of reaction to it?

It's not even like it's funny or interesting, in the way that "the person posting below is a [insert random thing here, usually spider]" posts are. This has zero potentiality to get a recap given that 1) it's been posted to death and 2) neither the originating post nor the replies to it are ever worthy of being recapped.

So, why? Why go through the effort to even type a couple of words in response? Why not just ignore it?


Lame af

>This image
Honestly OP, fuck you.

Demonstrably factually false. Film is a more powerful medium.

Here's your reply.

John 1:1-5

Ya got me


Who is this whore?

replied, you got me chump

son of a bitch


Saved. That image is so quality it was worth the headshot.

wow i am ashamed of myself

oh well fuck you my mum is on a plane so now I need to post

I am a bad son, sorry mom ;_;

nope. The advent of digital media is not simply destructive of the codex, but of the Gutenberg mind itself.......the image will take primacy over words.

>The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which he analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness

post moar pics, op.

who IS she?

would have happened already if that was the case

it has happened

yet here we are

we're an insignificant, fringe minority out of step with the machinations of history

this is a mainstream youth culture site

Phenomena are echoes of the Logos, yes.


this is a fringe board. millenials generally don't give a fuck about serious literature.

half the threads here aren't even Veeky Forums related

what are some books that deal with superstitions and the occult?


Your argument sucks. The mind image doesn't exclude that of music or even things originally perceived by the eye but then built upon within the mind. :/


You're kinda right but not completely so

low blow, bro

>everyone is peeping
Kek. Get a gf.

Get fucked

Pic related is further proof that what you said is not true

fine, fuck you

Fuck you

you can't all be this fucking young. time to leave this place

>implying it has anything to do with age
>implying it isn't the sexual frustrations of mega virgins who see a thicc thighed qt
Seriously though, I could do with a qt Aryan female such as her.

I was referring to the message on her pum pum. Veeky Forums is literally /b/tier

Words have as much power as people give it