My doctor kept shilling me the Mediterranean diet

My doctor kept shilling me the Mediterranean diet

>There is some evidence that the Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of heart disease and early death.[4][5] Olive oil may be the main health-promoting component of the diet.[6] There is preliminary evidence that regular consumption of olive oil may lower all-cause mortality and the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, and several chronic diseases.[6][7][8][9]

>A 2016 systematic review found a relation between greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet and better cognitive performance; it is unclear if the relationship is causal.[25]

>According to a 2013 systematic review, greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet is correlated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease and slower cognitive decline.[26] Another 2013 systematic review reached similar conclusions, and also found a negative association with the risk of progressing from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's, but acknowledged that only a small number of studies had been done on the topic.[27]

Is this basically optimal? When I asked him "why not the Japanese diet since they live longest?" he said he hadn't read enough research to say anything about it

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Ummm, or you could just go outside and jog for half an hour like once a week

diet =/= excercise

But is your goal not to reduce the risk of heart disease?

>But is your goal not to reduce the risk of heart disease?
More generally, overall health

Then diet and exercise.

Then exercise and diet.

He also told me 120/70 is the new 120/80 when it comes to blood pressure

And actually, Okinawan people live THE LONGEST and they eat quite a lot of pork.

eat a dozen of eggs in 2.5days. that okay?also, coffee daily,

They also walk a lot, and eat lots of vegetables. Perhaps less important is their strong family unit for psychological support.

I'd be quite happy with either diet and exercise regime, certainly if it involved having to go and live in either location.

And especially if it involved copulating with their people


Although, isn't the Italian IQ the highest in Europe? Why aren't there that many Italian Fields medalists or Nobel Prize winners?

Because Catholicism is detrimental to intelligence and creativity.

So, that's where all of the Classical and Renaissance thinkers went? With the advent of Catholicism?

Please don't speak negatively about my religion

Your current Pope can't even stand Catholicism.

How so? Seems to me like he can't stand the corrupted priests and all that follows. I doubt he has issues with the fundamentals of Catholicism.

Funny though cause the leading cause of death in Italy is ischaemic heart disease

It's the leading cause of death in every developed country.

Just Google:
>pope francis is not catholic
Don't get me wrong, have your own opinion, but if you're going to claim to be Catholic, you should at least follow the actual (apparently immutable) tenets, surely?

Oh you mean the gay marriage stuff he said? Not important.

see for my reaction.
Just so you know, I'm an agnostic minarchist, so freedom is freedom. However, if you claim to be Catholic, you should at least (certainly if you're a leader) espouse the tenets that define Catholicism. Otherwise, you might as well just be something else.

Adhering to a religion isn't a mathematical equation dude. I don't understand why gay marriage is where you draw the line, and besides, you are certainly not of an authority to decide who is and isn't Catholic.

Such a good Pope.

ah yes the Mediterranean diet.

I'm an anglo who lives in southern italy and i tell you, the med diet is:

Prosciutto (tons)
Pecorino (tons)
Pancetta (tons)
Pasta (tons)
Pizza (tons)
Olive Oil (tons)
Grilled Lamb (half ton)
Grilled Chicken (half ton)
Grilled Pork (tons)
Red Wine (Gallons)
Peroni (lots)
Tennents Super (Gallons)

and combinations of the above.

Most of what they eat is in the literature as fucking lethal, I honestly think they all last a long time because there's so little pollution in the deep south and they're all social.

not the fucking diet

Awfully yummy though.

Certainly is. It's also beyond cheap. Life expectancy in the village is like, 90, for men. Got at least 5 centenarians out of 200 people as well

i just dont think you can talk about the med diet without realising what these people actually eat.

it's a bit different in, say, the greek islands, where all they eat is olive oil and fatty fish but most of mainland italy is like above

reckon they shill the med diet coz you'll die slightly later but the pollution is probs the reason peeps in highly dense areas die so quickly

To be fair though, they eat a very similar diet in Switzerland (and of course, almost exactly the same on Italian Swiss clay) yet they're the longest lived for men and the second longest lived for both genders:
Although I suppose, especially in the villages and towns in the countryside, they're highly social too.

yeah i can dig that, village life is easy life

cities do seem to be the worst for life expectancy, with endless pollution, no real social catchment areas, violence, suicides, etc

used to commute on the bakeapoo (bakerloo) line in london and there were at least a couple of 'cides a week before 9am

I'd rather live in a village or town too, certainly in the Swiss Alps, beautiful.
Great food too, in any canton, it's nice having the ease of choice between authentic German, French and Italian, that we don't have here in Devon.
It's actually part of my life-plan to emigrate to Switzerland, once I have my PhD and try for an academic, or research position in Zürich and live in the countryside on a farm then commute in.
I think that would be a rather pleasant existence.

I mean, just look at that view.

personally i feel the swiss can hang but im glad you had a nice time there

As you like it, I'm glad you enjoy yourself in Italy.

To the anons talking about living in the countryside - while the lower levels of pollution and perhaps less stress may be part of the reason, you have to remember that physical activity also plays a large role in their prolonged and healthy lifespans.

This is also why French and Italian women are known to be slim while consuming fats and wine on a regular basis.

You cannot expect much if you live a sedentary lifestyle.

Nutritional science agrees with much of the Mediterranean diet, which is probably why these results are occuring.

>don’t eat trans fat
>mostly unprocessed (minimally refined) carbs
>fruits and veggies
>plenty of protein (meat)
>omega 3’s

That’s about it. Don’t stuff yourself and don’t eat too much shit.

They're also a different race. If you're European, then you want a diet that is healthy for Europeans.

google fattest kids in Europe and you get Italy and Greece tops

>As the Mediterranean diet usually includes products containing gluten like pasta and bread, increasing use of the diet may have contributed to the growing rate of gluten-related disorders

IF + Keto if you wish to become an Übermensch

The only safe diet is Vegan with supplements. NO diet with fish is safe due to mercury, PCBs, POPs, DDT etc. No diet with eggs and dairy is safe as neither of these are healthy. Red meat is unhealthy and a type 1 carcinogen. Oysters and shellfish are dangerous because climate change is making pathogens that infect these species deadlier and more potent. Poultry is unhealthy for everyone because the farming encourages the mutation of new bird flu strains.
In an ideal world, a Pescatarian diet would be best, but we live in a world where there are more plastic particles than plankton by weight in many ocean gyres, and where the sea surface microlayer is basic a toxic film.
There is nothing wrong with supplements in the modern day, they are probably the healthiest source of many nutrients (such as B12 and DHA fatty acids)

I dropped 15 pounds with some moderate exercise and the Mediterranean diet. Then I dropped another 10 when I started really working out. Then I got fat again because I destroyed my knee.

so many unsupported claims
>doing anything but chopping off your balls will kill you

>Is this basically optimal?
almost, veganism is optimal

>mercury, PCBs, POPs, DDT
These are all well known contaminants in fish you fucking cunt.

>No diet with eggs and dairy is safe as neither of these are healthy
This is 100% accurate, there is nothing these food provide you can't get elsewhere. Name one thing these foods provide other than estrogens and cholesterol.

>Red meat is unhealthy and a type 1 carcinogen.
Turns out it is type 2A but still

>Oysters and shellfish are dangerous because climate change is making pathogens that infect these species deadlier and more potent.
Page 445
> For example, in the Gulf of Mexico, incidence of the Vibrio vulnificus bacteria in oysters rises dramatically with sea temperature.
>In another study, 89% of human contraction of V.vulnificus came from eating oysters harvested in waters with mean annual temperatures > 22°C, and disease incidence rose sharply during summer months (Shapiro et al., 1998). In the North Sea, there was an unequivocal positive relationship between Vibrio numbers and annual sea surface temperature

enjoy your fucking death on a plate

He doesn't want your intake of soy to be too high so he doesn't want you on the Jap diet. Olive oil>soy.

You are piss drunk or just a brainlet. The fattest fucks in Europe are all Brits.

Cardio is enough for women though, whereas men after 25 lose a pound of muscle mass for each year, so some form of strength training is important.

I dislike the term "race", I think it makes more sense to say 'genetically similar populations' and then you would need to look at the distance between two populations for you to draw a conclusion as to how much genetics they share and whether the shared genetics relate to longevity, nutritional need and so on.


>mercury, PCBs, POPs, DDT
Just eat fish that are high in omega oils, but low in mercury, they often also tend to be low in rest too.
>No diet with eggs and dairy is safe as neither of these are healthy.
Nice xenoestrogen meme, your stomach acid would probably denature them.
>The all cholesterol is bad meme!
And nice you worry so much about xenoestrogens, then you should be worrying about getting cholesterol as it is vital for testosterone synthesis:
>Oysters and shellfish are dangerous because climate change is making pathogens that infect these species deadlier and more potent.
Just avoid them, as I've said above. In the same way, as a meat eater, you would avoid red meats.
I love it when vegans go full retard, when lacto-ovo vegetarianism and pescetarianism are fully healthier for you than veganism: Classic. :'D

wow, vegetables and oil, so unique.

it probably is for amerifats, they only vegetables in their burgers and fried burritos

Ey, I'ma Italian-Americano, I'ma make you sleep wit' the fishes if you eva' say that to my face again?! ARE YOU TALKIN' TO ME?! ARE YOU TALKIN' TO ME?! GIAMOCC'!