Laugh at reddit thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Douglas Adams 1984 is the most reddit, but the saddest is definitely
>The Maze Runner series by Philip Pullman
Two actual children's books. 478 points...

I actually found the one about Marx covering Green Eggs and Ham pretty funny:

Exploitation on a train
Exploitation on a plane
Exploitation here and there
Exploitation everywhere!
Proletariat, show your might:
Workers of the world, unite!

>Proletariat, show your might:
>Workers of the world, unite!
7 syllables followed by 8 syllables. the rest of the lines matched

Phillip Roth's Looking For Alaska

both those lines have 7 syllables. "world" is one syllable

Not if he's Scottish.


This is honestly a really good idea for a thread, but wow the answers are basic as fuck.

I count 8 in the first, 7 in the second.
Pro--le-tar-i-at, Even if you try to make it four, it screws up the whole flow when you say it out loud.



Name drop

> Stephen King Writes Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
>6 Gorrillion upvotes 20 Gold
>12 unironic marriage requests

>Stephen King on the narrative

There was a thread on r/books a while back asking what the community though of Veeky Forums. I thought they were just gonna sling mud (which they did), but conceded that we're more well read and have better taste in literature. They obviously have never been here.

Man, what if famous writers re-wrote the Bible, but instead of just re-writing the stories, they like set in it different times and locations but applied the same basic outline and themes. That would be crazy.

I meant this:

are you being sarcastic?
that would actually be pretty fucking cool

But writers do this all the time and have been for thousands of years

Check out The Gospel According to Jesus Christ and Cain by Saramago, if you haven't.

Are you being dense?

I've been waiting to post this again.

Also Job by Joseph Roth.

Holy shit are you dumb.

There are literally thousands of books like that.

I would like to see Kafka cover Ulysses


actually scratch that. I want to see Kafka cover the Bible

Name 12.


>implying I wasn't joking

when did this come to mean things that make you uncomfortable? I guarantee you How I Met Your Mother and craft beer have poisoned this guy beyond all hope of recovery but it wouldn't even occur to him to think about that

everything this person said was true and they're gay

Christopher Paolini covering any Tolkien. Would be lit af senpai.

All the Narnia books.
The Qua-ran
L Ron Hubbard.


$5 says this person is a woman.

>SAO a better anything


I doubt a woman would would stay on Veeky Forums long enough to get that much of an impression of it. And I don't even necessarily disagree with the notion that being regularly exposed to """toxic""" views can change you. But if you're not a pussy who fucking cares. I think it's a dude

Reddit is like Veeky Forums's younger brother tbqh.

Veeky Forumss misogyny problem is pretty mild compared to literally every other Veeky Forums board

Ok, I was just ironically hating reddit up to this point but they deserve to die for this one

if you think Veeky Forums has a misogyny problem I'd advise you to stop sucking so much dick

its true though

It does though. You'd have to be blind or ignorant to not see it

t. nu male cucc or woman with easily offended sensibilities

Where's the problem part?

Every time I see threads like this I just imagine chubby dorks, clamoring for upvotes, spending 45 minutes coming up with something they think reddit will find clever. It's so pathetic find it hard to read even though some of it was actually not bad at al

How is this going over everyone's head?

I h8 wimmin

Literally any book

It's only a minor problem really, no need to get defensive

The problem is that it makes it harder to discuss female authors or books featuring complex female characters. People here tend to try and reduce them down to "women are dumb" or just go for the stereotypes.

fuck off bitch
you will never get the equality you want so badly

Just out of curiosity, and autism :( I checked this person's post history to see if I could find out.

It's crazy how much you can learn about a person just by browsing their post history on reddit for a couple minutes. I'm not going to post anything I found because I'm not that kind of guy, but I almost had a perfect picture of them in my head by the end of it. It really humanizes some random words on a screen.

It amazes me how many Veeky Forumsfag there are in this world. I come here for memes. Delicious unironic memes. Here and there I'll spam Insta, Reddit or some other shitty forum with a HILARIOUS Veeky Forumsmeme, and I'll get at least one response with a "kek" or "my diary desu" and I'm left shaking my head and fist whispering under my breath with a chuckle... "You little prick, you."

That's why I lie about everything all the time, good luck detectiving me gookmoot

>that reddit story
I don't even have an image with enough vomit to articulate how I feel right now

me too

Yeah, if someone had all my posts on here, he would have trouble picking through every samefag, falseflag, random bullshit, picking both sides, and just flat out making things up that I have done on here. Although, they honestly could probably get a good idea by which stories come up more often and which stories keep straight.

I don't think this redditor is acquainted with Veeky Forums's take on irony.


At least we have each other, r-right guys.

I would check out 2 of those

The one about the everyone sharing knowledge based on their names is genuinely good.

And the one about "bro you're a time traveller too?" sounds like the genesis of some kooky hijinks, wubba wubba dub dub.

The joke starts when you click on the links bro


one of reddit's biggest boards is basically /pol/ for people who cant admit they're racists

>"Never eat the pasta"

I have literally never heard this before and have been browsing lit for ~3 years and Veeky Forums in general for more like 7.

Here ya go.

but that board is loathed by the rest of reddit. they have multiple extremely shitty anti-trump subreddits as well. honestly all of reddit's political views are really bad

There's nothing wrong with looking down on women. Unless, you can prove me wrong?

>This. Is. Phenomenal. You've given me an authentic nerd moment.

is this new "holy... I want more"?

[WP] Become a dragon vet they said, it'll be an experience they said

this is actually a good imitation

>It seemed like every person I knew was part of a greater picture. The Bobs were all electrical engineers. The Susans were oncologists. Alexs were doctors. Ferns were all horticulturists.

It's clever because Ferns are all horticulturists, which involves plants, but Fern is also a name for a type of plant.

For every /pol/ sub, there's 10 other subs against it. I would have assumed a redditor such as yourself would possess more knowledge of this.

Yeah pretty much its straight Le Drumpf or gommies :DDDDD

There are pockets of neoliberalism and neoconservatism though if you look hard enough.

I browse reddit a lot for news and to kill time when lit is slow, and I see a lot of people trying to be storytellers in their comments, and it's always really fucking bad. Saw someone recently vomit out some awful writing and then answer the fawning responses to his comment with "I'm glad I can put my english degree to use."

as you can see from the OP, this board is overrun by unabashed redditors

killeth yourself

>"bro you discovered time traveling too?!"

It's only okay to look down on them while they give you bomb head, which is all they're good for anyways.

yeah it was fine I just get extremely triggered when I see reddit comments that say "THIS IS GOOD" to another reddit comment. always downvote them

Fair enough, my reddit knowledge pretty much only comes from occasional Veeky Forums threads so I hadn't heard of the anti trump stuff

>The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to someone else, if she is plain

t. Oscar Wilde

Wouldn't you want Atwood to cover the story of Ruth or atleast a female centered story?

I would just go sit over there. What are they gonna do? Tell me to leave? Lol. Worst case scenario they all leave, then I'd fucking laugh because I just made a group of people not only stop their conversation but also physically get up and move.

Underground Man tier

They could bash you up and flush your belongings down the toilet.

you're missing the point that that kid theoretically wants friends but hates everyone at that table

Ready Player One is already for millenials. Those fucking idiots always confuse millenials with Gen Z.

>reddit: mindless consumerism
>Veeky Forums: deep inward reflection

your image is pretty truthful. See how the redditor crowds about the vending machine, unaware of the subliminal influence of commodities [and advertisements therefore] upon his life; in contradistinction, the chan-user (user) contemplates the sublime object of ideology, engaged seriously in his intellectual pursuit.

It;s because millennial is seen as an insult, so it gets shifted around almost as much as words like normie or cuck.

You should do some deep inward reflection about how fucking gay that post was

>book fetishes '80s pop culture
>the oldest millennial were children in the '80s
I think he's right

tfw I'm a proud millennial.

Oldest millennials were children in the early nineties. If you were born after 1995, you can't claim millennial membership.

It's for Generation Xers. No Millennials have nostalgia for the 80s

They could try. Not saying I could take on like 10 people, but I could make it not worth their effort to get the job done.

What's that?

gets Fern, misses Bob, as in bob the builder
Does only half your brain work you uneducated philistine?