Sorry sir we're just about to close

>sorry sir we're just about to close

Anyone else hate this shit? The sign clearly says you're open for another 20 minutes you lazy fucks.


dunno if other restaurants do this as strictly as the one i work at but if there's people still in the dining room their server, the lead server, the kitchen staff, and the dish person can't leave. most people don't want to stay over if someone comes in 20 minutes before closing and stays awhile.

>I've never worked in food service
>frog posting
That's enough buddy

>Open 'til 3 AM!
> only, sir, the restaurant closed three hours ago
>no, sir, we don't serve pedestrians in the drive-thru

Fucking cancer. I can't wait until these thumb-sitting wastes of meat all get replaced with robots.

>he worked in food service


It's stupid to turn people away before an official closing time but it makes life easier for the kitchen staff

Oh great it's this shit again
>inb4 300 replies

>change the "closing" time to 20 minutes earlier
>now can accept customers right up to closing time
wow that was hard

I think you're joking but the anime image suggests you might really be autistic.

and why wouldn't that work exactly?

Stop getting DUI's rummy and it wouldn't be a problem


Kitchens normally close an hour or so early, but the dining area/bar remains open for people to finish their meals

>his town doesn't have a fast food place with 24 hour table service
Sucks to be you

Reminds me of the time me and my brother went to radio shack, looked around for an hour and a half without buying anything, asked the lady out front when they closed as we left, and she said in the most pathetic voice I have ever heard "an hour ago."

>sucks to be you
Actually, being me is pretty great. I make a 5 figure salary and am just beginning to earn the respect of my coworkers, not to mention my frequent victories at local pub trivia contests. This is just one minor annoyance.

millennial here, what's this "radio" you speak of?

nah the lazy fucks would still want to get out of work early and want to start closing before closing time so they can get out faster.

I've had that happen. Say you want to speak to the manager, phone him up if needed.

Then enjoy the sheer panic in their eyes

Then why not advertise that? Is it literally that hard for the signage to say "kitchen closes at X time, dining room closed at Y"?

You make 10k a year?

It's because people walk up to the window to rob the place or be crazy assholes.

Because nobody pays attention anyway. You would have to post that sign, then an additional sign that says "refer to the sign already posted", which still doesn't alleviate the problem of tardy people trying to sneak in a full meal last minute, as if it were 7pm or something.

Apply this anywhere:
If you want to hustle in and grab a quick thingy, then move with the quickness to the check out; cool. The vibe is "sorry--hey I know you're about to close, I just need this thingy right quick"...But if you're slow walking...debating and taking your time...GET DA FUCK OUTTA HEERR

You had ten hours to do you wanna ponder your inner cravings five till close? The money ain't worth it. Take a walk you hockey puck.

Yeah, places aren't allowed to even say they're closed/closing soon, typically.

Or I should say the employees aren't allowed to.

You're getting angry at the wrong people. When you see this happen, talk to management, and make sure they know you know it's management's fault this happened, not the employee's.

Typically places will schedule their employees until closing time, but they don't get to leave until customers are gone, and everything has been cleaned.

It's really fucking shitty for the staff, because they want to go home at the end of their shift. This would be somewhat remedied if the employees were regularly scheduled until, say, 1 hour after the closing time, but then if the employees want to stay, but don't have any work to do, management has to pay them for that time, since they were scheduled to work that long. To avoid this, employees are scheduled until a certain time, and told they might have to stay later.

It's a shitty situation, and I'm not saying it's your fault, but the result is that both you and the employees are having a shit time, while the management isn't affected at all.

Bitch at the management about the management.

Get there on time sluggy slowcoach!

kitchen always closes earlier you autustic fuck.
they are just open for the people which already ordered ages ago to finish up.


what if you are on a bike? unless you are american

Well I'm American so I don't know if you want my answer but no they have never served me on a bike, in fact my bike isn't heavy enough to trigger the notifier that there's someone at the drive thru

Kill yourself OP

>Mfw when my ex's brother would take forever to get ready to go anywhere
>He wants to go to outback steakhouse...
>We arrive 20 mins before close
>I finish my shitty food quickly
>My ex, her sister, and her dumbass brother are taking their sweet ass time
>We're 15 mins over the closing time
>They all get mad when the staff is constantly looking at us and checking up on our party

What's even more retarded is that we have an outback steakhouse in our city but he wanted to go to the one in another far out city.

>my frequent victories at local pub trivia contests
The fact that you mentioned this as proof of how well your life is going is honestly really sad

>tell customer we close in 5 minutes and they'll have to take their order to go
>demands to speak to management
>"i am the manager and our corporate office doesnt want to pay us to stay open and wait on you guys to finish your food, your total is $X do you want it or not

>do this at a place that sells pizza by the slice >get extremely discounted pizzas or occasionally free pizzas because they were just going to toss them anyway and it saves them the trouble
everyone wins except your arteries

lol what kind of hell is this?

Even though I understand the staff is trying to clean up and I'm generally not a cunt about it, if they say they're open till a certain time, then that's what it is. Close the kitchen earlier if you want to get out by that original time. Faggots.

>Samuel Jackson voicing a white guy who quotes himself in Pulp Fiction
The Boondocks is a pretty good ahow.

Because of cunts like you, I leave the open sign on, but keep the doors locked 10 minutes before and after close

Makes you niggers chimp out all the time
