So what does Veeky Forums think of Elon? Is he le real life Tony Stark?

So what does Veeky Forums think of Elon? Is he le real life Tony Stark?

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i dont speak french

He's as close as anyone has gotten to real life Tony Stark. I think he tries to cultivate that meme as well. He even sells flamethrowers now.

Really unimpressed with those babby lighters. If he wanted to appear less ridiculous he should have went full 1917 instead of making a glorified torch and then selling it using zombie apocalypse jokes.

Just another capitalist swine masquerading as the savior of humanity

Going full 1917 is Ginevra Convention - tier illegal.

He's a charlatan who doesn't really do anything and lives a life of luxury on government money and hype. He's an active hindrance to humanity.

This. We don't need all of this shit he's building. It is cool though, so people will buy things from him.

Lmao, imagine actually believing this


Name one thing he's done that no-one else could have done. He's a fucking snake oil salesmen, we're not going to Mars, hyperloop is bollocks and the Boring company is a crock of shit as well.

>Being such a brainlet that you don't worship daddy Elon

I am not complaining if a billionaire wants to play Kerbal Space Program with actual rockets, but he is a successful businessman not a successful scientist

Psst. His AI is listening to us.

Unironically yes.

what's next?

>Going full 1917 is Ginevra Convention - tier illegal.
Fucking fudd faggot leftist.

Either stop talking out of your ass, or learn to meme properly.


He wrote some light code and got lucky. His hobby buisneses are only staying afloat because the investors are normies and/or want to ride the bubble.
The smart money knows his companies are absurdly over evaluated, and their continuously increasing profit projections and pushing off of the projected point of profitability, and delays on everything is a pretty deafening sign of that.

The cure for autism

Making everyone else autistic too?


Glad to see that some people here are over 18 and see this faggot for the conman he is. He was given government money and built some shitty coal powered car. Now he's mutilating $50 home depot weed burners to look like guns, it's not even a real flame thrower. Also found this gem:

4425 satellites, how can anyone believe this man? That's 3 times as many as we have now. This will never see the light of day.

How many electric cars has your company manufactured?

How many rockets have you built, launched, landed, and relaunched, both times putting a payload in orbit?

0 for both? Guess you're a bigger hinderancw than musk

Tesla isn't profitable and profits off the US government, in comparison to its competitors like BYD it barely sells to people except for richfags


He's specifically cultivated the cult personality thing, too. With the research and projects of people only tangentially related to him being described as 'Musk's ___'.

The most chad virgin in California

Literally the best description of him I've seen so far.

>How many electric cars has your company manufactured?
None. But do you know how many luxury electric cars by major car companies are being produced by 2020? Many millions.

>How many rockets have you built, launched, landed, and relaunched
A handful.

>both times putting a payload in orbit?
Reminder that musk is not the aero's that he pays to keep doing what they were doing before he poached them.

>Guess you're a bigger hinderancw than musk
You're a faggot.

>keep doing what they were doing before he poached them.

Yet no other aerospace company achieved the same as SpaceX. You moron.

>capitalist swine

commie detected, how does it feel being an economics analog to a flat earther?

commies hate Musk, just further proof that he is doing something right

>Tesla isn't profitable
>profits off the US government

>start a random space business
>in 15 years time it BTFOs NASA and all other space """agencies"""

>that soyboy
>being real life CHAD Stark

>a hard science


>oil business gets subsidies
>roaring silence
>farming gets subsidies
>roaring silence
>musk gets subsidies
>this is an outrage

He has 6 children.

I say this apolitically.
As far as business practice and public image goes. He is the Donald Trump (circa 20th century) of engineering.

I don't know what you are talking about. People are very pissed about the two former subsides and dedicate themselves to fighting them. People really only mention Elon when he is brought up.
Maybe you get this impression because the corporate media doesn't like to report on the earlier two subsides for obvious reasons.
Also don't forget fishery subsides.

more of a science than climatology that's for sure

t. drumpftard

I don't mind that he's a capitalist.
What irritates me that he markets himself, whether directly or indirectly, as this "savior of humanity." All he is is some kid who wanted to go to Mars, made a lot of money when his company was bought by Ebay and capitalized on that.

name one thing someone did that no one else could have done
he's doing better things with his money than most other rich fucks, even if some of his projects won't work out, he's made enough of an impact in both the space and car industries to redeem himself in my eyes
no, he won't colonise mars in the next 2 decades
no, he won't make hyperloop anytime in the near future
no, he won't solve global warming with tesla and solar roofs
but he is doing good things, which will enable everything mentioned above easier to do for the rest of us

this, if more ultra rich fags were so invested in technological advancement instead of buying random shit, we'd be on a good track with global problems.

But buying random shit can stimulate technological advancement

Not if said random shit is a private villa, a custom made car or coke.

>he's doing better things with his money than most other rich fucks
>his money

>no, he won't colonise mars in the next 2 decades
>no, he won't make hyperloop anytime in the near future
>no, he won't solve global warming with tesla and solar roofs

>but he is doing good things,
Yeah, conning people. Like I said he's a con artist that is all talk and hype. Anyone with a elementary school education can do that.
>which will enable everything mentioned above easier to do for the rest of us

It would have been hilarious if the government just gave him a loan instead of a subsidy. We would not even remember his name if that were the case.

Who am I shilling for? Home Depot where you can buy Elons "flamethrower" for $50 and a 20 gallon tank for $25?

>stimulate useless technology that no one asked for. Not understanding that some cannot even be achieved

Cap this post and read it again in 3-5 years. This faggot beggar and many of his companies will flop as oil will continue to go down in price and retarded EPA regulations and abolished. Telsa cars will go out of style once people start realizing that there's expensive maintenance involved and $12,000 to replace the battery every 5-10 years. Then when it goes out of business they'll all be screwed out of parts and warranties. There will NEVER be a "Hyperloop" nor "3000+ satellites" from Space X. The only thing that will keep him afloat is memeing AI bullshit and PayPal.

Go back to /pol/
but youre not wrong

>people on this board honestly believe they are having an intelligent thought for understanding hes not actually selling flamethrowers

>Name one thing he's done that no-one else could have done.
what a stupid post.
>"any millionaire can use their money for technological advancement they just don't want to. heheh, I have sure proven what a fraud Elon Musk is"

I'm not saying you should jump on his dick but honestly hating Elon Musk for the reasons you seem to do is top level tryhard contrarianism

he is dating and considering marrying a woman that divorced johnny depp and took half of johnny assets. not smart if you ask me

It does so by leeching off us govt money

>Tony Stark
Are you kidding? The dude is beta as fuck.

I don't give a shit about electric cars
I don't give a shit about batteries
I don't give a shit about solar roofs
I don't give a shit about flamethrows

What I do give a shit about is fucking rockets. Reusable rockets are absolutely game changing and if the falcon heavy gets off the ground, they will start raking in big bucks, because why the fuck would you launch with anyone else? SpaceX is so far ahead of the game it isn't even funny.

>tfw cucked out of Mars by a roastie


You think Tesla Roadster users have been replacing their batteries every 5-10 years?

If not, why should this be the case for other models? What is your reason for thinking that 20 year lifetime is unreasonable?

Also, why would batteries cost $12,000 to replace in 5-10 years when battery costs have been constantly dropping and are being projected to continue dropping the in future as well? Prices fell ~80 % from 2010 to 2016.

>mfw hes unironically made millions over the past 3 days from selling oversized blowtorches

Cult of personality is a scary thing.

My opinion. Hes umbrella corp.
Hes gonna manufacture a zombie virus so he can create a bigger demand for flame throwers.



I can't particularly blame him for taking advantage of it.

Agreed. The Heretics talking shit about the lord and savior of humanity, Eloan Muskayah shall repent in the eternal hell, that is being one planet species. Ave SpaceEx

>having investors pour money into what are unprofitable ventures isn't bad

>no, he won't solve global warming with tesla and solar roofs
this is hilarious considering that the fleet BFRs he plans to use for earth to earth transport use methane

>no, he won't make hyperloop anytime in the near future
he won't make it all at, because its unfeasible given the conditions required to operate it

given SpaceX's current meager profit margins, resuability may not be what makes space flight much more commercially viable.
Especially considering that doing so cuts the payload to LEO by 40%, and the refitting rocket parts for another launch isn't the same thing
as refitting a plane given the extreme conditions that rockets work at.

>this is hilarious considering that the fleet BFRs he plans to use for earth to earth transport use methane

One BFR launch produces 660 tons of CO2 (when it uses maximum amount of fuel). Life cycle emissions from a gasoline car are 80 tons of CO2 in the US and 40 tons from an electric car. So Tesla needs to sell 16.5 cars for every BFR launch to offset the CO2.

Tesla sold over 100 000 electric cars in 2017. So that's a lot of BFR launches. Over 6000 per year.

i have doubts that we'll ever be at that point anyway, because Tesla motors is propped up by subsides, and when those vanish, sales of tesla's follow. Its just not profitable
The questionable thing about Musk, is that getting any one of his hobby industries to be profitable and competative would be total commitment of his time as a CEO, that would preclude him from focusing on the others. Vanderbilt only did Shipping until he sold it all to get into trains, Carnegie only did steel, Rockefeller did oil, ect and more recently Bill Gates did software and really only software.

The only instance I can think of where one business man tried to keep all of these big pet projects at the same time going was Eike Batista.

dumbass, don't you know they modeled tony stark after elon musk? they met and vibed before the 2008 release.

I'll believe it when hes he's metal.

> that vacuum tunnel thing he "theorized"...a giant pipe bomb buried in CA to WA?!
> CA into ocean master plan?



>40 tons from an electric car
You're also forgetting about the much more environmentally harmful cost of making an electric car, those batteries don't come easy

he's a dude how got rich, and instead of blowing his wad in the Richard Branson way, he used his money and his fame to pursue some really interesting things.

is he Le supergenius!!!!!111!!

No. Many of his offhand comments are fucking stupid as shit. but I do think he has the common sense to hire people to filter ideas responsibly and act on them in a competent manner, and his heart is in the right place.

I think some people make too much of a personality cult about him.

He's the Nikola Tesla of the 21st century, he's an absolute madman making great contributions to space exploration. And no, I don't think he'll get us to Mars by 2025.

Smart businessman, has done some great things that I support. Massive personality cult around him, and burns through naive starry eyed aerospace graduates over the notion that they're "making a difference" while making them work brutal hours and little pay.

Only retarded faggots compare him to a comic book character because they're not actually interested in science.

>What is your reason for thinking that 20 year lifetime is unreasonable?
The answer to your question lies right in the technical specifications and warranty paperwork for any major electric car model. Lithium-ion batteries are as shit today as they were 20 years ago in their inception.

>Also, why would batteries cost $12,000 to replace in 5-10 years when battery costs have been constantly dropping and are being projected to continue dropping the in future as well?
The rare metals used to create batteries for electric cars will ensure that the price is hiked sooner or later.

Why the homophobia?

Since when does faggotry have anything to do with sexual preference? Stop sexualising everything.

If Elon was an empty shell of a man, he would be Elon Husk.

Shut up, faggot.