
I don't think coal use for electrical power has an effect on electrical vehicle use or purchase. I think that vehicle price and consumer preference would be much better predict variables to determine their possible future.

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I have never, ever heard a decent excuse for why we shouldn't use more nuclear power.

Nuclear waste?


>using 3 data points to extrapolate 4 years into the future

this is why economists are fucking idiots

Are chemical engineers on suicide watch? Fossil, and natural gas industries are collapsing lmao.

You know they can work on synthetic fuel right?

The NRC was created in the early 70's and since then there has never been a new nuclear reactor started construction and finished
Literally 45 years of nothing new
But that of course was the whole purpose of the NRC

It's not politics, its not lawsuits, its not any of that shit
It's ONLY the NRC along with other regulatory harassment & judicial authority preventing new nuclear power plants.

Isn't the state of Georgia building one (an AP1000) right now?

What does the Norwegian refugee council have to do with this you fag?

Yea so there was a period between 1978 and like 2012 where no new nuclear licenses were given out

>But by July 2012, the reactors had run into over $800 million in extra charges related to licensing delays
So it cost them well over a billion just to get an APPROVAL to start construction
That took them 4 years, which is in fact extremely fast compared to other applications.

Look at these withdrawn applications, because the NRC dragged their feet for years until the companies bailed, which is the whole purpose of the NRC and what they have done successfully for almost 50 years now.

So a dozen+ have been approved and maybe a quarter of those are in the position where the government will cover all cost overruns, hence they will be actually finished.

Son of a bitch.
And I bet the only reason why that reactor is getting built is because of Obama wanting new reactors to get built (at least he was informed enough that he knew his Solar and Wind power push required a constant baseload source as well).

Someone needs to inform Trump about this bullshit, he's got plenty on his plate already but this has got to stop

Yea man, and people want to hand wave about high costs or nuclear being unpopular, when really is just regulators being faggots

That's just in the USA.

And there are insane regulators throughout the west, non-white countries don't have the high IQ population to do nuclear anything, I believe Asia is doing fine though

Can you poltards please just fuck off? Kthxbye.

go back to your coconut problems thread nigger

There are several reasons why nobody likes you losers. Thanks for demonstrating one of them.


Fukushima, Chernobyl, fish being one of the most dangerous animals to eat because of it. Leaves won't decompose so one good fire will send radiation plumes in the air etc.

sounds like a massive meme.

What do you think bio ethanol is? It works.