I have discovered why women like this book so much

I have discovered why women like this book so much.

One is the amount of gossip is so overwhelming it speaks to their nature.

Two is the pretentious tone of it all makes women feel superior.

Is Jane Austen really just pandering to womens narcissism though? What a frightening thought.

shitter of the fart cum
farter of the shit cum
he poop he poop
the wenisbanger!

that probably why desu. it has it's merit, I suppose. but it's all damn dialogue. i like Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth though, that's a nice thing i guess. Mr. Bennet is pretty funny as well

I enjoyed Sense & Sensibility a lot more

Speaks to anyone who feels better than everyone else really

You did it op
You figured out the 200 year old riddle
Unlike the countless thousands of other novels written in that timespan, this one had gossip and pretentiousness in it, which women (being inferior) blindly clung to
Make sure you collect this priceless insight into a well-researched paper and publish these findings for the world to look upon with wonder

Talk about asshurt.

Oh god, this witch hunt for le sexists should stop now. Most of men and women have their own "soft spots" about the nature of the media they consume that speaks to their gender as whole.
especially stupid men and stupid women

>witch hunt
I don't give a fuck about your """sexism""" pablo, and dont even particularly like p&p
I'm just incredibly tired of threads like this patting themselves on the back for discovering that, holy shit, women don't read things i read, blacks can't appreciate what i can appreciate, libruhls think hary potter is good but really it isn't, guys this is HUGE
Veeky Forums as a whole is more of a hugbox than reddit has ever been at this point, just over different topics

>Veeky Forums as a whole is more of a hugbox than reddit has ever been at this point
Perhaps you should go back there, then.

True but it is a disturbing window into how half the population thinks. Blacks are a different matter since it's cultural

You have to go back

You absolutely have to go back.

Everyone knows that Pride and Prejudice is absolute trash that yet somehow commands a huge amount of respect, particularly among women. It's a discrepancy which requires some kind of explanation, and which OP's theory attempts.
If you're going to try and explode his theory as absurd you could at least reply sincerely. Oh wait your only weapon is snark because behind it you can evade all challenges to your supposed intellectual superiority.

>Veeky Forums as a whole is more of a hugbox than reddit has ever been at this point, just over different topics

While it's interesting to hear from somebody that has used Reddit enough to form an opinion on this, you need to go back to your non-hugbox site.

why the fuck do the shitty parts of /pol/ and /r9k/ have to seep into every other board. Every time I come on Veeky Forums there's some faggot complaining about >muh women are all vapid and only read to post on their instagrams
And you guys still wonder why you can't get a girlfriend.

get sassy bitches!

i think because they theink it was written by a woman and so validates their collective egos.

in fact, Austen was a shit writer - the magic was worked by her very male editor.

check it out.

What magic? The book is shit mate, editor or not.

whatever "magic" is imputed to her prose, generally speaking.

it was a lot worse before being edited, MSS and letters have turned up.

I can't stand the bitch.

Because it hits their inner ovaries.
>girl "falls in love" with a Chad that has everything

i love this board

This shit is why i dont go on Veeky Forums anymore

I used to be obsessed with the minor character Mary Bennet in this flick of a book because of the strange way Austen handles her. She hardly says shit throughout the entire thing, but has a moment where she drops a gem

>"Pride is a very common failing I believe. By all that have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed, that human nature is particularly prone to it, and that there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on the score of some quality of other, real or imaginary. Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves l, vanity to what we would have others think of us."

This was so weirdly fucking handled I both loved it and hated it.