Just let the flavors marry

>just let the flavors marry

Other urls found in this thread:


>just let the flavors fornicate

>they all get to know eachother in the.pot.

>it's a gang bang of flavor

>It's like an orgasm in your mouth
>has never sucked a cock

>the paprika really drugs the allspice and rapes it in a limo

>people always talk about different flavors marrying
>no one ever talks about same-flavor marriage

#noh8 #gayrightsarehumanrights

>he doesn't support interflavor marriage

wow are u a bigot or something

this thread is fuckin stupid

I'm bumping it

and I'm 'lovin it!

Ugh, can you just not? It's 2017, flavors can marry now. Deal with it.

>help the flavors to not get a divorce

>season to taste

>help the flavors stay together for the kids

>let the flavors mingle
>the flavors dance on your palate


>it melts in your mouth

>"Gonna add a little olive oil to the pan"
>Fills the pan like 1/4 inch


>t. no palate

That's not the mask, it's Piccolo you fucking brain dead spurg

>like 1/4 inch
You're coming with me, son.

>just let the flavors mingle until they feel a little tingle

It's just let the flavors marinade dumbass




>refers to food or dish as """""product"""""



>the feeling of having the flavors cum inside of you

>the feeling to having literal cum inside you

>American cheese

>lip smackin' good

>pasteurized processed american cheese product

Cu(/o)ck chesse


Dude, you like, need to chillax, bruh.

That's not the change I voted for.

I don't understand what's wrong with this.

The proper name was clearly "detect autism"

>bring to a rolling boil

What's wrong with a rolling boil?

>cook until tender

HAHAHA he didn't watch the "The Mask" anime.



>sauté until aromatic

It's fucking garlic. I can smell that shit from across the room already. What exactly am I supposed to be smelling for?

Garlic that's been cooked, even for like 30 seconds, smells completely different and richer than when it's raw

Fuck you, that's how my brother died.

>din dins

>not understanding the function of the approximative like

geez, how embarrassing

which flavors are bulls and which flavors are cucks?

I think cumin, garlic, cinnamon, and onion are pretty clear bulls since they easily overpower a lot of the more numale cuck flavors like paprika and nutmeg


frogposters are cancer

Fucking hell this one hit me like a brick

Never reply to me again, redditors.



poo in the loo IN "rape in the loo"

>just let the grub fuck for a bit

Not a flavor but tofu is the top cuck of food.
Its just gonna sit there and taste like whatever you tell it to taste like.

>all those flavors are gonna meet up in Pound Town

>Let the oven do its magic


>Not French
>Bon appetit

>Let the flavors stick its arm up to the elbow into the dish's ass.

what do you do when the wrangler needs wrangling

The secret is to undercook the onions

>just use 1 character to convey every possible expression
There's no point in even complaining anymore but fuck, the internet was a much more entertaining place before you lazy faggots.