What's the Twin Peaks of literature?

What's the Twin Peaks of literature?

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>a slightly above average work of cult artist with a small group of delusional rabid followers with no genuine taste in medium

>Twin Peaks is only slightly above average television
Please tell me what you're watching

patrician kino of course

Knut Hamsun was an answer once that seemed correct. Dream literature stuff. Also Lynch based a lot of things in Twin Peaks on the writing of William S. Burroughs, more specifically, Cities of the Red Night.

Easy. The Third Policeman.

Stephen King.

Interesting premise, unique characters, that just shits the bed.

twin peaks is such a meme

its pretty typical daytime television soap opera but with a few spooky bits thrown in and a celebrities name attached so everyone assumes they should like it

Yeah and Don Quixote is a chivalric epic novel.

unironally comparing twin peaks to the quixote

how much is netflix paying you?

>misreading a post this badly

His point, my dear user, was that when someone describes something as basically as you just did, that even the most stunning works of art (IE Don Quixote) become boring.

And that a work always bears the semblance of what it satirizes.

no i got this, its just not a very good point. twin peaks is not an intelligent series, Lynch fully admits he made it up as he went along

The only good TV show was The Wire. Everything else was made to waste your time.

>made it up as he went along
And that is bad how?
But sure, you can have your own shitty opinion of what is good television and what isn't.

t. troll

You don't like Frasier?

Lynch was inspired by Kafka and Gogol. Particularly the Metamorphosis and the Nose.

Eraserhead is kind of feels like Kafka and Gogol but I don't think his other works are like that.

Too true. How one can watch the wire and then take another show seriously is beyond me.

Is that the guy that a lot of very weird stuff happens at a police station?

I exclusively watch The Twilight Zone and The Man Show now. I only watch about an hour a week of video media.

david literally has a picture of kafka in his gordon character's office

The placement of rooms in a warped perception of time and place, weirdness in people's behaviour and a sense of ungraspable powers at work are all present in Kafka and Lynch. Lynch is heavily inspired by the theater and movie mythos, Kafka uses devices that I can't imagine would work on screen. Ambiguity in image is what he uses, film would destroy that. They both used a medium that suited their vision. There are paralels but they are completely different at the same time.

Maybe Truman Capote?

there is no good television, it is the very pinnacle of anti intellectual consumerist media

Flann O'Brien. Amongst other places. The feel is very much TP, especially season 2.

DFW adored Lynch.

here's DFW review on Lost Highway

God I love her

> he hasn't seen the sopranos

embarrassing desu

back to Frankfurt, adorno

I would pay any amount of money to see her naked just once

sopranos is good only by standards of television, it is still leagues beneath cinema

you know she did a playboy shoot back in the 90s, right?



It's a completely different way of storytelling. You can hardly compare them.

television has been more cinematic and meaningful than anything hollywood churns out for years now

I masturbated to those pics in the 90s, ladies and gentlemen.

this. I like twin peaks but anyone who thinks they aren't serious about the melodrama needs to imdb mark frost or read that terrible twin peaks book he wrote recently.


by this point in time audrey didn't look the same anymore

>he fell for the pastiche
Oh my actual God. Read a book dude

Lynch made it up as he went avoid the plot being leaked you mongoloid. Lynch works in themes and ideas. Aside from basic plot points, the minute-to-minute interactions of characters are not critical

Laura didn't even initially have a killer

Lynch has disavowed the 2nd season

2nd Season is still crucial to the 3rd, and Frost's book is canonical in the sense that the plot threads line up, but Lynch was completely strung out by the studio for Season 2. Not surprising he's unhappy about it

Not defending twin peaks specifically but 'making shit up as you go along' does not = void of intellectual content. You can put minimal conscious intellectual thought into art and have it be jerked off to and 100% and have it be laughed at. You think Kafka sat around thinking of intellectual implications?

Yea read recently he is only "truly proud of" the pilot.

I feel like that's a bit of sour grapes from him, since each of his later works which were intended as Twin Peaks spinoffs were relegated to movies and such.

That said, Season 3 is pure unfiltered Lynch and it stands out so strongly. He obviously has a deep love of the series, even it became bastardized.

>missing the blatant jungian underpinnings

read more, pleb

Disgusting. Get your plebian tastes back out into the filthy streets where they belong.

>Lynch=Stephen King

>he hasn't watched Rectify


Spotted the pleb.

Come back in a few years when you've learned artistic analysis.

Yeah this is an insult to Lynch