Got groceries today and my son wantet to get some mussels

Got groceries today and my son wantet to get some mussels.
Does anybody have a kid-friendly (read not spicy, no alcohol) recipe that i could make with them so he actually likes eating them?

I usually use white wine, garlic or chilli whenever i made them, should i just make a basic tomato sauce this time? Any better ideas?

Serving with toasted baguette i suppose?

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Just make chicken nuggets for your kid, they aren't going to give a shit if you make anything special.

Come on man some white wine splashed in there isn't going to make him a drunk

He's rather adventurous when it comes to food. Two days ago he ate pic related whole. I was a bit surprised.

Also, he asked if he could try them, why should i deny him that?

Ofc not, but he doesn't like the taste. Not trying to put stuff on them i know he dislikes. I want him to enjoy the first time he tries mussles, it might determine if he ever eats them again or not.

Mussels in a reduced green curry is pretty damn tasty, and relatively mild as far as spice goes..

My father used to feed me a great variety of foods when I was a kid. I really appreciate it now and feel it helped me develop my palate. Then again we weren't muricans subsisting on tendies

a light coconutmilk broth is kinda a classic by now

Sounds delicious. Do you just use curry paste and dillute with water or add coconut milk?
Not sure if this is still too spicy, but might make a batch like that for myself.

Same for me. My parents always introduced new and unusual stuff to us and i'm really thankful for that now.

That sounds good, never actually had mussles with coconut. What's the best way to go about it?

You could try making spaghetti allo scoglio or maybe a mussel gratin so it loses a bit of the slimey texture

Paste, miso, cream, and some stock.. Chop in whatever herbs seem sensible to you.

Excellent idea! Thanks user. The mussle gratin looks really tasty. He might actually love that.
Any pro tips on how to make them or just cook them till they're open, top with stuff and put in oven?


Maybe i'll make different kinds of mussles. Can't decide between all the good ideas.

Np, user. I'm glad to see someone introducing their kid to decent foods.
this seems like a pretty sane recipe, it's the simplest thing really
cook them normally for 5 minutes or so or until they all open in a pot with some wine, oil and garlic then open them up and put in some of your breadcrumbs+parsley+oil+garlic then bake them for as little as it takes for the 'stuffing' to get golden
don't overstuff them, the lesser is usually the better with these things and don't overbake them
if you are at it you can also make pomodori gratinati or eggplant with the same exact stuff, it's one of the comfiest foods that my grandma and mother used to make me every week and that i could keep eating forever


you cook out the alcohol though which is really the shit part

Thanks for the rec. definitely will give it a try.

Good idea to make the tomatoes simultaneously.
Herb baguette, gratinated mussels and tomatoes. Can't wait for dinner.

I usually call them miesmuscheln, so i wrote that wrong. Big deal

He simply dislikes the taste. He'll get used to it with time, i'm sure. It's ok if he doesn't like it yet, he's only 6.

coconut milk, half the amount of broth,some limejuice,ginger and then all asian flavourings you like, fishsauce,garlic,springonion,brown sugar...just get it balanced, you cant really fuck up

Moule marinieres are ok for kids. Wine is boiled and alchool evaporate very quickly. Very easy to do.

Usually kids love them served with fries.

Moule marinee is frankly the best way to have mussles. Just use an alcohol reduced wine (tends to be sweeter as well), parsley instead of chili, and add cream to make it milder to the taste. Fries are a good side, maybe add a dip sauce for some spice - that way, you get yours and he can try it if he want to but can avoid it if it's too much.

Maybe a mussel omelette, steam the mussels and add to eggs mixed with a little oyster sauce, sesame oil, scallions etc.

curry paste, garlic, a bit of butter, coconut milk, peppers preferably chillis, and some escallions

My wifes son (4) wanted these one night.
I used white wine and he was okay. He’s 1/8 Cherokee though.

You should give him diluted red wine so by the time he's an adult he can drink responsibly

Rusty Shackleford?

sautee with shallots, garlic, shaved fennel. add white wine and cover to steam briefly, once open mount with cream and/or butter. season to taste

Melted Garlic butter with seasoning (Garlic, Paprika, Cayenne Pepper)
Pop the mussels on the grill
Have a bucket for the shells.

Good times all around.

my italian grandparents unironically did this. i visited once a year and got redwine with gazzosa wich is basically a less sweet sprite.

good times, i still drink it once a year out of pure nostalgia