I made a thread earlier. Truly a great loss. Jesus' Son is a masterpiece

Why couldn't it have been Rupi?


Jesus' Son was amazing, but Tree of Smoke and Angels were even better. I even enjoyed his plays and poems. The guy wasn't capable of writing anything but high tier shit.

Jesus' Son really isn't that great

Jesus' Son was probably the worst book I've ever read.

I've only read Angels and I really enjoyed it. Is Jesus' Son any good?

I liked it. And Train Dreams. I was kinda meh about Laughing Monsters

Dude was a great writer. Should've been Ishiguro

You can literally read Jesus' Son in like an hour- hour and a half. It's one of my favorite books, the writing is unique and phenomenal.

Angels is one of the best American debut novels ever.

Damn, I always thought this guy was relatively young for some reason.

I should marathon Train Dreams soon.

fucking love train dreams.

RIP in piece

Fuck, that's too bad. RIP

RIP dude.

denis johnson more like benis johnson


Shoulda been me

