In US on business (from Germany). they said I MUST try some of your bottled water before I leave...

in US on business (from Germany). they said I MUST try some of your bottled water before I leave... which brand is the best? pic related.

Or you might try some beer from the smaller breweries that have been blowing you the fuck out in international competitions for some years now. Stay mad and enjoy your new neighbors.

Well played... We've got good brands too tho. Coors original over light if you insist

Let me ask, why do you think having stronger beer is an accomplishment?

I drink Pabst and Rolling Rock lthiught they're not good. If you want to drink bad beer just to feel superior to burgers, get a 40oz. Otherwise stop memeing, go to an actual brewery and have a nice beer

None of them except maybe brownstone, find a local brewery instead.


>bottled water
>pic related has canned water
btfo retard

>american beer is all mass produced macrobreweries
fucking please. Go be absolutely obsessed somewhere else.

Given that the macrobrews outsell the artisinal stuff by a huge, huge, margin it does make sense to discuss macros in the context of general discussion.

The fact that some rare, virgin, brewsperg makes small batches of great beer is meaningless when 95% of the population is swilling Bud Light and Coors.

Steel Reserve

95% of the population don't even think it's good, they just drink the cheapest beer they can find

Get a 40 oz of Colt 45 for a true American drinking experience

Maybe for some, but a lot just have the drinking prefs of their parents and peers.

Coors Banquet

The most popular stuff aint the best stuff, just like music, movies, presidential candidates, etc

I mean none of those are very good but pbr is the least bad

I read that's the fastest growing macrobrew right now

Hipster shit taste detected. That stuff is absolute swill and they charge like it's a big boy beer company now.

I believe it. They use actual barley

Yuengling is okay but don't expect to be impressed with any American macro as a German.

I love Yuengling but you can't buy it in California

Why are Americans incapable of bantering without losing their shit?

this. put some hair on your chest

>mfw I only drink quadruple hopped decakron IPA made with habaneros and the ashes of Japanese children
fuck off to Germany with your shitty "beer" and your "reinheitsgebot" lmao

Rolling Rock is the best in that list.

>not OE

>virgin yurotrash playfully slaps American ass in the shower
>American bends him over the sink and gives his boipucci a stretch
>wahh y Amerigans so meen
It's because we're better than you.

stay gaymad, gaymad faggot.

Just don’t try the “”””craft”””” beer. Even our pilsners taste like ales because we have no taste buds and so we lid everything with hops.

I will concede you are better at stretching boipucci (your own and others') but any other superiority is pure fucking delusion. Must be drinking too much bud light, or maybe it is all the lead in your tap water.

Grow a pair all he said was that we have some great breweries and you got shittershattered

Fuck California
t. Pennsylvania

>all the lead in your tap water.
Oh please, you know perfectly well that we prefer to keep our lead in our citizens.

There's a time and a place for watery beer, and as a German you should know that because American watery beer is evolved from German pilsner. Your country is where watery beer comes from in the first place.

Get any type of alcohol you can now german man. One day you'll return to your home country from a trip and it will be banned under shariah.

That begin said, anything from oskar blues is widely available and bretty gud.

Tell us again about how only beer that comlys with the purity law is actual beer and keep deluding yourself that it was just a way to keep the Bavarian serfs under the boot longer and not revolting over bread prices.

>Germans and selective history

That's all river beer I don't know why anyone would bitch about it. It's treated the same as water.

And 95% of the population also subsists on corn syrup, cheese product, and textured vegetable protein. Why do you even read Veeky Forums if you're going to ignore the food that's actually interesting in favor of the stuff designed to be mass produced cheaply?

Sam Adams is probably the best "can get anywhere" American brand.

where in the us u at nigga

This. It is actually a really important question seeing how region actually matters.

>post making fun of American beer
>it includes the best cheap beer on earth

Yuengling is god tier kys

Is that the same International Competitions like the World Series?

I never cared for it. I'd just drink regular bud or tecate for cheap beer.

I like Miller and I am not ashamed to say so.

instead of being a prissy faggot obsessed with giant corporation/governments owning everything (lol Germany)

go find a nice local Brewer and buy heir beer, it will probably be delicious
you support local business, and get a good beer

unless the concept of locality is completely dead in you bootlicking german tards

I've never really been a beer snob. Though obviously there's actual piss water like red dog.

I keep away from any beers with wheat in them. They leave a nasty taste in my mouth after every swig.

>hurr durr amewican beer is water durrr
God you idiots never stop with this, what are you going to say the famous "American beer is like sex in a canoe, fucking close to water" then act like everyone hasn't heard it before

Fuck off hans

>Germans actually think their macro shit (e.g. Bitburger) is somehow not watery piss like American macros

if I had to choose between those beers I'd go with rolling rock

I'm an American.

Our beer is terrible overall, including the microbrews.

>drinking estrogen water
You should buy a good bottle of whisky instead

McChickens outsell all other types of sandwiches, chicken, and any type of food but we don't discuss McChickens in the context of general discuss-

My roommate is German and as such I will recamend his favorite American beers.
>Keystone Light
There's a few others but they are illegal to bring out of my state, so you won't find any.

Actually im just a red neck so its what i always drank

This is objectively incorrect, judging by US performance in international beer contests.

Not sure if you are trolling, but, maybe you aren't because I work with a bunch of Germans and when they come to visit they all order Coronas and really light beers.

>Our beer is terrible overall, including the microbrews.
This is false.

>Ten Fidy
>Old Chub
These are both great.

Ten Fidy I've literally seen a German spit out

Not sure how this could be interpreted as a troll, it's almost like people have different tastes or something...

And Corona is a Mexican beer. He loves New Glarus beers though, most likely because they follow the purity laws.

Not sure what country or region you live in but every store near me tends to have a huge selection of microbrews. And macrobrews aren't even that much cheaper anymore unless you buy them in 30 packs. A six pack of good shit will only cost about a dollar more.


This illustrates the power of advertising very very well. We study Corona in business school because they're a great example of how marketing is all-important. If you look at blind taste-tests of Mexican beers Corona is nearly always in last place (or close to it). However the power of their marketing has made it by far the largest brand in terms of sales numbers. None of the others are anywhere close.

So here you have a German--from the land of the "Beer Purity" law (Reinheitsgebot) who unironically prefers the worst Mexican beer. The irony is incredible.

I mean he didn't say the Corona was "great" or anything, I think he just liked it because it was light in the Florida heat. But yeah, absolutely, they really did an amazing job marketing that.

Branding is an essential part of any product, and that includes these micro-brews. Like the anons talking about Oskar Blues, I was just involved in the sale of the majority holdings of it to a private equity firm. That's no small comfy brewing company run by some friends anymore.


Fuck off German faggot. I drink so much good, strong beer, you'd get blackout drunk off my pisswater. Go back to your pathetic little American military base of a ""country""

our macrobrews are disgusting
our microbrews are delicious

germany is vice versa of course

Except we have god tier local breweries too.

You might have known that if you were able to see beyond the scope of your jew nose

Stay mad, burger

>our macrobrews are disgusting
They're not disgusting, just boring. Either way Germany makes almost nothing but the same copypasta lager so they don't have room to talk although I will concede they also make my favorite beer, so

Bitburger is the worst of the macro shits tho

Beck's probably the best of the macro beers, but still can't beat local

Might as well drink your own piss

And yours still get blown the fuck out by ours, kraut. First we kicked your asses in war, now we do it in beer.

We'd take your women too, but the niggers beat us to it.

What ever this beer is, OP.

Why assume that, even Bitburger imports in Australia cost like $10 a 6 pack, $7 cheaper than our generic regional beers.

It's literally cheap trash and I'm sure Goymans know that too.

Rick and Morty beer?

Oskar Blues
New Belgium

Go into a craft beer store or bar. Pick beer styles you like. Drink beer and be happy. Is it that hard?

This "70% of our label is overhopped IPAs" thing needs to stop, though. You don't need 4 IPAs. Maybe make a wee heavy or a sour for a change?

Of the mass produced big label American beers, Yuengling is probably my favorite.

Addendum: I'll take a Negra Modelo over Yuengling if available. I hate most Mexican lagers (Sol, Tecate, etc) as mostly pisswater, but original Negra Modelo is fucking great.

Yuengling is probably the only macrobrew worth touching.

Wew. Pretentious and cringeworthy label.

>negra modelo

It has a lot more flavor than the adjunct lagers because it's a Vienna Lager, originally brewed by Austrian brewers who were brought to Mexico during the reign of Maximillian.

I like that in europe, unlike evangelical/democrat usa, you can drink on public spaces.

I wonder how long this will last, considering the muslim invasion.

>that episode
why didn't they just wait for that little shit to go to sleep and bash his skull in

You wouldn't like any of them since none of them have paki semen in it.