Natural contraception/abortion methods

Hello, Veeky Forums

I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I need some natural methods (teas, herbs, recipes) for contraception or an really early abortion.

I've heard about rue tea and absinthe tea, but I wanted to know if there was any other known one. Instructions would be appreciated as well.

Maybe unrelated pic

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I think a shit ton of sage will do it. Or rosmary? Some really common herb. Or just do like my granny did and use the ol coat hanger.

Im not sure but it is sad u are doing that. I heard of some really young papaya's helped you bleed. Also boiling a beer and drink it without any meals in the morning...

>boiling a beer
Who the hell told you that?

Why natural? Surely there must be an OTC "plan B" pill available? Or do you happen to live somewhere where that isn't possible?

Heard it from a friend. Never tried it though

i would say go to /x/

trippaning works.

keep jumping from a third step on stairs.

There's a greentext from Veeky Forums about some guy who did it twice to two different girls using tea, I can't find the greentext so try asking Veeky Forums directrly.

Have her drink a coca cola upside down it will cause an abortion


Tea brewed from parsley can have a dose of vitamin c that is lethal to fetuses, and potentially the drinker if it's too strong.

Pennyroyal will kill the fuck out of that foetus, it's a classic method.

>large amounts of vitamin C

Expect to shit yourself. (I've never actually done this, just used it to induce a late period) I've also heard that large amounts of parsley can do it too.

My girlfriend took tons of cinnamon capsules and vitamin c and was able to force a miscarriage in a week

do the thing where ricky bobby is born and sit in the backseat, legs up while the driver stomps on brakes

>role playing as a woman who poisoned herself on a Tibetan beatboxing forum

this is some avant-garde shitposting

>Vitamin C

You know you just piss out the extra right? If you're unlucky you get diarrhoea.

I work in crime prevention, running an abortion clinic in a black area of town.

Don't do this unless you know exactly what your doing. Your more likely to have a handicapped child or late term problems, not to mention the threat of poisoning yourself. Just go to the Dr and please use protection in the future.

Pick one

Take 1(one) woman to top of flight of stairs and throw off.

>natural contraception/abortion methods

OP here.

Full story is: We always use protection and she's using her pills properly. I ran out of condoms once and we got a little wild. More than once. I didn't cum inside, though.

The pills for the month ended, but she didn't bleed. It's been 3 days, and she's with the symptoms, abnormally hungry, swollen belly, kind of nauseated... anyway. Could be her head, happened before like twice and it was nothing, she's really paranoid.

We're brazilian, so no legal abortions. We're really young, and absolutely CAN'T have a baby.

Just came back from a ghetto, one of those african religious stores with Rue (in my bag pocket and under my shirt, cause it wouldn't fit in my bag and since I live with my parents it would draw too much attention, looked like fucking Morrissey), rosemary, sage. We're gonna do the tea routine for 3 days and see if it works. Thanks.

send your energies, because
If we can't get an early miscarriage, we wouldn't do a real abortion, we wouldn't have the guts.

i don't wanna be a daddy.

Damn I'm really sorry to hear that. Hope everything works out for you.

Man up and take some responsibility faggot.

Doesn't seem like the coat hanger worked very well

>We're 19
>We don't have steady jobs
>Are in college
>Don't have all that privilege to just have a baby
>In Brazil
>conservative family
>already said that if the miscarriage doesn't work, would have the baby

Taking that baby would be literally giving up on our life to raise a baby who would grow up in a bad situation and end up killed or like a freaking sad person, like you, who uses anonymity to tell me to man up.

Man up, faggot.

>We're brazilian
Why am I not surprised?

hey op. drink a lot of alcohol. keep it up till it falls out or you're gonna have a retard baby.

>in Brazil
Your baby would grow up in a bad situation and end up killed or like a sad freaking person regardless.

i suggest you ask Veeky Forums instead, all you'll find here is ancient chinese snake oil bullshit

>here's a remedy my grandmother heard from her friend who lived in a mine shaft
>this herb will work, but only during a full moon
>i found this scroll that teaches of the magical abortion properties of meditation
>food grade asbestos works fine

You are gay. I mean Uruguay. Go there.
Or Guyana.

Have you thought have just having her take a pregnancy test? Surely those are available even in bum-fuck poor areas in Brazil, no?
If she pops positive then you can freak out and try questionable remedies, but if it shows negative you should just relax and be watchful
Best of luck huebro

my first wife was a retard baby
she's a pilot now

Pregnancy tests were made illegal in 1997 with the passing of the prohibition on witches and witchcraft (proibição de bruxas e bruxaria). Harry Potter has still yet to be released in Brasil.


I'm pretty sure you can get Misoprostol in Brazil. It might be labeled as a stomach ulcer medication or something, it has many uses. Look it up on Wikipedia.
Anything is better than fucking African voodoo magic.

No way this is real.

Lost it


I havn't tried this, only found this image

Buy hibiscus tea then instead of making tea of it mix it with yogurt or something and eat

Skullcap has traditionally been used to induce miscarriages IIRC. I may be wrong though. Ill get back to you, fucking normie scumbag.

Man, too bad they were about 400 years too late to the witchcraft party

Just scroll down until you reach the fun stuff.

get mifeprostone u idiota


>he doesnt know that its a guy asking how to end pregnancies without the woman knowing

this fucking thread

Good luck user; I was about to pounce on you, but this is a shitty situation, and even if you are a complete moran for fucking raw in a place without abortion, what's done is done and it's best not to bring a child into circumstances like yours.
This guy knows his shit.
Also, bitter melon/bitter melon capsules can induce abortion. They seem pretty effective; once I took a couple capsules for the health benefits and got my period like 2 weeks early.

>vitamin c, a shitton of it
>oding on it will force a girl to period
>purges womb of bbi
>only do on first month, if later causes misscarry and injury
Or at least that's what my asian tutor said

Good luck dude. Hope you can get to a point where you don't need to live in a place where you can't get a fucking abortion.

Abortion is murder.

Just don't be a whore.