Veeky Forums what did I do wrong?

Veeky Forums what did I do wrong?

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1) your oil/fryer looks dirty as fuck
2) you tried to deep-fry a sausage without and kind of coating or batter on it. Know why corn dogs are coated in batter? Because they fucking explode like that if they aren't.


I don't have oil at home right now. Is the oil from the fryer ok to use in the pan?

Define OK.
Will it make you sick? No.
Will it taste like ass? If it's from that dirty ass-fryer, yes.

What... Are you trying to fry your sausages or just cook them?

Well it's alright until it tastes like a clean ass.

Well I don't really know. They taste like shit raw so i'm trying to make them more edible. I Got a whole bag of them. They are dirt cheap. I bought like 10 of those thick fuckers for like 3 dollars.

So why not just pan cook them...

Pan fry or bake for 12 minutes at 375F bruv.

If you want to deep fry them, they need to be coated in something like batter or crumbs or whatever. If you want to pan fry them, you need oil. I think you can stick sausages in the oven by themselves, though. It's been awhile since I've cooked any. What does the packaging say about cooking methods?

Yeah just put them on a pan, halfway through flip them

You cut them open. Next time when deep frying tube steaks don't cut them, also if you fry them for too long they will also explode.

I don't know firend, you tell me. I told the lady i want 10 of those she gave me 10 of those and put it in this.
I'll do that next time, thanks.

Thanks for the advice I'll keep it in mind.

Sketchiest sausages ever. Where the fuck did you get them? Is there an old sausage peddler woman outside your house?

>You cut them open
If he didn't they'd fucking explode and splatter burning hot oil everywhere.

No. I'm a backwater American, I know what I'm about son.

Holy shit that fryer looks horrifying.
I'm sure the sausages will taste fine though. They may give you cancer, but they'll taste fine.

It's no that bad. It's because i keep it outside and dust is sticking to the oil really easily.

I'll try that tomorrow and we will see who's right.

My dude, if they're raw just boil to cook and sear on a pan

what the fuck

Oh thank god, that really makes it sound better.