Red Pilled Authors

Who were the most redpilled authors? Was it Pynchon?

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secretly Jane Austen

austen was more redpilled than most of the manosphere dweebs today

When will the English ever learn!??!??!?!??!

Whoa, that's a bold declaration.

Giovanni Papini. He liquidated the most important philosophers of modern times (Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Comte, Spencer and Nietzshe) in a 300 pages book. He was 25 or something. Philosophy irreversibly BTFO.

not in the same way that people are redpilled today in the sense of waking up from the blue pill. austen was just born into a different world and time like that, but she also embodied the sensibilities of that time in fiction. that's what i mean

she wasn't out there advocating for courtly love, or being a reactionary. she was just emblematic of a sensibility that backwards-looking nostalgia types admire

that's how i look at it anyways, she just embodied a different era of relationships between men and women, so she could be feminine without being a feminist

Pynchon is a crypto-cuck. Read his essay on the Watts riots or like any book he's ever written ever and it's obvious he's a social progressive with anarchist sympathies

>so she could be feminine without being a feminist
feminism hates femininity though

i agree, that's why i think austen is redpilled like that


yes to the nth power

>not Gaddis
>not Barthelme
>not Theroux
>not fucking Chaucer
>not the Greeks

There aren't many, if any. But I'm hoping that will change. If you're looking for the market of the future, look no further. I'm surprised nothing has come out in the last couple years.

GR does have a part where it asks something like, "why are always involved with subversive commie shit?" But Pynchon, like everyone who grew up in that 60s/70s cultural void, was too wrapped up in it to be able to see the force behind it.

I think that Katherine Burdekin simultaneously dropped the ultimate Bogpill on fascism and feminism with 'Swastika Night'. Von Hess and Alfred's discussion on the importance of feelings of superiority is more helpful for understanding the modern world than anything Orwell or Huxley ever wrote. Swastika Night should be taught in schools.

>" But Pynchon, like everyone who grew up in that 60s/70s cultural void, was too wrapped up in it to be able to see the force behind it.

You really don't get Pynchon. More than anyone he understands.

But I'm sure this is just a shitty attempt at a psyop to get me to spell out what the Golden Fang is. Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.

I'll nominate Don "9/11 was my idea" Delillo.

And we have to assume redpill in its original The Matrix definition, because /pol/ has shown itself, time and time again, to be highly retarded and wrong.

What do you think the Golden Fang is? Isn't it just an allusion to nefarious forces like the CIA, multinationals, etc. that attempt to "stop" the whole free love thing?

>that attempt to "stop" the whole free love thing?

Still with this idea that Pynchon is a hippy...I bet you don't even get Thurn & Taxis.

Lol, you seem to be projecting. My statement has nothing to do with what I think about Pynchon. I can write a novel about Hong Kong and the Old Money families trying to cling to financial and political power in the years following the handover. That doesn't make me all of a sudden a part of that group or even particularly sympathetic to their cause.

What the novel is about is what the novel is about. I simply ask what you think the Golden Fang as an organization alludes to. It still occupies a role in the story of America "shifting"

> But Pynchon, like everyone who grew up in that 60s/70s cultural void, was too wrapped up in it to be able to see the force behind it.
> My statement has nothing to do with what I think about Pynchon.

That wasn't me my dude.



the Greeks.

She looks like Steve Bannon

how the fuck do you become as good a writer as pynchon? i mean seriously how does that happen? how do you write V. by age 24? nobody writes like him, his work feels wholly original.

i've read everything he's ever written. he's not so technically impressive in the beginning but he's always got the ideas, tuned in to some certain channel. like he's been a master since day 1

>thread about red pilled authors
>no mention of Hitler

More Jewish trickery.

question for randfags: what would AR have thought of bannon/trump?

pic not related, just interesting

not a Randfag, but Bannon advocates capitalism with a Judeo-Christian moral center so he probably detests Rand.

Rand would have detested Trump. He is a leech. Total opposite of Galt.

Whoever stitched up the book where kikes got called out first time and crucified a peaceful boy.

there are two kinds of capitalists in atlas shrugged. i think casino owners would fall into the antagonist category.

advocating capitalism with a judaeo-christian moral centre seems like it would be a hard juggling act

doesn't he also identify as a leninist? i feel very confused trying to put these ideas in order. rand is at least coherent

what the fuck does this man actually want

He says he is X and defines X.
You are on a literature board.
How do you not grasp this

post this on pol

as far as the current political system works, Bannon is a Leninist. He wants to remove the system that allows political technocrats and corporate lobbyists to leech off of the Beltway for decades.That's where Trump's whole "Drain the Swamp" anti-globalist rhetoric comes from.

Michel Houellebecq but not because, "meh muslims" but his writing emphasizes how the sexual revolution of the 60's has made life meaningless for most monogamous Cis gendered males. He hits depression right on the mark and its so real and unpretentious it's terrifying. Makes you worry for him.

Only way to stop leeching the beltway is to make the government smaller so you have by definition less chances to do so

has he done any of that?

why does breitbart look like geocities?

>That's where Trump's whole "Drain the Swamp" anti-globalist rhetoric comes from.

it comes from up trumps ass

con-man of the century or just americans being dumb and gullible?

>has he done any of that?

nope. In case you haven't noticed the neocons and political elite totally coopted Trump's presidency about a month in

>why does breitbart look like geocities?

no idea, I don't read it

I'm not a Trump supporter, but he had a legitimate platform for a very short period of time. This has been completely discarded and Trump supporters should hold him more accountable instead of turning everything into an 8D chess cult of personality cockgobbling session

>the only accurate response

Pynchon may be redpilled on capitalism, the nature of politcal power and money. But I bet he's a typical left liberal cuck when it comes to Islam and race.

>But I bet he's a typical left liberal cuck when it comes to Islam and race.


it doesn't help your cause when you flat out admit to superficial reading and the inability to consider ideas neutrally

nigger islamic mysticism is some of the most god fearing redpilled shit there is, don't be fucking ignorant

>evasive bullshit
give an example the isn't an islamophilic libshit or STFU

But Pynchon and is, and obviously so, a cuck on race. What's your interest in trying to signal that he's not?

Why do you even assume that? Why does that even bother you so much? You can't read a novel unless in the back of your head you know this guy hates Islam? It mean, people said he was a practicing Catholic for a while and that even Against the Day is staunchly pro-Catholic.

Hitler and many other Nazis were Islamophilic. So how do you fit your ideology into that? Retard.

What does "being a cuck on race" mean? It means making infographs with MS paint?

>Why do you even assume that?
I was pointing out that P too suffers from the typical left bigotry when it comes to race and religion-.
>Hitler and many other Nazis were Islamophilic.
That's the dumbest assertion I ever read. Hitler saw in Islam at best a tactical ally against we all know who. He sure as hell wouldn't let millions of muslims and other 3rd world mongrels colonize germany like today.

Only red pill you need for philosophy is that Christianity and Atheism are faiths too weak to deal with actual believers such as Islam.

Pynchon's Watts article is a prime example, as is some of the race-mixing stuff in GR.
Your confusions will be hard to froth out if you're unironically dropping terms like the above.

>not islamophobic
Scratch the last part

nah christianity can handle it it's progressivism that's too weak, b/c progressives can only diversify to the point of incoherence

> moving the goalposts this hard

Now you're critiquing immigration and not Islam.

You're a retard and you can't even state the vague bullshit you mean, because deep down, you're exactly like a tumblr left liberal idiot. You act on emotions and not rational arguments. You see something and in your head you go "Yay, whites!" or "Boo, shitskins!" in the same way a feminist landwhale in her head goes "Yay, equality" or "Boo, inequality" and neither can give a rational formulation for their arguments that isn't totally contradictory. You have the mind of a 12 year old girl.

> Islamophilic

That's your word, not mine, retard. In case you forgot.

Do you mean Christianity as whole? I don't think so. Only in very strong and traditional countries like Poland maybe.. these people just believe harder and will harder.

How do you respond to it in a world where *our faith* (in Europe, Christianity) is so heavily downsized and pushed away from average persons life vs. what Islam is to Arabs/Muslims.

Make Christianity Great Again?

I'm going to guess you just discovered the alt-lite (that's Lite) a few months ago, which is why you're playing the"muh white identity politics" card. It's you who is behind, buddy. Start reading up on that JQ.

>You have the mind of a 12 year old girl.
Are you projecting again ? Trying to hide your intellectual incapacity behind semi-rational pseudo arguments ?
>Now you're critiquing immigration and not Islam.
Because islam is being forcefully immigrated into the west by treacherous libshits,. Otherwise I wouldn't give a damn how the goatfuckers treat their donkeys and women you braindead cuck.

Speak english.

What does being a cuck on race and Islam literally entail? Just your vague emotions?

So you think Pynchon likes immigration? But yet you admit he knows about politics, money and power...

In Pynchon's case it entails not advancing the interests of your own race and writing articles about muh poor, helpless blacks instead of acknowledging their dysfunction and criminality. Is this really that hard for you to understand or are you mired in the "Pynchon can't do anything wrong and must be defended at all costs" stage? Btw, I've already stated that I accept this about him because literally all boomer aged white people think this way as a result of jewish cultural indoctrination.

>articles about muh poor, helpless blacks instead of acknowledging their dysfunction and criminality
that's a Very Bad Read of his watts article user

also, if you're such an expert on pynchon you of all people should be aware that there is a way of looking at things from multiple angles

more like, make christianity smart again

it's not always a question of pure conviction, it's a question of intelligence also. academia/universities are a part of this because humanities departments are overrun with marxoids

comparative religion is where it's at way more than philosophy or literature imho. if i wanted to "Save the West" that's how i'd do it. a good heavy dose of Guenon/traditionalist types. what peterson is doing now except without lamenting so much about postmodern/cultural marxism

teach the unity of religions so that one-sided fuckwits don't always get their way. this includes fanatics of all stripes

> helpless blacks instead of acknowledging their dysfunction and criminality.

Oh, I see, to be redpilled on race means race is material.

Since race is material and not social, cultural, spiritual and linguistic...what's the gene that whites possess that makes them will their own annihilation, worse, to work hard to pay out of their own pocket for their own annihilation?

What's the gene that Jews possess that makes them not ever kill themselves?

If you think race is material you have to admit that whites are not superior. This is why your ideology is retarded.

Swallow that red pill.

Smart in what way? Islam isn't strong because it's smart.

It's a cucky article, I don't know why you're trying to argue otherwise. It's okay for your idols to not be perfect.

it's also going to spawning right-wing/ethnat movements across europe and the US because it's intelligent either. the issue isn't the faith itself, it's the dogmatic tendencies of crude & fearful believers and opportunists

if it were me, i would be showing people how awesome, how symbolically rich christianity is, but avoiding the trap of saying, therefore, christianity is the best. i'd be going the traditionalist route and showing how much all of these religions have in common. my feeling would be that the only way to deal with some kinds of people is to educate them - preferably by illuminating them, but if necessary with a kind of gentle mockery for having such insanely narrow and one-sided views

great wisdom traditions have a lot in common with each other. consider pic related for instance, i never imagined in my life i would pick up a book that included the words gender studies on the cover but this book is awesome and really has nothing to do with butler-style gender stuff at all, it's much more about epistemology and symbolism, really cool

anyways that would be my approach, to show how symbolically rich and expansive christianity is, and also the ways in which various forms of mysticism play off and interact with each other. i would be super-against all things deconstructive and way more into rewarding good students who find interesting non-reductive/non-cynical/non-fuckface connections between things

maybe in my next life tho. w/evs. fun to think about

Not sure what you're trying to say here, but it seems it's you who is not fully redpilled. Whites evolved in harsh environments that were frozen over half the year, which was why it was obligatory to be able to trust your neighbors since you had to rely on and help each other. This engendered a high sense of social trust, but that trust has been coopted by jews who use it against us and morally browbeat us for not accepting poor refugees. Most whites go along with it because they've been told it's the moral thing to do. What we're seeing is a clash between thousands of years of positive evolutionary response and an unhealthy modern environment.

where do i start with christianity

With the Greeks.

kek. peterson lectures obv

honestly user i don't really have a good answer for you, i'm not like a super-christian or anything but Veeky Forums is a catholic board, you can ask around

there's a good thread/reading group going on right now over here
also rene girard is based af, you could read him

The difference between traditionalism/Peterson is that it's an ideology with an actual foundation. It's not just a contradictory mess of emotions where niggers are inherently inferior at one moment and then, well, Thomas Sowell is great.

The /pol/ redpill ideology is all kinds of retarded.

But you're saying that it's a cultural thing now. Because of certain conditions """whites""" developed social customs. Now these customs are no good, according to you. Fine, but now you're practically agreeing with Pynchon that race is cultural and not material, so there are certain conditions which make blacks act in ways you don't like.

The problem is that you hate blacks and can't deal with anyone making apologies for them, even if they are rational and correct. Literally just your fucking emotions getting triggered. Just like SJWs.

this is a good answer

Sinclair Fat is blackpilled af

agreed, /pol/ redpill is kind of a mess. the bannon stuff confirmed it for me, i don't understand religious/economic nationalism with a side of leninism too, that's just too all over the place for me

for me at least peterson got me interested in religion, which got me into reading traditionalism. so in a way i think a kind of intellectual culture now is the best way to go about things rather than the /pol/ route of anger & paranoia

anger & paranoia is fun too but if i want to fuck up some people from another tribe i'll just play Total War or Master of Orion instead. politics is just the wrong place for aesthetic visionary fun perhaps

>Whites evolved in harsh environments that were frozen
This also required a good amount of planning ahead in terms of rations and building weather proof housing. These precautions were not required to the same degree in moderate regions where winter never got under 10C or so.
The Aborigines on the other hand developed a spatial oriention skill not to be found in any other races, in order to orient themselves in the vast outback deserts without running in circles and die of thirst or starvation.
That's what race is : a logical consequence of selection. If you believe Darwin, you can't deny race

Which book? Is it in English?

Check out Macintyre's After Virtue and Whose Justice? Which Rationality?

Macintyre developed the most succint critique of what we could call SJWs, based on pop culture's misguided absorption of both Kant and Nietzsche (yes, it's contradictory, that's the point...we want to have universal ethical laws but we still think that there's no real authority outside our desires). Basically we end up with a culture which cannot actually communicate/discuss its problems and goals. All moral arguments become "emotivist" in the sense that the argument "X is good" only masks "[the sound of X] sure makes me feel good right here and now." We have no rational foundation for our moral arguments that aren't contradictory. We simply endorse or condemn things because they make us feel good or bad.

The reality is that this applies to SJWs as much as it does to /pol/tards.

Btw Macintyre went full Thomist Catholic after this.

And, yes, Girard is great. Top tier Christian apologetics.

Hopefully one day you'll face the fact that you just aren't very bright. Thousands of years of environmental factors affect genes as well as culture, obviously. Blacks evolved in environments where food was available year round, which also affected their culture ... as well as their biology.

So I shouldn't read Basic Economics then? k thanks


Lol, what does that have to do with this conversation? Do you think people will think you're intelligent if you use the word 'economics'?

>Macintyre went full Thomist Catholic after this.

i can see why, more and more it seems that religion is the logical next step if you don't want to go completely insane or just into the darkest places imaginable dwelling on some of this stuff - see brassier, land, negarestani, etc. it's too dark for me

esp for pagan gypsy dilettante scum like me who are to self-contented to go to church, ah well

>Basically we end up with a culture which cannot actually communicate/discuss its problems and goals. All moral arguments become "emotivist" in the sense that the argument "X is good" only masks "[the sound of X] sure makes me feel good right here and now." We have no rational foundation for our moral arguments that aren't contradictory. We simply endorse or condemn things because they make us feel good or bad

this is it. homo economics becomes homo narcissus/aestheticus and we lose all culture of civilized restraint necessary for discourse and philosophical conversation

i swear i'd be losing my shit right now if it wasn't for Veeky Forums, it's literally the only place i can learn about stuff like this

Is Thomas Sowell smart or not? If he's smart, why?

Veeky Forums is alright, but it's not strong enough

what do you want more of

Less idiot /pol/ tards who simultaneously think all blacks are inferior due to genes and then shill Thomas Sowell's and his Basic Economics

They don't make sense and they shit up threads thinking they're doing the world a favour by being edgy when really they're just sheep getting bounced around like ping pong.

>believing fairy tales is so much comfier than facing an indifferent mechanstic universe where humans are just insects
head in the sand

You should read the Bell Curve. The issue is that while a small percentage of blacks (perhaps 10% generously speaking) are capable of relatively high achievements in white societies, a very large chunk (probably over 50%) are dysfunctional and cannot function on their own in those same societies. Thomas Sowell is not an overwhelming intellectual by any means, but that's not the point. The point is that Africans do not belong in white societies and whites who try to pick out of that top 10% and say "Hey! See? They're just like us," are actually making the situation for blacks even worse, since the 10% who aren't dysfunctional are abandoning their shitty communities so they can publicly present as whites and receive benefits from whites. None of this anti racist posturing helps anyone.


i like fairy tales

tried the indifferent mechanistic universe where humans were just insects, didn't like it & didn't see the point. was mainly just an excuse to act like a cynical asshole and i knew it so i stopped

four noble truths are better. bhagavad gita is better. taoism is better. stoicism is better. christianity is better. lots of things are better. different strokes tho i guess. can't avoid suffering so might as well make it meaningful

Nevermind. I could never go back (if I have ever been there). even if i wanted to. But in a way I envy you. On the other hand, nihilism can be liberating in a very dark way.


kek my life is a hopeless disasterpiece but fuck it i'll take it anyways

nihilism is liberating no doubt but it was just time for me to put the brakes on and at least try and do something positive with it, idk what tho. just felt like i had gotten my value-for-money from the tour of the abyss is all & partly that it was actively looking for the most horrendous possible view of humanity that may have had some part in my own situation being so shitty. i could at least have pet a few more cats or smelled some flowers along the way or something i suppose

i wasn't raised religious tho so a lot of this stuff is new to me also