Want to read

>want to read
>can't concentrate
>go on phone to shitpost
>end up playing video games

Other urls found in this thread:


>want to read
>can't concentrate
>go on /lit just for a minute
>an hour has passed

>Want to read about Medieval Europe
>Can't because I have to study for the bar
>Forget about Medieval Europe
>Start studying for the bar
>Start going through phone
>See hot pictures of girlfriend
>Go downstairs to eat

>want to play videogames
>realize video games are shit
>end up reading

>have to read 10 pages and write 250 words on them
>take 2 hours to get through the 10 pages (in between breaks)
>write nothing
>take a nap for 1.5 hours
>waste another 5 hours doing I'm not even sure what


This so much.

>not even sure if I want to read
>project the intention to read
>pick up a book
>struggle to remember where I left off and what the content of the chapter was
>find my place, begin reading
>30 seconds later get the urge to watch something on youtube
>set the book aside
>do something else for the next 3 days
>it is absorbed into the general disorganization of my unkempt room

how do I regain my ability to concentrate

you just prefer the idea of being a reader than actually reading; it's not an issue of concentration, but an issue of honesty

This is true, I'm a Pseud who reads Wikipedia pages and namedrops postmodern french authors to assure dominance in social procedure and water cooler talk

>Two exams due in two hours
>Want to study, but have been procrastinating for the last 5 hours
>Well, I'm here, boys


>it's not an issue of concentration

no, my brain has been wracked by decades of porn, internet and drug use

oh yes it's never your fault is it. You're just a poor tortured reader

well i am poor, and the things i've seen from my many years on the internet have tortured, even scarred me

all i'm saying is the attention span of a suburbanite will not be as fresh as that of a kazakstani sheep herder

all I'm saying is boo-hoo, read a book if you enjoy reading it, if you don't then find another book

stop making excuses for your failure to fit your faulty schema of ideal self

>want to read
>get stoned and jack off to erotica

>want to read
>refresh Veeky Forums
>want to read
>refresh Veeky Forums
>want to read
>refresh Veeky Forums
>want to read
>refresh Veeky Forums
>want to read
>refresh Veeky Forums
>want to read
>refresh Veeky Forums
>want to read
>refresh Veeky Forums
>want to read
>refresh Veeky Forums
>want to read
>refresh Veeky Forums

>want to read

No you don't you want to browse Veeky Forums

had a warm laugh of recognition
but seriously though, we might be doomed to misery

>Sometimes spend all day reading
>Sometimes spend all day playing vidya
>Sometimes spend all day jacking off, shitposting or watching cable news or some other shit
>can't manage to maintain a healthy balance

had the same issue till recently just set a small goal of pages to read a day then keep increasing this as you go you will enjoy it much more than vidya after a while

>want to read
>open the book and start reading the words
>turn the page when i've read all the words
>after finishing a few chapters put the book away for the day

>want to read

>want to read
>buy book