Serious question:

Serious question:

Is this a tacit admission of DFW's pedophilia?
>the "entertainment" is CP
>uses the word "ephebe" casually like a pervert
>"I have become an infantophile" apropos of nothing in the initial ambulance scene
I am only on page 190 does he come right out and say it later? This is a tedious read.

Also maybe this explains his suicide.

You're dumb

Go back to your anime and 'vidya'

Wow care to refute any of my points? Even your disagreement could help illuminate my question.

David Foster Wallace was probably a pedophile, yes. It was more accepted before the 90s. Before Law and Order SVU, really. It was like a picadillo.

>David Foster Wallace was probably a pedophile
nice, that adds character to be honest

I think you might be telling a partial truth. But I know for certain that an "Industrial" (think Throbbing Gristle) type artist was imprisoned for printing cp in a zine back in the 80s I think.

That's pretty much why I'm trying to read into the text that way. Death of the author is meaningless to me. But really that line about being an infantophile is it ever rehashed?

>David Foster Wallace was probably a pedophile
Any other source than IJ?

Peter Sotos? That was in 84 or 85.

Exactly who I was thinking of. Anyway, that would be around DFW's era.

His biography apparent details some sexual sordidness. Pedophilia is something that I imagine many people take to their graves.

Maybe we will never know.

I just really am vexed by that one line. It is the only reason I'm still reading IJ.

There is pedophilia in the book, but I'm not sure that makes DFW a pedophile.

These threads are so picayune

It doesn't make him one, I don't want to suggest that; but the way that it comes up in the book is so illusory--it seems to be repressed somehow within the text.

Your post is doggerel.

I don't think pedophilia was ever accepted.

read a book about any civilization before 1215 ad

He says infantophile because he can't talk not because he wants to fuck babies.

Uranians and Homintern in late 19th century

>>the "entertainment" is CP
Kys faggot. Read the whole book before making retarded thresds on lit.

No, in his essay on the Illinois state fair he mentions how grossed out he was in the baton competition as the teams were so young and so scantily dressed. Then again, take that as you will, I'm sure if you want to believe something you can spin that to mean he was more than wasn't.

this is some spicy shitposting

Anything autobiographical that might shed light on this?

The OP is gonna shit a brick when/if he actually gets around to reading Gravity's Rainbow

Very odd word choice at the very least a double entendres might be inferred
Yeah I really wasn't basing that on anything
Well I don't think it is so far fetched that someone with ambiguities in that detail might express it as being uncomfortable around (perceived) sexualized children. Nothing really he is a mysterious figure I am just going on a hunch from the book so far (which I've decided is good regardless of whether it sheds light on DFW or not)

What happened in 1215 ad?

Really being grossed out by something is symptomatic of a repressed desire.

im reading the pale king and my honest opinion is that every male character with a substantial amount of dialogue is a self-insert and Dave is just preaching at me.

So yes, it probably is (haven't read IJ). My honest opinion is that Dave was a smart but utterly self-absorbed guy who was good with language and able to write interesting, enjoyable books but not great literature. I can see why so many enjoy him (I'm enjoying the pale king) but I also understand the Bloom quote. Dave's not even pretending to write a book, he's writing a diary disguised as metafiction which is why he's so adamant about the pale king not being a "metafictional titty-pincher" in the author's foreword. It's like my twisted world or richard mcbeef (only much better stylistically): an ostensible work of art that operates more as a glimpse into the mind of a deranged individual.

I unironically think that if Dave had stopped thinking about himself for two seconds and become a white nationalist or something (he killed himself right as NRx took off) he would have been okay. Based on his political ramblings in tpk i dont think he was that far off of it.

Muslims do it to this very day

He was just privileged but not enough to feel really better than anyone. He also detests the physical and anytime that he illustrates anything physical it is either grotesque body horror or autistic pseudo abstraction

youtube "buyers market"

This seems to be like what Gummo was stolen from. I grew up with satanism and sexual abuse and...what is the word for a feeling like nostalgia confused with the detachment of banality?

>and become a white nationalist or something (he killed himself right as NRx took off) he would have been okay. Based on his political ramblings in tpk i dont think he was that far off of it.
Why do you say that? Haven't read the pale king.

he basically has proto-/pol/lack political opinions but still thinks racism is bad and womens liberation is good despite making some very racially aware comments and writing off a woman's lesbian-stint as a bout of mental illness. some cuck is going to get really mad at me but its true. He was an embryonic neoreactionary but was too afraid to throw himself over the edge probably because he was worried (at least subconsciously) about his self image (and money and pussy). He was plainly trying to reject meaningless hedonism (100 page chapter about being a drug-abusing nihlist "wastoid" but then realizing his dad was right all along).

He can't stop thinking about himself (the same 100 page inteospective chapter is a semi-self-aware monologue), and when you read the chapter about people creating their own mental problems by thinking about themselves too much its pretty obvious that thats what was happening to him. the pale king reads like dave trying to talk himself into living a certain way, but he couldnt do it because he had no one to do it for but himself (who he loved yet loathed).

If he could have directed his energy towards preserving the white race or something instead of obsessing over his own mental state I think he might have found a sense of belonging, and a meaning outside of himself to live for.

If he were still alive I think he would be in serious turmoil because being a Reaganite-conservative isn't exactly a tenable political position atm. I think he'd have been a berniebro because it was 'hip' and then once he lost the dem primary he probably would have killed himself again because he'd have hated Clinton but would have been terrified of pissing off the sjw crowd and going full 14/88. some kind of internal

>If he could have directed his energy towards preserving the white race or something instead of obsessing over his own mental state I think he might have found a sense of belonging, and a meaning outside of himself to live for.

Bad readers like u read a book not unlike the way they look into a mirror.

Pizzagate isn't "new" or a "conspiracy". Everyone has always known about it.

OK, so sincerely, without joking, you are really fucking dense lmao my dude.

The entertainment is not CP... it includes Joelle naked (she's the most beautiful person in the world, remember), looking at the viewer and saying she is so, so sorry. The lens of the film is altered to approximate what the world looks like to a newborn baby. This is mixed with DFW's psychocosmology he makes that's obsessed with the Magna Mater (great mother) Jungian archetype, the mother who devours you whole (psychologically speaking), who kills you in one life and gives birth to you in the next, like Avril's black-hole personality, like the Oedipus complex/Hamlet and Gertrude, Hal having a Coatlicue complex (Coatlicue = Native American devouring mother goddess who represents the fertility of earth and also its destructiveness, portrayed as having many snakes wrapped around her, gave birth to many of the gods).

"ephebe" ... OK, this is just because you're a wussy and a bit afraid of any language that's strange, overly physical, etc. A lot of artists are "creepy" in this sense, overly real and about somewhat oversexual details. For instance, I remember an exchange on here I particularly liked where someone criticized Joyce writing about "the scrotumtightening sea" because it made them feel awkward, then some other person BTFO'd them, basically calling them a pussy and afraid of anything concerning the body or sexuality.

Moreover, you're misinterpreting it too, because ephebe also historically means:
>(in ancient Greece) a youth about to enter full citizenship, esp one undergoing military training

Which clearly relates to the kids training at ETA.

Third, "I have become an infantophile"; Hal knows Latin; he memorizes which words are Latinate and which Germanic in etymology; he notes that the sign "EXIT" would read "He leaves" to a native speaker in Latin. This is all in that first chapter there, for a reason.

Infant in Latin means "mute", "unable to speak", "speechless". Hal has become, not a lover of infants, but a lover of being mute. Also a lot of the book deals, from a range of subtlety to really obvious ("getting in touch with your inner infant" at the end), with the theme of infantilization, associated also with themes in the book of catatonia, stasis, paralysis, inability to communicate, and even (yes I must get Freudian here) castration

But while the infant for much of culture is something despicable, worthless, annoying, puling, weak, DFW on the other seems to glorify it. Hal, in becoming infantile (watching Infinite Jest the movie reverted him to it?) has been redeemed. Like Mario, also something of a grotesque helpless infant. DFW associates infanthood with greater sincerity, greater love, a greater naivete, a paradoxical strength in weakness in true Christian fashion. "Verily, you must become children again to enter the kingdom of Heaven."

However, you're right, maybe he was just a pedophile after all

Where did you get the idea the entertainment is child porno? btw people who use the abbreviation "cp" are automatically creepy af - like you're apparently familiar with the scene to be using its acronyms . . back to the main point I never picked up that vibe in the least - the nearest comparison I could make was that the entertainment was something like the katy perry california girls video with some extra hypnotic effects. the p.g.o.a.t. was not even a minor, nor was it ever implied that she was featured pornographically in the entertainment. been a few years since i read this, so someone do correct me with citations if i've overlooked details.

He did admit to banging an underage girl as noted in his biography.

This is literally Projection: The Post

you wish
not everyone is ridiculously insecure

You know, the book has a child rape scene or two. He probably was.