What nearly tasteless vegetables can i eat with decent health benefits

what nearly tasteless vegetables can i eat with decent health benefits

there arent any vegetables that i like that ive tried and i doubt that will change. i can tolerate celery because it is tasteless but it doesnt really give you much unless you eat a lot of it

i like grapes and cherries for my fruits and can tolerate apples but i need a veggie or two

im trying to go on a very low calorie diet and want to stick with very nutrient-dense foods

i have to be very very picky about food taste because i have an over active gag reflex, i literally cant swallow foods that my taste buds disagree with

tasteless things are fine


celery is tasteless ?

consider not being a bitch

i dont know how it tastes to you, as you can tell my taste buds might be fucked up

but they register as the same taste as water to me. like munching on an ice cube, but drier

Have you tried baby food?


I believe your tastebuds work like most other things about you, if you subject yourself to stronger things they will dull out.
Just stop with taste enhancers and regular stuff will start tasting good again . ..

dubs also try blowing your nose it might be clogged

stop being such a god damn faggot you faggot, there are not testless things except water.

so either deal with it or literally kill yourself

What a marvel of pleb tier nonsense

First of all stop eating salt and im talking for numerous weeks, this will bring back the tastebuds

Second of all show willpower enough to carry yourself as an adult

Finally grow into some balance of simple basic foods and sufficient excercise, as for going hungry expect that to be where acting as an adult is important.
As for cravings mostly sugar, alcohol, cooked meats that is where willpower is important.

Tasting food after not having salt for weeks will make things taste extra sweet and super extra salty particularly if eating out or eating packaged foods, all these shit meals are loaded with salt, fat, sugar depending on combination instead stick to home cooked meals for several months till you find things little by little

>t. fat underaged
Literally go an entire day without eating any food and then eat some vegetables. Raw brocolli and ranch maybe. Carrots?

The hungrier you are the more things you're willing to eat. And do that a few times and you'll develop a taste for whatever it is.

Until college I used to not eat eggs, broccoli, deli sandwiches, but being hungry and poor allowed me to expand my palate

OP you might have ARFID, you need a psychologist

zucchini, pumpkins, and potatoes come to mind. You need to use good combination of spices, cooking them in meat or chicken broth is also a good idea.

The thing about vegetables is that they taste far better raw and also have more nutrients in them when you eat them that way. Chill them, slice them up, drizzle oil and vinegar (or your favorite dressing) over them, and chow down. So good.

For whatever reason, cooking veggies gives them the taste and texture of vomit. When raw, they're crunchy and mildly sweet.

Kohlrabi tastes like crunchy water

roasted broccoli or cauliflower

there is an in-between option between raw and "texture of vomit"

Roasted spaghetti squash

>Decent nutrient-density
>Versatile (soup, stir fry, salad, rolls, ect)
>Available year-round in most places

>fry some bacon
>remove bacon when cooked
>cut up a head of cabbage
>toss the cabbage in a bit of lemon juice or balsamic vinegar (to keep it crisp and good-colored while cooking)
>saute it in the bacon fat
>season with the bacon, salt, pepper, and maybe other seasonings of choice
Shit it real good if you let it fry until some of the little cabbage bit get crispy. It doesnt have the bitterness that turns many people off to veggies. I usually go with a ratio of 5 bacon strips/half a head of cabbage. It soaks up the bacon flavor really well and can make a good dinner side or single meal.

Lentils (can't even taste them when mixed with the right amount of rice)

They are the most mild veg I can think of right now. What flavours/textures do you enjoy specifically op?

Spinach is pretty good. I put it on pretty much everything.

Non-meme answer:
fresh green beans might be great for you
you can cook them a variety of ways as well, but I find raw is fucking great as a mindless snack.

Bok choy

This. Put them on a sammy and pretend they are lettuce

I need to do a detox.

Op is obviously extremely autistic.