What's the orange liquid cheese of your country

What's the orange liquid cheese of your country

Orange liquid cheese

I havent oozed orange liquid in a woman's hands in a very very long time

Finally came out of the closet, then? Good for you.


Now melts!

avocado because people are just putting it on everything like retards


Cheap guilty pleasure that gets tossed on everything?

In Canada it's gravy
In America it's... orange liquid cheese
In the UK it's garlic sauce
In the EU it's Curry
In Africa it's rape
In China it's Soy Sauce
In Korea it's Kim Chi
In Japan it's Mayonaise

>In the UK it's garlic sauce
This is simply not true.

munchies box friendo

plus I wanted to differentiate you from the EU otherwise it would've just been Curry

Munchies boxes are Scottish not really a thing anywhere else in the uk.
Ketchup is still king in Great Britain unfortunately.

The UK is an EU member state, user.

>in EU it´s curry
utter bullshit. german here and if anything i put hotsauce on everything.

I use HP or Colemans mustard on everything.

It's sourcream in Serbia

You should probably go to a doctor. It's probably black by now.

Yo cunts are obsessed with American cuisine

>American cuisine
Good one, user.

fuck off Hassan


Cuisine doesn't mean "good food", moron
