How to be a great philosopher

So basically every great thinker has worked out one infinitely interesting and virtually irrefutable answer to the question, What's the meaning of life. Ordinary people understand their answers to that question better than they understand their own.

Is that basically it?

Not the worst way I've heard it put.

to be a great philosopher is to answer the question on your own, not based on someone else. that's how you write a great book, and not just another commentary

Nice reading comprehension

This is a good thread

I don't know too much but maybe it's because ordinary people usually develop simple answers and don't bother building a system that is subject to criticism and needs proof in some way.

Also what tells you that ordinary people understand their answers better than philosophers?

Another answer to that ultimately means nothing. What's interesting is their takes on social and everyday matters

Nice reading comprehension

he's saying ordinary people don't understanding their own answers very well

basically the idea that philosophers are specialists in the meaning of life. the same way a baker is a specialist in heating dough. he (or she [female bakers are just as good as male bakers]) is going to be better at it than the ordinary person who may have never heated dough in his life.

Shouldn't have repeated my line, now you look like a samefag

small thinker

If you have to ask ...

Nice reading comprehension

There are mediocre professionals in every field. Being a specialist is not an good enough indicator for greatness.

ok bigboi

>actually replying
and a side character as well

how about a second reply?

Nice reading comprehension

since when were we giving necessary and sufficient conditions. it's more about the meaning of life part.

damn, went and recovered
apologies for the derailment

>great thinker

nice reading comprehension



Impressive lack of substance

>capitalizing german words outside of german

>one infinitely interesting and virtually irrefutable answer to the question


I should add, it only seems that way because the "great thinkers" were geniuses and you aren't.