What are some Veeky Forums subreddits?

What are some Veeky Forums subreddits?

I like r/latestagecapitalism myself

Other urls found in this thread:


Go there and stay there faggot

Now we can all agree that the marxist brainlets here are from reddit, right?

>all great achievements of men are reduced to ruin by giving blue shells to the lumpenproles

why are these ideas allowed to propagate. the downfall of history in education is a travesty.

bourgeois swine pls go and stay go

>asking for reddit recommendations on Veeky Forums

dont you have some minor events in your life to dwell on and use to justify your laziness with?



>it's a "Veeky Forums pretends they don't all have reddit accounts" episode


is this /v/ now? heh, favorite cowtit waifu rpg?

>Make Reddit account
>Try to start a thread
>type out an interesting OP
>it tells me it posted, and I can see it as posted in my account
>but no one replies
>can't find it on the page either
>turns out it didn't actually post because I'm a new user and mods are faggots
>delete Reddit account

I made an account 3 years ago, posted 3 replies, got a total of -140 karma
is this the WR?

>make reddit account
>comment on an innaccurate claim made with no basis
>downvoted to oblivion because they have more karma than me
>dumped into category with 20 minute cooldowns on posting

yeah, fuck reddit. its celebrity worship version of forum. its no coincidence redditors are low class normies.

>We should all live in a simulated version of reality where the "developers" can give handicaps at will

I mean even if the end goal of intellectualism is control do you have to be so on the nose about it

Me? Heh... I love r/books and r/socialism. I'm kinda a free thinker...

if Veeky Forums had upvotes, i'd smash dat upvote vote. hahaha xD *brofist*

>not even knowing what the bourgeoisie is

>every forum needs to have unlimited shitposting
do you just want it to be another Veeky Forums?

I made an account a week ago to find the best place for oil cartridges.

Reddit makes me really angry.

do you also enjoy hearing a bourgeoise liberal espouses anti-bourgeoise comment with no hint of irony, completely oblivious?

show comment?

Found the lefty faggot.

No, but fuck reddit and their passive aggressive modding. If I can't start a thread because I'm a newfriend fucking tell me instead shadowbanning me like a pussy.

Damn.... Ur so perceptive ...

You're actually surrounded.


Middle class is perfectly satisfied with fake item boxes and green shells

OT: imagine billionaires only having bananas. Oh wait that what a banana republic is.

@DemocraticSocialists: Smash dat like button if u agree capitalism is bad xD

@ThiccSistah: Stay woke
@Adipositivity: Drumpf needs to be stopped! RT

that explains all the nu-males here

>rich identity politic liberals are starting to infect old leftism

time to kill self



I'm the oldest of males. I am woman.

There's always some crossover. The social math loving progressive liberals are starting to cross over to socialism and anarchism, the fascists are crossing into nonarchisism (the fantasy of capitalism without government) either naively or facetiously.

Time to educate self and change the system


reminder that if you are on the left or right, if youre a capitalist or communist, you are either reddit or /pol/

brainlet faggots plz leave lit, kys and never come back

Please read an economics textbook or any non-retarded economic history book (I recommend Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu). R/latestagecapitalism is a cesspool of ignorance and plebbery even by leddit standards.

r/literature is a slightly worse version of Veeky Forums if you have to use leddit (I suspect there are a lot of crossposters between that sub and here)

>31 replies
>0 results for 'fewer'

It's 'The closer to first place you are, the fewer useful power-ups you get'. Jesus. Bunch of fucking ignoramuses in here.

high class bait mate

I wish

Why is it that most gommies are uppermiddleclass white university students. Like Marxism somehow became the most bourgeoisie ideology.

Because that's actually not the case; those are just the ones you see posted here as a propaganda point for those "debunking" Marx

what are you on about?

r/LateStageCapitalism is such a good concept and has some genuinely great content but the "comrades" hop-ons ruined it. You can hate capitalism without being a LARPing socialist, but r/LSC has more LARPing socialists than capitalist hate at this point

No we're just not pretentious enough to correct someone's trivial grammatical error.

proles are too retarded to read marx

>LateStageCapitalism is such a good concept
I agree, they made some good posts in the earlier days before trump was elected and the mods went full faggot tier

What is happening to this board


'The sandal-wearing, fruit juice drinking faction of socialism has completely overrun the movement. Take a look at Jeremy Corbyn's populism for the middle classes for a taste of what's to come.

>redneck revolt


Is egoism a tenable philosophy for people who have interests outside of superiority and condescension?

"redneck revolt" as a "movement" was entirely manufactured by the exact people he was describing though

same person

Virtue is personal excellence, brother.


Reddit has its uses.

/r/buildapc/ for one

Discussing anything cultural on it is an exercise in submission to media meant to be consumed by the ignorant masses.


>tripfag is a retard
Can't say I'm surprised

People like you is what is wrong with Veeky Forums.

>what are some Veeky Forums gaia threads?
>I like deepthroat myself

Hey man! You must be new around here, thanks for askin' though. /r/books may have a few things you're interested in! Have fun!

Posters who write sincere, inane garbage are far worse than shitposters.