What should I do with these notebooks?

I've been given about 100 blank notebooks, and I really want to do something interesting with them. Any suggestions?

Why did someone give you that many notebooks?

start a diary
you can burn through one of those in 3 mos

>one to practice italics
>one to practice cursive
>one to journal your day
>one to write down random thoughts
>one to write your next book in
>one for short stories
>rewrite your favorite book by hand in one of them
>give the rest away or keep them in storage until you need them

My friend is moving from house to an apartment so has to get rid of lots of stuff so I got these notebooks and some novels.

I was thinking more like some big mega project that puts them all to use. Something I can obsess over and work on every day.

Donate them to a school.

What else could they be good for? Spread the wealth.

You'd give up quickly, let's be honest


Send them to me

Oh. Okay. Then try and see if you can self induce Hypergraphia.

Can I have one? :)

One of them smells like cat piss. You can have that one.

If I give you my address will you send me one? I'm too poor to buy one but I need one for my novel ideas. You can have a cut of my profits when I am published

>on a digital device
>connected to the internet
>speaks english
>too poor for a spiral notebook

I want 30% of profits and I'll need to be recompinsated for the notebook plus interest.

Why the fuck does your friend have a 100 blank notebooks? Did he run a stationary store? Did he hoard notebooks?

He found the first page of a new notebook erotic, but didn't find a use for them after he ripped out the first page, so now I'm stuck with them.

I never thougt about writing my favorite book by hand. is this a common thing? is there any "famous" writer known for doing this?

>tfw strongly considering writing ulysses

Stephen King wrote "Dreamcatcher" by hand. It's like 200,000 words or more. That's the only modern novelist I know that has done it.

Write your masterpiece in all of them by writing one word in the first book and then the next into the second book ad infinitum so that scholars will try to work out what it means andthus making you unforgetable.

In all honesty, I would just keep them. It's always good to have spare paper around and, if you're a writer or you take down notes, you've got a good resource of paper now. I'd probably label each notebook to identify which notes are in which, but that's all I'd do. I know it's not very interesting like burning them or making a fort or whatever, but shit I'd be pretty happy if I got all those notebooks.

Many writers practice by writing out their favourite books word for word. F Scott Fitzgerald did it, for example.

Burn them somewhere in public

Go fuck yourself, my main man. You can pick up pads of paper in Britbongtopia for about 80 pence. You're like the cheeky cunts in school who never had a pen, always borrowed yours and never returned it because they said they were too poor to get a pen. 10 pence, motherfucker. Pens ain't pricey.

Masturbate for them.

most stores are stationary

>these notebooks
that's a stock image off flickr