Are there grills on Veeky Forums

Are there grills on Veeky Forums

more than any other board except /cgl/ from what ive seen. Thanks top 100 list makers.

source: goodreads threads. I realize that women being attracted to social media might make that a poor representation, but there are tons everytime one pops up.

For a price I can be anything


>tfw no shy semi-autistic Veeky Forums girlfriend to cuddle and talk about Greek and Roman plays

They're all frigid dykes, wouldn't touch them with my dogs cock

can confirm
t. frigid dyke

You would have to grab your dog's cock, in order to first manoeuvre it anyone's direction. Which makes you a furfaggot.

What's the great Indian novel pajeet

Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /cgl/, Veeky Forums are all boards for metrosexuals so yes there are a lot of George Foreman here.

You missed Veeky Forums

Have you ever met or at least seen someone irl who uses or was using Veeky Forums. places like Veeky Forums overexpose themselves and show exactly what people use them but with Veeky Forums iI have no idea. Maybe it is for the better too. Bunch of pretentious overweight losers who want to elevate themselves somehow over the other overweight fags.

Veeky Forums is a board exclusively for the jacked or thin. I detect some projection so friendly reminder that lardfats must go




Just make them read Nietzsche instead of telling them to fuck off and remain fat pigs.

Can also confirm

I am an out of shape blob, so you're wrong

Probably. They don't say it, but there are a lot more femanons than you'd think.


There better not be

>roman plays

Of course there are. How else would the fantasy/sci-fi general remain active?

I'm pretty sure most homosexuals on Veeky Forums are just women pretending to be men.

Never considered that but you may be onto something



Hi. Gurl here. :3

can i hug you

loser and propably faggot now


>want to comment some thicc man ass
>don't want virgins to ask about your pusy
>add some bullshit like "my dick is so hard" or "no homo" so other anons just think you're a huge faggot

I'm a girl but I'm much more smarter that ontologicool.

fuck off larping faggot

Not that difficult tbf.


>more smarter
You HAVE to be joking.


Then who was camera?

you need to have a nice, pleasing voice to make it enjoyable for others to listen to you read.
That is an uncommon thing though.

I'd rather have a dumb bimbo who does everything I say.

goals af