Books to get over someone? I need help

Books to get over someone? I need help

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The Bible.

Shoot your dick off and read The Sun Also Rises.

I dont have a dick though and already read it

Be my gf

It depends on how close you were to the person; what sort of relationship you had; for how long; how old you are & what your future prospects are, among other things.

Please answer these questions, in as much detail as possible, & I'll see if I can help you.

my diary desu

Read it again and cry at your reflection in the mirror

The Sorrows of Young Werther. If you have any sense you'll realize how pathetic and undeserving of sympathy he is.

Kill yourself whore

Then get the fuck off my board, roastie.

Not OP, but curious in you're recommendation.

We never really dated, both went to school in different states. Met her while she was visiting home by my university. Had to go home for break, we kept in touch with text and really hit it off with each other. She was still in town when I came back from home, went out each day for 3 days after until she had to go back to her school.

Texted daily while we went through our academic terms. I'm not one to get really that close to people but I could talk to her for ages and she would reply with the same amount of interest I had for her.

Next term ended, I stayed in town and she came home and we spent the entire week with each other. Realized after our last night together before she had to return back to her uni that I really kinda fell hard for her.

Was looking forward to the end of the next term to see her again, we stayed in touch as usual and she told me she wish we really had more time together and that I was one of the most interesting people she met. That just made me fall harder...

12 weeks go by, conversations kinda died out, I could tell our thing was kind of dying but I held out until I could see her again at the end of the term like before. She was graduating this term, then moving away a little far off where my home is.

Basically when I met her again, things weren't the same. We went out for an hour and then it just didn't feel like it used to. Obviously I held on longer than she did.

That was the last time I saw her. I called her after and she said she thinks we both changed a lot over that time. I'm now home for the summer, still getting through college, a little drive away from her. But it obviously can't work out. Our lives just aren't compatible with each others, and for some reason I've still hung on and can't let go. Knowing she's somewhat nearby and it would be pointless to try and see her again kinda hurts a lot.

I still look back at that entire week we spent together, where somedays I just slept in her bed with her without intentions to get laid. I just liked being with her.

I tell myself I need to let go, and I try, but during times of idleness my mind always falls on her and it starts all over again. She was honestly the most beautiful and comfiest person I've met, and I find it sad that I hang on for so long knowing that our lives just can't work.

Edit: This entire thing is within the span of 8 months, up to the present.

Time to stop being a bitch, bitch

To add, you got played, the bitch set your bitch ass up

Move on


Do things you legitimately enjoy

>I don't have anything like that

You're probably at least moderately depressed like most channers, learn about diet and exercise and start taking care of yourself, give it a month and you'll start feeling better

Sometimes people need some help not being a bitch, ya know.

Feels suck, I never saw myself ever being in this position but lo and behold, here I am.

I compete in college athletics so diet and exercise are already pretty normal. I read, I enjoy going out, I have hobbies. At this point I think it'll just take time.

Drinking fapping overeating daily for 3 months or so usually does it for me.

It's okay man everyone has been there, you invested emotionally too heavily too quickly, it happens. Sounds like she was your only real prospect/interest too which blows.

Here's the insight that really helped me - if you two were truly "soul mates", truly in deep passionate overflowing Neverending bountiful sweet sweet love, you'd be together somehow - you've known each other long enough that if that sort of fire was there, it would be uncovered by now.

But it's not there, and you need to keep searching, or move on to another quest in life

I've been in relationships before but for some reason this one hit me like a truck and didn't see it coming at all. You are very correct though.

>>I really kinda fell hard for her.
>>I could tell our thing was kind of dying but I held out...
>>I held on longer than she did.

>>it obviously can't work out. Our lives just aren't compatible with each others, and for some reason I've still hung on and can't let go.

Seems like you're taking a pretty clear view of the situation; always nice to see. It seems clear that you don't "need help" in the same sense that OP professes.

>>I tell myself I need to let go, and I try, but during times of idleness my mind always falls on her and it starts all over again.

I'm assuming that the term just ended & thus this is a fresh wound?

>>At this point I think it'll just take time.

sounds about right. Thanks for sharing.

Yeh, writing it down kinda helped me come to that. I need to start journaling more again.

also, ignore this man; ain't no such thing as soul mates & if you're expecting to eventually experience what he is describing you'll likely end up alone & unhappy.
Don't go looking for a fairy-tale figment of happiness.

For a comic account, read aristophane's speech from symposium:

Perhaps also consider looking at the platonic distinction of types of friendship, as discussed in Nicomachean ethics, books 7 & 8.

but most importantly, don't go out of your way to characterize any of your relationships by external molds, just be realistic & use your own best judgement. You're not a character in some novel.

Noted, thanks for the reading.

tits or gtfo

also, a Fitzgerald novel might do you some good rn.

Wonder who is behind this
U have goodreads, hey qt?

Sylvia Plath and the Case of the Curious Oven?

>tfw gonna meet up with my ex soon
why can't we just let go
>tfw codependent

Read Female Fitzgerald. Read one of her works a few semesters ago and it seems like the feels sort of stuff a chick could use to help boost herself back up.

There's no such thing as soul mates but there are people you can form a connection with that would be like what I described - if there was a possible connection such that any physical or quotidian obstacles could be overcome with that girl he's talking about, it would have already had happened, and it didn't, so he should keep looking for a connection that important/worthwhile

Shit its the same for me, I'm still in "good terms" with her and we're talking regularly, am I a sociopath ? A codependent bitch ? Or is it that there's no other interesting girl in view ?

I dont want to fuck her though