Local bookstore started charging a manlet tax on every purchase

>local bookstore started charging a manlet tax on every purchase

Aw jeez how are you gonna afford all those self help self esteem books now?

Aramini, it'll be okay.

>got banned from my local bookstore because I asked for Mein Kampf

>Tfw mandatory penis inspections on all book purchases now

>have to show a doctor's note when I buy books about suicide

>banned from my local feminist LGBTQRPSTYUV bookstore after asking for Gulag Archipelago

>buy plato
>must pay stupid-tax

Top kek

>try to buy Kafka
>they won't tell me the price

This thread is shit but your post was gold

how does bookstore ban work?
do they have banned board where they keep photos of banned custemers ?

>Ask local bookstore if they have anything about Stirner
>qt starts calling me her property and tells me I'm not allowed to read anymore

How are Book stores still in operation? Your counties don't have Amazon?

>go to my local uses bookstore
>see qt working the register
>pop boner, engage stealthmode, down and pretend to look at bottom shelf
>want to impress her
>blow $25 on Alice Munro
>"you're in for a treat user ;)"
>"hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gotta go"

>He fell for it
Dude shes just toying with your feelings to get you to come back and buy more books.

I never went back. Project elsewhere robot

You still fell for it mane. You have $25 less than before you saw her.

Fell for what? We didn't speak until she tried to weasel her way into my panties with compliments

Would you have spent $25 on Alice Munro if you hadn't wanted to impress her?

If I didn't want to impress women I'd be an unwashed NEET desu

Alice Munro is pretty good desu.

> Try to buy Kafka

> They launch into a two minute speech about how I could buy it, but it would reflect very badly on my case and everyone else that has bought it has regretted it and if they were here would surely caution me against the purchase but that of course cannot happen because they are all far too busy dealing with their own cases.

Theres a giant poster with our photos that reads



Amy! Come here! This little guy tried to talk to me and when I started to laugh at how short he is he spazzed out and started to ramble about some"Stirner" loser? Who is that?