How much Satanic literature is there really?

How much Satanic literature is there really?

Other urls found in this thread:!8RQlCLRI!6_jWtCsS9PCtZXMCjTxs_A

Would like to see some pdf links about this


All "satanic" literature is fundamentally derivative of Christianity.

this. all the edgelords who draw a pentagram on their school notebooks to protest.. something... are essentially promoting a character from the Christian sitcom.

I kinda understand paganism and luciferianism and shaivism but satanism is just a worn out meme of neckbeards and fedoras.

What about the Satan of Islam and Judaism?

There's like two books some edgelords wrote a few decades ago.
And then there's the bible.

What about reaching back to canaanite and sumerian and egyptian and pagan beliefs for an informed Luciferianism? Abrahamics didn't evolve in a vacuum.

>doesn't realize pentagrams are pythagorean
Re-start with the Greeks

Ixaxaar if you want black metal memes

I'm not Islamic but...
I'd fuck that goat

>Christian sitcom

I hope this was purposely done.

>I'm not Islamic
Looks like you're not intelligent either.

I want to fuck this goat.

Depends on what you want and what your litmus is.

For the "modern LHP" there's:!8RQlCLRI!6_jWtCsS9PCtZXMCjTxs_A
For starters.

Again, depends on your litmus. Much in my link above is, but if we count a good hunk of the Grimoire tradition, they're truly rooted in folk and late Greek practices (much centering around ancestor veneration via the PGM). This bleeds over into shit like the Confession of Urbain Grandier (pic related). The sigil up top vanishes from history then reappears as the sigil of Silcharde in Grimorium Verum. While it may or may not be an indication of legitimate Satanism it pushes back the dates of initial conception for some later grimoires back a couple hundred years.

C'mon mate.

>Canaanite reconstruction
Hush, you'll spook the normos if they know you perform Moloch sacrifices like the Evil Globalists.

Ixaxaar rips of huge chunks of Chumbley's Sabbatic Craft with zero attribution.
A-are you baiting? It's ok if you are.

>Lucifer Princeps
>Clearly says Scarlet Imprint

Don't tarnish the good name of Scarlet Imprint with Ixaxaar's edgy "we're jewish but evil jews" Qlippothic shitfest.

I'm sorry the mean westerners drone struck your herd.

Antony Levay was actively against drug use

Yeah you read it here folks thats right, the man you know and hate as the founder of a cult called Laveyan Satanism was against drug use

Europe did it right. Dress up a bunch of degenerate full bore white nationalist sons o bitches with black paint a metric fuckton of cocaine and teach a few of them to ya know play the guitar and scream like Satan is cumming, smack a drum or two, who knows you might just get a much more evil cult that actually gives a fuck how much it does not give a fuck

Cherry on top introducing the Varg, slaughter, burn a fucking church for the lack of Christs sake, it was never about the music

I gave up on Veeky Forums Satanism a long time ago. The only intellectual heirs to Beelzebub are the long haired coke fueled European fuckwits masquerading as artists, late 80s some 90s, Dani and the Filths, Godsperm, JRRTokens Gorgoroth, even-though-i-hate-Varg Burzum, Infester (get the fuck out of this list, back to the US cunt)

Then the 2000s rolled around and all of sudden cutting people up became *sigh* cool, Cannibal Corpse, Death, , chuggy death with rape murder maggots sex Satan in the backseat of this tourbus(why isnt Satan driving?).

Ugly brutal black metal rooted in Satanism turned Saw, its less about depression and angst and more about morbidity, shock value, Marilyn Manson injected his dick into the Metal Underground.

And would you believe it the kids bought it, they really did.

Not even the Melvins can save us. Agoraphobic Nosebleed. Genghis Tron. All martyrs. They gave their life for Satan but its too late. Satan is hidden. Hippy Black Metal. Hail Spirit Noir.

Tl;dr: fuck satanic literature listen to old 80s 90s satanic bm and cut your wrists and curse your parents while railing as much H and C into one nostril as humanly possible

Like, did you even bother to thumb through the O9A materials?

That's nice dear.

Thanks Mom love you even though you beat me from the age of *sniff* 2 til i ran away at 13 and let that one boyfriend of yours buttfuck *sniff* me til i bled all over the couch and you told me it was my fault for *sniff* bleeding

On second thought fuck you Mom *sniff*

Try the freemasons they seem to abound in satanic imagery

Are you okay user?

Am i ok? Are you ok? Is anyone ok?

We're all born insane get off your high horse

>Again, depends on your litmus. Much in my link above is, but if we count a good hunk of the Grimoire tradition, they're truly rooted in folk and late Greek practices

if you believe Philip K Dick's speed-freak ranting, so is christianity.