White Fish

>White Fish
>Cream Cheese

Would you eat a Larry David sandwich?

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wtf is sable

its another fish. Its a smoked fish. there.

Two...two fish?

It's either the fish or the ferret, and since there's already a fish on there I can only assume it's the latter.

>fish, ferret and cream cheese sandwich
this is why the holocaust happened

ya but they blend very well together. They're like siamese twins white fish and sable

Hell no, he was right to ask to have it changed.

oh god no. sounds atrocious.

easy on the cream cheese and yeah id eat it

what's the problem? It just sounds like a typical lox sandwich with white fish instead of salmon.

shouldn't his sandwich be like really good but then just have one obviously glaring error ?

like a poppy seed bagel with lox, tomato, onion, and capers but instead of cream cheese it has margarine or strawberry cream cheese.

Tomato? I think we already found the glaring error.

no cream cheese. add oilive oil. will eat. i like cream cheese with smoked salmon only, dont know why this is.

I like sable but I'm not a huge fan of raw onions. I would sub sautéed onions and add tomato.

Popular fish amongst Jews.

t. actual Jew

how do you know they're raw?

Because they would specify if cooked. Jewish delis serving "onions" typically mean raw.

that's how it's normally served

It's that thing from Dark Souls, you know, the Sable Church of Londor

Binging with Reddit made one and said liked it from memory.
I'll eat anything once so I'd try it but doubt it be something I would ever eat again.

>cream cheese and sauteed onions

user, that's disgusting. Get out. You almost made me want to post the thing about how your mother will die if you don't reply to this post that I put in the other thread when some asshole called me out on calling corn a vegetable.

>not red onions

what an idiot