Literally what is the point

literally what is the point

Maybe you should think outside the box, OP.

Less wasteful than plastic, therefore "better", that's all, don't think about it any deep than that, because that's all it is.

Plastic leeches chemicals into the water.

The inside of the box is coated with plastic though. If you need to buy water, maybe you should consider moving.

Marketing. I bought one when I first saw it simply because I had never seen carton water before.

Why the fuck do people buy packaged water? Get a water bottle and fill it at the tap.

they use plastic on the caps and according to they coat the inside with plastic
i agree, it looks trendy and i always see e celebs post shit like this on instagram

JUST Water uses only BPA-free plastic in its lining.
There's a serious problem with lead in America's tap water, not to mention all the hormones and chemicals from recycled wastewater.

>they use plastic on the caps and according to they coat the inside with plastic
BPA-free plastic

OP btfo

>American tap-water is filled with hormones

Yes it is, so is the ground water of pretty much any developed nation. Where do you think the companies that sell bottled water get theirs from?

Youn't escape the hormones, but you can reduce them by not using BPA plastics


i forgot our IP's are public on this board

a little bit of wax in your system is less bad than chemicals leeched from plastic

are they seriously using plastic inside? wtf

>not distilling your own rain water into glass

Anyone who buys water (kek) and not drinks tap water is a complete idiot. I bet you'd buy air too, given the opportunity.

it sounds like you literally never leave the house, if you think there is no reason for buying water.

Filters can do wonders. I use an alexapure gravity filter for all my drinking water. My sink tap has RO which adds very little to the costs of water for cooking/cleaning. Everything else is just tap

Even the fucking Mitte is a million times better than this.

And a countertop water distiller isn't even a bad idea, but fuck proprietary cartridges in literally anything.

Doesn't deserve a carlos, please don't use him again

you can fill a bottle with tap water and take it with you
you can go to any public place that has restroom and get tap water
drinking fountains are also somewhat commonplace, depending where you live

A *much* thinner layer than a plastic bottle, however


>drinking water from a publich bathroom tap
Poo particles spray up into the faucet when people wash their hands. You're drinking poo water.

There are air bars in china

Not using
>drink outside the box
fucking sloppy.

Carlos you madman.

There are all kinds of things in everything we eat, drink and breath. One should not think too much about it. You know if you eat something and fart in the process, you'll also get like a billion of poo particles settle on your dish. And I'm not implying 'drink tap water in public toilets everyday'. Btw those bottled water companies might as well fill these bottles from some dirty pipes.

Well China as far as I know is insanely polluted, that makes sense.

Es rappelt in karton

You know people buy air filters right? Literally the same thing

>hey Chaim
betcha I can sell water to these goys at 30,000% markup from tap water
6 Trillion dollar revenue on bottled water sales
>Huh, I'm bored, Chaim

I had it once, tasted like water

>caring about e-celebs or instagram

Carlos is boxed water marketer

Bretty good use of trips desu

Bottled water tastes better than tap water.

The water in America is tainted by the government with hormones and lead which lowers IQ, grows breasts, shrinks testicles and the penis and makes you infertile. Essentially there is a conspiracy to turn all white men into females and destroy the white race.

Im from southern victoria australia and the tap water tastes better than bottled water here.

Ive travelled to europe, japan, china and the rest of australia and the water everywhere else tastes either heavily chlorinated, tinny or just plain muddy.

I mean. Cardboard and wax are biodegradable and you aren't leaching chems so there's that.

>supporting the Tetra-Pak jew

there are air bars in the US

>not fucking instagram models

>aren't leaching chems

you think

Tap water tastes like shit

Don't mind me, just pirating this water.

It's the spiders.

>he doesn''t have a water distiller
Water tastes so clean and refreshing

Threads like these.

Collecting your own rainwater is illegal in most of the USA.


This is a lie. There are no states as far as I am aware that collecting rainwater is illegal and if nothing it definitely isn't illegal in Kentucky as there is an entire housing department in Berea my that hippies live in that runs off mostly rainwater

>taking water from the ground water and not from a filtered rainwater reservoir

you americans crack me up

>Essentially there is a conspiracy to turn all white men into females and destroy the white race.
Which is why the areas that have the lowest quality water and suffer the worst from these problems are predominantly black.

>The water in America is tainted by the government

Yeah, and the solution a cheetoh comes up with is best - eliminate the EPA.

>them thar chemical corporate folk will sho' nuff not do anything harmful to citizens if we give them free reign.

>papadum made from skin

Its not wax like milk cartons?

The infrastructure was already in place, just fill waxed milk cartons with water and change the label.

Literally cannot drink the tap water in San Angelo.