Weird food things you like

i love me some toast with peanut butter and mayo. a little sour and sweet with that robust nutty flavor actually works really well. sometimes i eat a half of an avocado with salt and pepper on the side if i'm especially hungry. you?

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WOW! Look at that top quality bait! WOW!


what's bait about it? i like peanut butter and mayonnaise together. what's wrong with that?

every thread is bait to that user
there's not a lot of "weird" food things I like. on some of my sandwiches I like mustard and butter as the condiments. mustard and butter mixed together makes a great pretzel dip
also honey is weird, It's bee vomit for petes sake

You're obviously the same faggot that keeps making threads about either
Fuck off, retard.

you best not be baitin' me OP. I thought you was true

>also honey is weird, It's bee vomit for petes sake

Eggs are chicken periods. Mayonnaise is oil emulsified with chicken period. Egg salad sandwiches are boiled chicken periods mixed with emulsified oil and more chicken periods.

What's your point?

Peanut butter and garlic powder on toast.

>What's your point?
that insect vomit is so delicious and that is weird, and so are the other things you mentioned, delicious and weird
I don't think I could ever try a PB and mayo sandwich though

Fair enough, all food is weird if you think about it

right, when I was replying I was trying to think of other weird stuff. like maple syrup. taking sap from a tree and boil the hell out of it.
and food growing out of dirt, but if something falls on the floor most people throw it in the trash. not me though, I just pick off the dust bunnies and eat it.

What's going on with you? I'm just trying to start a conversation. I didn't mean to upset anybody.

Chocolate chip cookies and ketchup.

I stared so long at this wondering how a sangewedge relates to anarcho-capitalism.

...go on

Sour? Do people consider mayo to be sour?

I guess it's just a black table and a yellow wall, but it looked like an AnCap flag.
Best I could come up with was something along the lines of "how to piss off an AnCom twice with one image"

Eating meat is literally just consuming the flesh of animals. I can't think of a food that's not weird if you break it down.

I out ranch in my hamburger helper. Not cooking it into it, drowning it over it after its done. Especially good with 3 cheese.

is this a subtle ancap thread?

had eel today for the first time.
i was not a fan.

Get on my level goddamnit.

>can of smoked oysters dumped into a tub of cottage cheese as a snack
>bowl of green olives, bread and butter pickle slices, banana peppers, and cheddar crackers
>jellied cranberry sauce and peanut butter in a bowl of ice cream, with pancake syrup or honey

For the record, I'm bulking, not a fatass

Is that thing still alive.
And skinned.
And losing organs?

That poor thing.

It's missing its head too :(

For Christ sakes why don't you suck its dick if you love it so much

hurrdurr wypipo


In America it's perfectly normal to put ranch dressing on everything.

1. Asians have no souls
2. Isn't eel a very traditional British food? I've only ever had eel in east asia; curious what the british take is.

You're painfully white-bread if you think this is weird.

I don't know anyone under the age of thirty who'll admit to eating them.

Mayo has lemon and/or vinegar in it. It should just be enough to balance out the fat but some brands are noticeably sour.

I'm 27, and I've been eating various canned sardine products since I was 6. I grew up semi-poor, so sometimes that was just the easiest available snack.

>t. someone who's never been to America

I shit you not, I ate this regularly (minus the toast) as a child who couldn't tell the difference between marshmallow fluff and mayo.

They're another one of those foods people are afraid to try, but once they do they're hooked. You can break the ice at any age, but if you have decent parents they'll hold you down and force them down your throat to spare you embarassment later in life.