How much longer?

So I was baking some chicken thighs last night, but I had to cut the cooking time short about 20 minutes and leave unexpectedly. I took it out of the oven, wrapped it in foil, and let it sit. When I came back hours later, I put everything away in the fridge. By the look of the color on the insides of some of them, it looked like it could have used more time to get up to 165 degrees. Now, I want to finish cooking and eating this chicken, but I want to do it without ruining the whole batch by overcooking it. What to do? Everything's in the fridge now.

Put everything in your fridge into your oven and then set it to 400 degrees. Wait approximately 2 hours and then take everything out of the oven. You now have perfectly overcooked everything.

i didn't sage an unfunny shitpost!!!!!


food like this makes us look bad to eurocucks thanks OP

Is this because of the picture or because I don't know what I'm doing? The picture is from

both op....both. didnt someone teach you how to cook when you were a child?

No, unfortunately. I grew up on everything pre-packaged for the most part. Now I cook everything from scratch, which I've learned from recipes/youtube. The problem here is that I've never had to STOP cooking something suddenly and then return to it a day later. Also, what's wrong with the foodnetwork pic?

You will have to heat it the same amount of time that you would have cooked them for if you hadn't taken them out so [time] plus 20 minutes. The center of the chicken has cooled back down to basically raw temperature. Unless you cut them open it will take essentially the same amount of time for the heat to penetrate to the center. And since you don't want to overcook the outside I honestly recommend cutting them into smaller pieces so they will cook faster.

[time] + 20 minutes? Does this mean the remaining 20 minutes that were left PLUS an additional 20 minutes? All at the original temperature?
Kinda seems overkill to do an additional 40 minutes on a cook that was only supposed to be 50 minutes total.
So cut it up and cook for missed time + x minutes additional time to get things heated and check with a thermometer?

You know what..,? I really hope you are all like, really good friends IRL and this is your way of fucking with each other.

For the newbies, the uninitiated, and uninformed..,
1. Started cooking raw chicken
2. Didn't finish cooking chicken
3. Left partially raw chicken covered and un-refrigerated for hours, allowing it to return to room temperature.
4. Wants to cook and eat it.

Have fun with that.

(Remember kids, ambulance rides cost a lot of money, so have a friend on call to drive you to the hospital, it's cheaper.)

Are you Jack?

nothing is wrong with this thread at all, dude was giving you a hard time.

no I'm saying if the original cooking time was 50 minutes, you're going to have to cook it for 50 minutes again because that's how long it's going to take for the center of the meat to heat to safe temperatures. you can't just stop cooking something and then come back to it later in terms of bacteria killing temperatures.

Might as well finish it off in the microwave and slather it in sauce or use it in a soup to make it edible.

You left partially cooked chicken out for hours? Throw it away OP. It's well past being edible.

Microwave it when you eat it.
Problem solved.

there is a lot wrong with this thread pal. you should never partially cook anything and the lack of cooking education is the biggest problem. OP is cool you are learning to cook its a great hobby and a skill everyone should have but dont eat that chicken feed it to your dog and try again. Also smothering things in bbq sauce is just wrong and gross might be my opinion but who tf wants that messy shit for ketchup with brown sugar in it. keep trying OP youll get it soon enough

I came to say this.

Put it in a (foodsafe) bag with some butter and put that in a pan with boiling water for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile heat up the oven or grill and when they're done cooking throw them in there for a while (without the bag, you dope) to get a bit of browning going.

Disclaimer: I have no fucking clue what I'm doing, but I'm pretty sure you'll survive this.

I would throw it out and start over since It was out in the open sitting in the temperature red zone for multiple hours. That isnt "soccer moms are afraid of it" food poisoning, its "that chinese restaraunt that has bleeding pork dumplings" food poisoning. Even if you thoroughly cook it its going to taste terrible.