Because philosophy

>because philosophy
>best mythology
>best epics
>best ethics
>best tragedies

Give me one single reason why I should ever move beyond the Greeks.

The fact that you're posting on the internet in English means you already have

Later thinkers better encapsulated the spirits of their times. The Greeks are great, but many modern thinkers like Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and Hegel, are appropriate in their own ways for understanding our place in history and the current world around us.

Not enough works.

Emperor Nero, please go home, you are drunk... Again.
Tomorrow we will go to Neapolis, you are going to sing in the theatre.

The Germans are pretty good too because their societies both faced similar issues, just in different time periods. Nietzsche was the German Socrates.

There are like 8000 pages of the greeks, you can't spend your whole life just rereading them.

heracles.. easy on the abs

They are not beloved for being the best, they are beloved for being the foundation.

Stop shitposting you unrepentant pseud.

The Romans were bigger guys
Mars > Ares

>kept slaves
>fucked kids buttholes
no thanks, Greece was degenerate

Pedaresty and slavery is redpilled as fuck. Now, take off your pants my little catamite

take one step anywhere near my kids or my property and I will blow your fucking head off with my shotgun I SWEAR TO GOD

Every culture kept slaves.

only one culture freed them

...that's not true.

enjoy your monophonic music

>Give me one single reason why I should ever move beyond the Greeks.
There's not that much to read.

Plus the Romans are almost as good.

Name me one culture besides the West that freed all slaves willingly and permanently.

China, several times.

Also slavery still exists in western (and other) countries bro.

We use slave labor from 3rd world countries to make our shitty trinkets. Slavery is alive and well in the West, you just don't want to acknowledge it.

>several times
Good cognitive dissonance.

>3rd world countries
>the West
Good cognitive dissonance.

The West wins again.

>slavery makes us uncomfortable
>lets buy our shit from countries that still use slaves so we don't have to SEE them
That's cognitive dissonance.

>he thinks there aren't literal slaves within a 50 mile radius of him right now
Keking my balls off at your naïveté

>It's the west's fault that we haven't nuked every slaveholding state in the world.
>It's the west's fault that systematically banning slavery hasn't stopped criminals from occasionally holding slaves before they are apprehended.
Hahaha go back to your Pizzagate conspiracies maggot.

No, but it's the wests fault for allowing corporations to outsource their manufacturing to slave states.

>China freed their slaves a few times so the West isn't accomplished
>China is a slave state which is the West's fault

ding ding ding. We have the correct answer.

You couldn't possibly be this stupid. Nice shitposting, user.

It's called conquest, user. Maybe you don't get that. Do you know how much a calculator costed in the 80s? Hundreds of dollars, now they are 50cents. You make it sound like slavery is a bad thing. It's not like we're the slave holders. In a sense, we get to have our cake and eat it too. Grow up.

>consuming the fruit of slavery is fine as long as I personally don't own slaves, I'm better than slavers even though I finance their existence

You make it seem like slavery is less moral somehow. In a society where slaves don't exist, people who would ordinarily be slaves are now exploited by there own freedom, they are living in poverty and starving. Do you think a slave owner would ever let his slaves starve? Not a chance, in fact, it would be against a slave owners interests to even harm his slaves. Wouldn't you rather treat them as family than to pulverize them into the dirt creating resentment and hostility? You have a naive and accidentally inhumane outlook on life, user. Grow up.

>implying I need to come near you to destroy all you love

>he made me uncomfortable because he exposed my cognitive dissonance
>only an idiot would make me feel that way!
n-no y-you're the sh-shitposter

shows over guys its just a retarded troll