How did this sell >1 million copies?

How did this sell >1 million copies?

Other urls found in this thread:

the intersectional oppression of women, their status as victim of the first world. rupi reinforces this status.


That's not a bad poem at all.

women is a trip

basic hipster girl cred

i got some more for you


good marketing, but mainly niche "brown girl in the first world" audience.
the same reason lilly singh is famous even though she has a worse sense of humour than amy schumer

>quantity = quality

you can't be this new to the world you spastic.

why do you even care?

>lets spend the next 20 minutes circle-jerking over some bad poetry

get a life you fucking losers

What's wrong with this, exactly?

found the femanon who is in love with Rumi Kupor or whatever the fuck her name is.

take some shitty platitude
and write it out with
all lowercase
and random line breaks

Because it's something you find in a fortune cookie, not an acclaimed collection of poems.

>t. guy who knows nothing about poetry

Please stop. You just really, really don't know what you're talking about.

What utter garbage!

agreed, it's beauty lies in it's simplicity. Two lines packed with emotion and meaning. It doesn't get more real than this. Fuck the h8ers, girl.

>>lets spend the next 20 minutes circle-jerking

that sold >1 mil copies. i want a rundown on the mindset of people who go to bookstores and buy books like this

>get a life you fucking losers

you seem a bit butthurt there my dude

>t. critic who opens with ad hominem

Yikes. American? Which Northern State University do you attend?

women really do get away with a lot, dont they? also some queers but only if they act feminine and bitchy enough and get on ellen or queen latifah where conceitedness is a virtue

If someone tells you they love you, they always mean it. Don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining.

If this was written by a 12 year old I'd say it was a pretty good attempt if only because it's so understated. But a grown ass woman passing this off as poetry is sad.

>that picture
I actually let out an anguished moan in public.
Are these parody?

nope, these are genuine.

>It doesn't get more real than this.

i guess there's some craft in it too

like in this one she rhymes "age" with "page"

although saying that reading good news is a "condition" doesnt really make sense since 'to read' is not a stative verb

I will buy the book, yeah I know its trash but I want to learn about what is it that makes the female run, you know what's up in those walnut brains of theirs. The new woman of 21st century feminism might be intimidating to the inexperienced, but they are paper tigers, golden retrievers, deep down they yearn for the patriarchal male, they want to get dominated, as nature wills it, the woman trapped inside every feminist cries out for male domination. the muh female empowerment is just a flimsy facade hiding an Electra complex, psychosexual daddy fixation. There is an almost perfect overlap between Rupi Kaur readers and girls who have a daddy kink. coincidence?

So much hate in this thread. I guess Nietzsche was right about ressentiment, eh Veeky Forums?


This woman must be pretty privileged to have her lazy typing published in a book when literally millions of sad teen girls are writing this exact same stuff on tumblr and aren't even getting paid for it.

lmao, this was the first result for ''Rupi Kaur''

No fucking way

You didn't read into it far enough, user. You are simply being contrarian. She essentially saying that you can not trust what is printed in the media. The "error" you pointed out was in actuality intentional meant to drive her point home.

The one-line drawing is kind of cool. Is that Urkel?

>The new woman of 21st century feminism might be intimidating to the inexperienced, but they are paper tigers, golden retrievers

It's pretty to think so.

Kek she probably stole those quotes people make in those "say something that sounds profound but isn't" threads on here.

>You didn't read into it far enough, user.

uhh ok i'll bite, where exactly does she demonstrate that her choice of diction is intentionally inept to drive her point home

you're the new kid
moving in
getting it done
and you're officially the candidate
for having some fun
i know

the world is a burrito
it will taste good when you eat it
but it will make you poop bad
do not confuse
the shit from a man's mouth
with the shit from his ass

for fathers who take their daughters to chipotle by rupi kaur

It's the sort of self-helpy garbage that's been clogging up the bestseller lists since the end of the Civil War. Veeky Forums talks about this book more than anyone who has ever bought or read it and it would have been forgotten by now if not for you guys spamming it everywhere.

>since 'to read' is not a stative verb
I do not follow this. why ''reading good news is a "condition"'' is bad?

>It's pretty to think so.
you probably have abnormally low T like most men in the first world. Seriously, with that diet you people have, you might as well inject that estrogen via IV. Women can't resist raw primal masculinity. That's one of the factors behind the so called 'migrant crisis' European men just can't satisfy their women, so they go for migrants instead. Nice guy Hans will never compare to ahmed's pheromones.

is this fake or real

I think the fact that a brown woman wrote it and almost exclusively women read it makes Veeky Forums mad. Some of her poems are good I think, but obviously a lot of them are a total meme, but that's true of most popular stuff. I wish people would make threads about good poetry.

You guys don't really talk to many teenagers do you?
This book is really popular amongst 16 year old girls. We're not the target audience (males between 19-76). This is made because girls will go to the bookstore and see the pyramid of black white and read " you think you can have sex with someone, but you can only feel a body"- cue: gush- and they'll pay 18 dollars for it brand new.
You think we're the target audience of mass marketed books? Yes, they need more guys trying to buy the classics as cheap as possible

HAHAHAH Oh my fucking god! This is terrible. Here, I'll take a stab at it.

to forgive
doesn't mean to forget

you are your
own worst enemy

learn to love
before you try
to love others

Where's my money?

The point of this poem isn’t necessarily it’s ineptness this time, rather it’s more about the pains associated with being reminded of our own mortality. It’s perfectly obvious really, “the next time he points out the hair on your legs is growing back” that sentence alone sums it up quite nicely. You can try to beat the clock (shaving) but you will never succeed (hair grows back). Her boyfriend reminds her of this painful fact. She realizes that she will die, but doesn’t want to think about it. “your body is not his home he is a guest” This is her attempt to demonstrate godliness over him. Her body is akin to a temple for him to worship at. Her fear of mortality fuels her God complex. “Never outstep his welcome again”. Admittedly, the wording is strange, however the content is solid. This could be viewed as mortals not paying respect to God. You will find interesting parallels in Aristophanes’ speech in Plato’s Symposium, I have no doubt that she drew inspiration from it.

You don't think it's particularly bad? It's all just our racism and sexism?

trust nobody
not even

a poem for daughters who are within 400 feet of a male by rupi kaur

It's because she's successful and we're not. I see myself as an above average story teller yet, I work a job and read maybe 20 books a year, but I want fame.

im pretty sure its only about hair m8


>It's the sort of self-helpy garbage that's been clogging up the bestseller lists since the end of the Civil War.
Fascinating sociological document, glimpse into the mind of the woman in the street. from 19th century protestant piety, from unquestioning devotion to Father, Husband, God, to Rupi fucking Kaur, what happened? I insist, inside every woman lies a bitch in heat that wants to be dominated. the ancients were well aware of that, fuck look at feminists LARPing as amish sex slaves from a Handmaid's Tale, they know the patriarchal male is coming back big time (Trump's election was just the begining) and Nature impels them to Submit, even though their liberal arts education might disagree. Deep down Woman wants to submit and Woman will submit to the alpha male, that's just how things go.

these are actually rupi arent they

poured out in the
kitchen sink
the red wine spilling
over onto my
dress staining the cotton
of my



Hahahahahhaha. You could analyze a shit a dog just took and interpret it to meme something akin to Plato, Hume and all the greats.
Rupi's whole shtick is to take common platitudes and break them up in some meaningless structures.
Again, any of us can do it.

the small things in life
are often the biggest

>tfw ywn choke rupi kaur while she squeals daaddy!

Read Sylvia Plath (garbage)

Try to copy her style by throwing in random line breaks


It doesnt use any poetic techniques, not a single one. It doesnt follow any rhyme scheme, it doesn't have any rhythm nor meter. This isnt poetry

But in the words of Ezra pound, considering this is trying to be passed off as poetry. Don't write in verse what you poorly write in prose

>i am a museum full o fart
>but you had your eyes shut

What did she mean by this? dyslexia can be fun sometimes

Spot on. Even if she attempted to have her writings compiled in to someone kind of prose it would still be garbage

The dilettantes are always the most vocal critics.

Now where
my mon- pipe

What the fuck is this, that's literally just the first words of the theme song to that old sitcom "Family Matters"

Rupi Kaur is avant garde meta ironic post literature

>the small things in life
>are often the biggest

nice work, a bit understated but the content is solid, it suggest's Blake's idea that the universe is in a blade of grass, macrocosm in the microcosm, the path to the universal through the particulars, small things are the all-things, enlightenment is eating a tangerine orange, very Zen

clearly you're well grounded in the canon because you've summed up western culture's 2500 year attempt to square the problem of life's finitude in two lines.

move in
now move out
hands up
now hands down
backup backup
tell me
gonna do now

- rupi kaur

Now I know y'all be lovin this shit right here.

There must be
Some kind of clue
Inside these gentle walls

Cause all I see is a tower of dreams
With your love
Bursting out
At every seam

once told me


i tried so hard
and got so far but
in the end
it didn't even

Them girls born with those sweet walls.

in my younger and
more vulnerable years
my father gave me
some advice that
i've been turning
over in my mind
ever since

-rupi kaur

we should tell
you are more
a vagina
by the way
at my vagina

all happy families
are alike
each unhappy family
is unhappy
in its own way

-rupi kaur

First thing in the morning, what do I see?
A pile of shit
Staring at me
I close my eyes, I step away
No matter where I go
There's no getting away
Take the poo to the loo
Take the poo to the loo

A poem for daughters whose stomach hurt and have to relase -rupi kaur

I didn't say that at all you numpty. I'm just stating that there's a lot of trash out there and there's no need to get particularly worked up over this. People invest more energy on Veeky Forums shitting on kuar than on actual poetry discussion.

Few people would ever think if releasing anything akin to what Rupi rekeases of fear of being ridicule. We simply underestimate just how uncultured and stupid the masses are. Rupi was either naive or cynical enough to do it.

>tfw "don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining" is actually a more artistic lyric than anything in that poetry collection

so much to do
so much to see
so what's wrong
with taking
the back streets

Everytime Rupi is mentioned here the treads are always full of these stupid and hateful (and white) little boys thinking that they know shit about poetry because they once heard about verse, but in all actuality all they do is show their ignorance and stupidity (and misogyny and racism). Rupi Kaur writes good poetry and she makes a lot of money doing it, you will neither do the former nor the latter, even if you once quickly scanned through The Wasteland (but didn't understand any of it).

This is one of the only good posts I've ever seen in a Rupi thread. What do you make of pic related?

liberal propaganda and echo chambers, don't worry, it's going away soon.

How did this sell 1 million copies?

A challenger appears.

>New age interpretations.

because its solipsistic and therefore insane

it projects the author's emotions onto real elements that have no correspondence to the author's emotions

it tries to make something grand out of something petty

it's poison


I understand that this "poet" is trying to use every day peasant-level experiences to evoke some comprehension of the human spirit, but the pettiness of the events referenced limit the perception to a pinhole-view. Simply put there is only so much leverage you can apply to trash language and trash experiences to view beyond them.

This is a horrible poet pushed onto brainwashed women by monied forces with an agenda to control women

My dear whore, anyone protesting this drivel is doing women everywhere a favor. Get back in the kitchen, get back in the laundry room, have some children, please your man, you'll be much happier.

>but i want to be a slave to a faceless corporation and wear out my nurturing instincts with narcissism instead of serving some one with whom I have an intimate and loving relationship with

itty bitty baby
itty bitty boat
i don't believe it
habeeb it
twinkie house

i love
my cute

my vagina
pleasure hole
ooh la la

This is what you get when people stop caring about the canon. You no longer need to try to add something to literature because to these people art is about self expression and not artistic merit.

Why don't you clowns post good examples of short, free verse poems? There is literally nothing wrong with Rupi's poetry. It is easy and simple, but that doesn't take away from it's literary merit. I'd argue it does the contrary, in fact. It's poetry for the people, not for stuffy academics who think poetry is something that needs to be picked apart and analyzed until there is nothing left. It's like a butterfly free in the wild, instead of one that has been caught and added to a collection. Raw, brazen emotion.

You're the exact type of person who would have called Hemingway's writing "boring and plain" when it was written. You would have told him that he needs to write more like the canon of the time. You completely lack the soul of an artist.

It's condensed inanity.

>Why don't you clowns post good examples of short, free verse poems?
The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.

>Why don't you clowns post good examples of short, free verse poems?
They're on my diary desu

>There is literally nothing wrong with Rupi's poetry.
Guess how I know you're an idiot.

>Raw, brazen emotion.
Is this the lit crit version of "powerful"? Throw together a platitude, split into three or four lines, and it's RAW BRAZEN EMOTION. Not the kind of stuffy stuffiness a pretentious so-and-so likes, oh no, this is REAL poetry for REAL people. BUTTERFLY FREE IN THE WILD!

Not an argument, brainlet

I never thought I'd see the day where I see someone defending fucking Rupi Kaur on Veeky Forums. Where did you people come from? Also, a lot of Hemingway is pretty boring, but that's not really a contrarian opinion. He's a great writer, but where he really shines is in his short stories. His writing style gets pretty dull when it's stretched across a novel, but the novels are still literary genius. I'm not sure why you would use Hemingway as a defense for Rupi though, because rupi would not even be fit to shine Hemingway's shoes.

The hill you choose to die on is made of poems average 14-year-old girls write into their diary the world over.

You're like someone who looks at a Jackson Pollock piece and thinks that a 6-year-old could have drawn that. It's not that Rupi's poetry lacks literary merit; it's just you who is unable to see it.

>I'm not sure why you would use Hemingway as a defense for Rupi though, because rupi would not even be fit to shine Hemingway's shoes.
Why, exactly?

Because Hemingway's writing actually had raw, brazen emotion. Rupi Kaur is innocuous to the point of artificiality.