Is Veeky Forums a /can-squeezer/ or a /can-crusher/

is Veeky Forums a /can-squeezer/ or a /can-crusher/


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I just throw it in the recycling without crushing it. I don't drink enough soda for it to matter

I don't drink soda


Soda is trash and you shouldn't drink it

But I crush my beer cans

I don't drink anything that comes in a can. And why would you crush it? That just makes returning it for a refund more difficult.

The virgin squeeze, the chad crush.

>makes returning it more difficult by compacting them and making transport and storage more efficient
brainlets everyone

a beer has the same or even more calories than a soda, fucking moron.

i fill them with sand and other shit then take them done to the cash for cans place

I put them between my butt cheeks and crush them flat

I don't crush because it leaks

and I have a huge recycling bin so I have space and I don't care

I'm a can-folder. I don't have any handy or I'd take a picture.

>put crushed cans on tray
>they don't stand upright
>bottle guy spends 5 minutes sorting through the pile to count them

I feel like cans would take up too much space to gather them until they're worth actual money.

$1.50 for returning a whole 30 rack isn't worth it for me.


>living in a 3rd world country where the bottle guy doesn't just take your word for it

Ive developed a habit of immediately crushing the can as soon as i take the last sip. That way i know the cans empty at a glance. Handy when im binge drinking at my computer and cans are piling up and im shit faced.


I live in the based state of Michigan, so I rinse them out and put em all in a garbage bag. Once the bag is full I take it to the store and feed them all into the recycling machine and get like $10 to $20 depending on how long I let them pile up.

I can do that here but don't bother. If I add the time it takes to rinse the cans so that bag/fingers don't get sticky and then taking it to the store and placing them one at a time in the machine. It's easier to just toss them, I wouldn't work for $10 and don't see why I would handle cans for that.

The worst part though is waiting for johnny poorfag to empty his 8 garbage bags of cans he fished out of a dumpster. There are 4 machines and all of them are occupied by these people, what the fuck.

I return bottles though because it's harder to throw out a 24 and I all need to do is bring the cases, they count them and done.

I'm a can-twister.

thumbs and forefingers around the can in a triangle, squeeze it inwards, then twist and flatten.

I recycle it.

I'm a card crusher

I'm a cuntcrusher.


what the fuck i just cut my hand trying this. thanks asshole

It takes only a few minutes to recycle them all and the store I go to has like 8 machines so it's rare for them all to be occupied.

>Huh what's thi-
>*closes tab*

>"Infant Annihilator"
I swear listening to this kind of edgy trash should be a federal offense.

pre-crushing the cans makes it harder for the recycling center to press them into bales.


I'm al/ck/ so I hoard them in my garage without damaging them and take em to the bottle exchange when I have enough to fill my car

Yeah except it doesn't taste like shit.

>talk about 3rd world
>have a guy to do a job that has been replaced by machines in the actual first world
I leave the can whole so that the barcode can be scanned and I get my well-earned money back like any upstanding citizen would


>Not being able to comprehend highly complex and technical music.

Go back to your nursery rhymes.

alcoholic faggot, actually die.

How's middle school going?

>not aluminium-can.jpg


>crushing cans under your shoe
>picking it up afterwards

unironically this

Um sweetie beer is specifically bitter. It's well-known for that.

Fuck you. I have to sell a little over 4 pounds of cans to get $1.50. That's more than a 30 rack to be sure.

The places I take them to just runs them through a wood chipper type machine. They don't care how you bring them in.

I can't get my deposit back if I crush the cans.
It's about six cans to a dollar here.

i press in on the can's sides at three points. Then I twist and compress the top and bottom together.

>Not appreciating absurd $lam humor

With the added benefits of getting you buzzed and not rotting your teeth. You just made a strong argument for beer.

Neither because in my country, cans can be returned for 15 cents a can

If you live in the US and don't at least do pic related before you toss them, you're a glitterboi or a new yorker. Possibly both.

Squeeze then crush with hands. Only possible answer.

I use it for my airsoft guns tests so I do neither

michiganfag here. cans are worth 10 cents but we have these machines that scan them individually to count them and if you crush or squeeze the can it won't work.


I don't know the reason since I don't live in a state with a refund program, but apparently you can only get the refund for a noncrushed can. I regularly squeeze my cans when Im drinking to remind myself I'm done with it and my friend from Michigan, no matter how drunk, instinctualy cringes until he remembers theres no refund to be had.

I fold it. It is the easiest and neatest way.

>not consuming your soda cans whole to ensure that you get every last drop and get your moneys worth

Here in Germany all soda cans are returnable. You'll waste 25 cents if you don't bring them back.

Sometimes its a hassle, but it made festivals significantly cleaner.

>government paying 10-25 times market value for something
Sounds about right

Do refundable sodas'n shit cost a tiny bit more in your state than they do on others where refunding is not an option?

Where i live the prices of products have been adjusted with the refund in mind.

It's a deposit. You pay for the can when you buy the drink and get the money back when you return the empty container.
And it really does clean up the gutters nicely.

We've got enough homeless that scavenge for them in the US so we just throw the empties out the window as a kind of charity.

And why do you think they scavenge them, user?

I always figured they made a flavorful soup with them.

most stores and all recycling centres in Iowa hire special eds to drop the whole, unaltered cans into computerized counters

Also in Iowa, we pay an additional $.05 per container of carbonated beverages and alcohol as a recycling deposit so, a 24 pack of Bud or Pepsi adds an additional $1.20 to the post-tax total whereas, a bottle of wine adds $.05

Once they find enough, they probably glue them together for a nice hat