Have I fucked myself up?

Good morning lit, I'm 20, through ought my life I've maybe read 5 full books, after 14 I became a dopamine whore, now I'm trying to read 1984 and I get bored to fucking death, I can't even imagine the story without getting bored.

I think this is the result off being a dopamine whore, I also a little off adhd but still I like the story and can focus on it I just get bored to hell reading books now.

How can I fix this?

Stop paying your Internet bill.

Meditation and a pure ascetic cleanse. This however will take dedication, are you prepared ti dedicate yourself?

Same here, how do i get into reading? I find everything boring and only play videogames and jerk off like a degenerate all day

Maybe you could try a few good audiobooks to get you into the swing of things, get you back on the track of using your imagination to interpret words. I listened to a 1984 audiobook on youtube and the narration was excellent. Apart from that, try perseverance; 1984 has a great payoff towards the end.

Was in a similar situation a year or two ago (was 18 - 19), I wanted to start reading more seriously and never really had done so before except on the internet. I recommend you start with universally loved books, such as 1984, Siddhartha, etc.. If you're having trouble with these, go for a short story. However, the best thing, imo, that you can do is pick books that you're actually interested in. The books that I had most fun reading were Godel Escher Bach, Superintelligence, I am a strange loop, etc... If you have no specific interests and the pleb-tier stuff like 1984 doesn't do it for you maybe try reading some shorter books?

Anyway, TL;DR don't care too much for Veeky Forums's advice, a lot of memes and some recommendations require too much background work and supplemental reading to fully understand. Pick short and interesting books ideally.

Thanks, you know what, what if I pick up tintin? Always had a load of fun reading those!

1984 isn't very compelling reading. Animal Farm was more fun at least. Or go read some Hemingway short stories or something.

Haha, of course he's not. He can't even read a book.

Read something interesting instead. Start with the Greeks


"The" Greeks were a primitive people who new nothing of the world, at least not like we do today, also they weren't even exposed to different ideas than their own, like we are in literature or even on the internet. As a result their writings are nothing more than naive delusions written on an intellectual level of a high school student. Whenever I pick up a Greek philosopher I think to myself "this is it? everyone has thought about stuff like this while bored", I think people are afraid to look stupid so pretend it is some grand intellectual achievement that they of course get. Perhaps it is the biggest "emperor has no clothes" gig of the world? Only organised religion rivals it

please leave

Pick what catches your interest the most, don't just read books so you can cross them off from the Veeky Forums top 100 (or similar lists). This is the most straight forward advice I can give. All the other advice such as and also sounds good but a bit unrealistic for the majority of us I think.

Alright, thank you.

Give us reasons why you want to read at all. If you don't have the right motivation, you're not going to make it.

I want to impress girls.

I want to :

- Learn more about the world
- Get deeply lost in interesting stories that make me go "hmm" and "wow"
- Develop my vocabulary
- Get a new hobby and cut down on my pc utilization.

Girls don't care about books mate. Girls care about you being a strong person able to support your own convictions as easily as you can support their desire to have a good time. They're also lovely, despite what Veeky Forums bitterly thinks.

You will impress girls more braging about not reading, unless you're into nerdy girls.

>They're also lovely, despite what Veeky Forums bitterly thinks.

Yeah they're fine but you don't need to make a point of declaring it like this. It sounds so faggoty.

I hope this is you, OP. At least you're doing it for the right reasons. My recommendation is that you read some short stories in addition to 1984.

Borges can be interesting and "makes u think"™. Read The Library of Babel. It won't take you that long, but it'll increase your ability to concentrate. The Garden of Forking Paths is even shorter (I think) and is also fun while being engaging/interesting.

what's "ascetic cleanse"?
I've never heard of that technique,nor google can't give me an answer

Here, OP or anyone else. These take an average of 25 minutes to read (5 - 60 min range). Read it all at once and level up.

Through ought? No one's going to address this on the lit board?

That's hardly the only problem with the post Satan.

First impressions my friend, they stick.

I'm not english


Whats the problem?

Just make sure to dedicate your entire focus to the book. Also, try to avoid cheap thrills like shitty phone games, excess porn and short science videos on YouTube.

>nerdy girls

Stop playing games so much, and only masturbate every seventh day.
Your brain's dopamine storage is completely fucked at the moment, and is used to having constant release due to you masturbating, and picking up a game and playing all day.
Your brain even releases some dopamine right now when it sees I've given you a (you).

Also, heavy internet use maps your brain into always seeking new information, will reading this post, you might have stopped to check your phone, or checked another tab etc.

But HOW do you escape this and start reading?
Use the internet less, use your phone less, only use them when you have a goal in mind, ex, I wanna check information on x etc.
Don't masturbate so much.
In the end, your brain will go back to it's normal programming, and you can now concentrate on reading, why? Because, a book doesn't make you release dopamine every page, but maybe in page 30, 50 etc. And your brain is now used to the waiting, and not needing short bursts of dopamine all the time.

Probably going full monk, living with the basic necessities. Bed, closet, table, chair, simple food and prayer (meditation) with reading.

If you are bored by reading then just don't read?

Do you think reading makes you a better person or something? There are other hobbies you can pursue.

Also what's a dopamine whore? Do you fuck guys for weed or what?

>Also what's a dopamine whore?
He masturbates to pornography.

read david foster wallace or pynchon. if they cant entertain you there is little hope

Wew lad.

>emperor has no clothes
Reddit pseud detected. That's the biggest red flag.

I really hope this is a bait. But you have to be genuinely retarded to think that the Greeks were not exposed to other cultures, because they were. The Greeks borrowed heavily from the Egyptians and Chinese, and they traded regularly.

don't listen to these people, you can jack off and do as much drugs as you like and still read easily, it's just because you haven't had much practice at reading. You know like how girls play video games for 5 minutes then get bored and give up? that's like you with books atm.

this 100%

>Have I fucked myself up?
>Good morning lit, I'm 20
