What are some good books for that will help me understand economics and finace so I can become a wall street trader...

What are some good books for that will help me understand economics and finace so I can become a wall street trader like Jordan belfort?

marxists need not reply

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is this song Veeky Forums?


Henry Hazlitt: Economics in One Lesson
Thomas Sowell: Basic Economics
David Foster Wallace: Infinite Jest


Your goal should be to employ philosophy to destroy your country and then rule as a warlord over the wreckage.

Either books on machine learning or time travel. You're 20 years too late.

so you want to defraud people and go to jail? he wasn't an actual trader who made money off the market, he scammed people into buying shit stocks.

What's the difference?

You missed the boat friend. We are currently in the end times spoke of in Revelations. Babylon is crumbling.


Just look for a loophole to exploit. You're better off familiarizing your self with governmental policy than economics, since it's usually their warping influence that creates openings. See the 2008 financial crisis for an example.

jail and resititution

Principles of Corporate Finance, Concise (McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance)

Bet you won't even fucking buy a cheap older edition.


(Revelation 14:8) A second Angel followed, calling out, "Ruined, ruined, Great Babylon ruined! She made all the nations drunk on the wine of her whoring!"

(Revelation 16:19) The Great City split three ways, the cities of the nations toppled to ruin. Great Babylon had to drink the wine of God's raging anger--God remembered to give her the cup!

(Revelation 17:5) A riddle-name was branded on her forehead: GREAT BABYLON, MOTHER OF WHORES AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

(Revelation 18:2) his voice thunderous: Ruined, ruined, Great Babylon, ruined! A ghost town for demons is all that's left! A garrison of carrion spirits, garrison of loathsome, carrion birds.

(Revelation 18:10) They'll keep their distance for fear they'll get burned, and they'll cry their lament: Doom, doom, the great city doomed! City of Babylon, strong city! In one hour it's over, your judgment come!

(Revelation 18:21) A strong Angel reached for a boulder--huge, like a millstone--and heaved it into the sea, saying, Heaved and sunk, the great city Babylon, sunk in the sea, not a sign of her ever again.

(Revelation 18:24) The only thing left of Babylon is blood-- the blood of saints and prophets, the murdered and the martyred.

please no christfaggotry in my thread

The House of Morgan is pretty good

k, regardless, society is crumbling and is only barely being held together through exploitation of late arrivals looking to make an easy buck.

>jordan belfort
>wall street trader

this just shows how far you are from ever coming near that

When will marxists, commies, socialists, post-mordernists, post-structuralists, and all the other members of the various im-2-woke-4-u clubs get a fucking nuclear holocaust?

Start with the Greeks

intelligent investor - graham
Dark pools- patterson
flashboys/the great short -lewis
fooled by randomness/ the black swan - taleb