Was tolkien a racist?

why are there no black hobbits?

he never specified that

hobbit is a race




Isn't the Shire supposed to represent rural England? In Tolkien's day there were very few black people in England and those such as there were all lived in big cities.

Hobbits are peaceful and friendly by nature.

Who gives a fuck if there were no black people? If there were any, they probably would've sat around doing jack shit for the entire series.

If you compare him to today perhaps, has nothing to do with hobbits tho

Strictly speaking probably but pretty much everyone was at that age and in that environment. For his own time, he was on the more enlightened side and showed disgust for nazis.

why are there no black greek gods ,were greeks racist ?

Zeus was black.

If barbarians count as a race, sure. They were certainly xenophobic, especially the Spartan or perhaps that's called classism.
I can't blame them, it were tougher times.

They didn't live close to the equator so they wouldn't need the extra melanin.

Dwarves are niggers

>not the orcs

Orcs are the bumbkin Germans that were drafted into the military. Are you fucking retarded? Technically they're watered down Elves too, so you're double wrong.

Other than Wyrmtongue, who are the Jews?


Because the orcs are the blacks. Dwarves are jews. Etc.

There were blacks among the Easterling army in The Return of the King. The way he described them was like a caricature... lawn-jockeyish, with black black skin, red tongues/lips, etc.
I really can't imagine a black hobbit, but if the LOTR movies came out right now, people would complain that Frodo wasn't a woman and Gandalf wasn't a black tranny. Also Aragorn and his disgusting patriarchy, right?

Well it's true, Western Africans are fucking crazy beasts. Doesn't mean they aren't cool, but in a non-racist way they are in a constant insane tribal blood war. Duels to the death happen in the streets because enemy tribes recognize tattoos/piercings. I'm sure when British people were discovering their culture it was madness to them, I have to give Tolkien points that they weren't inherently evil but a chaotic barbarian people that are easily manipulated (which is true, Boko Haram for example is lucrative for IS)

>Dwarves are jews

Just because of shekels? The turbo manlets are great warriors as well, unlike the Jews.

Sam proves deep empathy for a dead black Easterling. Tolkien himself specifies that the Easterlings were under the actual influence of Sauron, and that they could do nothing about it. Do not see them as inferior, evil men, rather see them as what Rohan would have turned out if Gamdalf had never broken Theoden's charm,

Tolkien was a subscriber of the infamous far right figure A.K Chesterton's journal "Candour". Other than that there is no finite source indicating his personal beliefs.



obviously humans are the jews in tolkein.

The celts, the elves, were basically Ethiopians even if Tolkein wouldn't have thought so with the imperialistic methods of archaeology in his time. The myth of the celts is one of a people who are peaceful and in tune with their roots, it's a memory of what we had during that golden age between the surfacing of our first ancestors on land and the advent of tribal organization. Although Tolkein had no idea, he was a contributor to the popular history of our Negro Atlantean ancestors.

Dear lord please stop.

>The myth of the celts is one of a people who are peaceful

>Just because of shekels?
Their literal entire races desire was for greed, that's why giving them the rings backfired for sauron. Read up on what you're discussing you stupid cunt.


Because there doesn't need to be Blacks. They have their own literature, their own authors. It's true they don't have anything quite like Tolkien yet, and it seems they're more interested in leeching onto it the work of Caucasians and Asians.

name six black authors

Tyrone Washington.

greeks are brown

I'm not from a country where you have to know black authors to virtue signal. I don't know any.

Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Dante, Cervantes and Yeezus

>semitic language
>bearded and hairy
>short and stocky
>exiled from homeland
>artisans and craftsmen
>industrious and clever
>stubborn and stiffnecked
>greedy and love gold and jewels
>clannish and secretive
>have separate names for dealing with each other and outsiders

it's pretty obvious. their martial nature comes from the biblical hebrews/israelites who were quite warlike.

Machado de Assis, Ralph Ellison, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Alexandre Dumas, Jean Toomer, Wole Soyinka

If you don't know any black writers, how do you know they're leeching off people?


This is why /pol/ crossposters need to be banned. They bring absolutely nothing of worth to this board.

Much like immigration.

funny story, tolkiens caregivers and servants were a black family. the boy servant took baby tolkien to his community one day without asking but eventually returned him. it was quite a scare but they loved him

hobbits could techncally be any race not a dig deal, the colour of thier skin is not specified or at least there is no restriction

>why are there no human race representatives in this fictional world

When will this meme die

it works both ways though, i agree that its idiotic when they change the race of an established human chracter but on the other side, ppl shouldnt get pissed when non humans or someone with no colour criterisa is made a minority, why people get worked up about this shit is so fucking embarrsing, and dont say shit bout my grammar

>the colour of thier skin is not specified
Pretty sure they're at least described as rosy-cheeked and many are blond, especially after Sam scatters Galadriel's gift throughout the Shire. That kinda implies that they're white.

>when non humans or someone with no colour criterisa is made a minority
I'm not sure I know what you mean, can you give me an example?
I have to admit that I was disappointed that they made Thor a girl. He's an established character and also based on a very old mythology... And I hear that Iron Man is now black and female.
Why can't they just write compelling new material for characters like Storm or create new heroes?

The elves aren't specifically Celtic, they're Uralic as well.