Naan fillings

making some Naan tomorrow, not sure what to make to put inside. any ideas?? I've got some red curry paste... mmmmm

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Some Indian cheese would be deadly.

making them to use as taco shells*

They make a good crust for a personal pizza.

Mashed potatoes, salt, chilli powder and fine chopped onions mashed together. You can replace the mashed potatoes with cottage cheese (paneer) if you want, both taste equally good but different.
This is how we make it in our place. Goes godlike with most indian curries. Be sure to swab a thin layer of butter (ideally ghee if you can get it) on the naan before you eat it.

peshwari paste
flaked almond, cream, dessicated coconut, sugar and sultanasblended into a thick paste and stuffed into the naan

>tfw go to indian buffet in next town
> free unlimited naan
> eat 10 whole pieces of garlic naan and a bunch of fried potato things and some goat curry dish
>wash down with mango lassi and free ice cream
>shit smells rancid for 2 days
>sweat smells like the indian kid i sat next to in HS programming class

a bullet


is that anything like Naam

Eight naan Jeremy? Eight? That's insane!

>cuckold immune system
Soyboy confirmed.

do you know what an immune system is?

ah when the /pol/ kiddos come full circle, they defend eating poo in the loo food

And white kids, please fucking stop trying to compare our indian food to soul food.

Your american nigger food is shit, cooked by retards with no culinary skills. Trying to compare cuisines may as well just be insulting us.

>immune system has anything to do with eating over three cups of butter in a single meal

>he can't handle a simple curry
Back to your safe space, Carl.


you wipe your shit with your hand

I think pretty much no one can argue that burgeristan food is better than Indian food

It didn't make me sick tho
It just made everything my body produced/expelled smell like a stereotypical indian kid who smells like curry all the time

You scrape your shit covered anus with a piece of paper and walk around with shit smeared buttocks all day. Idiot

looks like you got triggered

i would

indian food is incredibly overrated

Indian food is only pushed on the world by the British, a country with cuisine so horrid that Indian looks like fine dining as an alternative.

tzatziki sauce (basically dill cucumber dip, its really good.)

You talking about paneer, my boy? Paneer and spinach is a good combo.

not all of it
naan are incredible and have you ever had gulab jamun? the spicy curry poo in stew I don't much care for but they do interesting things with decadent spices.

>And white kids, please fucking stop trying to compare our indian food to soul food.

Pots of meat stew with heavy spices to drown out the rotting, shit tier meat you're trying to make edible... they're pretty close fampajeet.

>Your american nigger food is shit, cooked by retards with no culinary skills.

Yes and that's why nobody eats that shit except for obese niggers.

What's your excuse?

OP here just returning to this shit show
>Ingredients have been purchased
Thought about a simple tzatziki or hummus but decided against it

the personal pizza crust sounds excellent to have tomorrow with the left overs

anyone else? .... I probably should have checked this thread before I got the shit in case I needed
>more shit

>fill with lamb curry, lettuce, onions, tomato, yogurt, and coconut shavings
>make an Indian gyro
Do it for science OP.

Finished up just a while ago, delicious home made naan. there you have it.

got lazy and just dipped in hummus

can you give me a basic naan recipe, OP? i'm very comfortable making both yeasted and sourdough breads but have never tried flat breads!

sure thing it was essentially
>packet yeast
>4ish cups bread flour
>1 cup warm water
>2tsp salt
>hard splash milk
>one egg
>garlic or whatever you want to flavor it with

yeast into water dissolved 10 minutes or so. then add salt milk beaten egg and mix. pour the mixture over 1 cup flour and gradually add flour until you've got a nice consistency. squishy but not sticky. I used oven to speed up rising of dough but that's cause I'm lazy (200f preheated oven, cut oven off as I put the dough covered with a rag in a greased Pyrex in) after 40ish mins in oven should have doubled in size. then just pull off handfuls work into balls. work in the garlic. roll em flat. cooked mine on a cast iron skillet but I'd imagine much any skillet would work. butter the pan and butter the other side pre flip. about 2 minutes per side on medium heat did it

hope this imparts you with delicious naan as it did me user

oh yeah also just a pinch of sugar. probably like a teaspoon give or take, your preference

gotcha, thanks for this!

Naan dough is very similar to pizza dough. You can add a little yogurt to your preferred recipe. The baking is also very similar in that you have to get it as hot as you possibly can. If you're into sourdough, khameer roti is a good thing to fuck around with. Bakes at a lower temp too even though that's still above whatever your home oven can go to. For a completely different pan only sourdough flat bread go for a dosa.

Seeing as how the body ejects indian food from every possible pore and orifice that it can, I really don't think this stuff is too good for you user.

>*sips corn syrup from the bottle*

Keema meat.
Keema naan is so fucking good.