So, what did we think of this?

So, what did we think of this?



I bought it b/c it has a cool cover and title.
But I never read any of the people he is talking about so I had no clue what was going on.

i've never read it but i follow @NoTrueScotist so i think i'm qualified to say it's Good

It's excellent

Ah, someone else who's active on trad Twitter. Of all the strains on Twitter it's probably my favorite, even managing to surpass black Twitter.

What are some good Trad twitter accounts to follow?

After Virtue is great by the way

NoTrueScotist, which the other guy mentioned, is a great one. Other good ones: Chateaubriand__, C.C. Pecknold, pomofoco, 1renist, theroyalacorn, troll_lege. Also, any and all Dominican priests on Twitter. Dominicans are based as fuck, even on the internet.

are you Catholic?

Yes, and an increasingly more devout one at that.

Lmao practically half my tl right there. Always good to see Catholics showing up on Veeky Forums.

I'm ambivalent about the Woke Space Jesuit because I can't make up my mind whether he's a postmodernist LARPing as a Catholic or a Catholic LARPing as a postmdernist.

Why are you on Veeky Forums? Woulda thought it was too dirty and immoral or something

Catholics have this undeserved reputation as intellectuals for some reason which gives them an excuse to do all kinds of degenerate shit.

Well I've been on Veeky Forums for a long time now, back when the place was even more hostile to Christianity than it is now, so to a certain extent it's home.

Beyond that, sure there's some bad stuff here, but there's lots of good stuff, too. And I find the anarchy and chaos of anonymity and no accounts actually pretty conducive to virtue and the discovery of the Truth. There's less virtue signalling, fakeness, and petty autocracy here than anywhere else on the internet. It's actually a much better place to be a Christian than most forums and message boards I can think of, in large part because there's no hugboxing and no enforced conformity. There's lots of assholery, but the opportunity for Truth is greater, too.


I like people like WSJ, bruv, pomo etc. from a distance. I appreciate the attempt to synthesize a Catholic/Marxist critique of capitalism, but they all flirt with heresy to some degree or another (bruv is just an outright heretic).

Which, again, is why you need to follow actual priests for a counterbalance. And the Dominicans are the best of them. The Order of Preachers runs a pretty tight doctrinal ship.

Croat get out

So define virtue according to this book

>he litreally can't imagine this scenario

How? Read more if you want to at least somewhat get into peoples worldviews that aren't your.


Not him, but this made me kek. Do you close your eyes while fapping? Catholics are normal people. You must be Ameritard?

All the Catholics I've met who take it seriously are vehemently anti-pornography

Not all Catholics are the same.

You can't be Catholic and fine with pornography.

>fuck emotivism
>dude linguistic teleology lmao

well that's all I know about it

WeirdCath tribe here, WSJ is risen and asuka is best girl.

After virtue was I think something we all knew to be true already, simply formalized. So while it wasn't exactly groundbreaking it showed great powers of erudition and that makes it good.

WSJ had a great storyline this past week, can't wait to see what the producers do next.