"The Sun's not yellow, it's chicken."

"The Sun's not yellow, it's chicken."
Nobel Prize laureate.

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>what is a pun
Besides, the committee nominated him for his body of work, revival of folk, and influence on songwriting. Not that I agree, but it wasn't only for his hit or miss songs.

How does it feel?

>muh reductionism

Sunlight is rather bluish though.

she's nazi qabalist

Who should have won instead?

Try this instead:
Even though a cloud's white curtain in a far-off corner flared
And the hypnotic splattered mist was slowly lifting
Electric light still struck like arrows, fired but for the ones
Condemned to drift or else be kept from drifting

John Ashbery

Jordan Peterson


i seriously hope you don't think this
He is not a good writer.

The idea was that they could give the prize to an American without REALLY giving the prize to an American (because Bob isn't really a writer). Now they don't have to give the prize to another American for another 20 years. The point was to fill the quota and insult American literature.

Literature isn't music. So much of the 'meaning' of what BD wrote is carried or rather conveyed by the music that accompanies it. The Academy has shown that it has no sense at all of what poetry even is, and has been over the last 300 or so years.

What does yellow and chicken have in common? Cowardice. Now you're the dumbass

Define "music" and "poetry"

>the Illiad and Odyssey aren't literature because they're oral poems meant to be performed to music
See how stupid you sound?

But why? Classic American lit is fantastic and there's no reason to disrespect the tradition. Does it really just come down to contemporary politics?

the supreme jester pynchone

>He was 23 when he wrote this
This is probably what strikes me as more impressive in Dylan, how fucking young he was, the man had changed american (and worldwide) pop music at least twice by the time he was 30.

So the committee is fucking trash and a total joke. I mean, I knew that once I found out Borges never won the Nobel Prize, but this is just additional confirmation.

The thing is that they're same people, you doofus. Don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that Pynch's best friend was Dylan's brother in law at the time?

>hol up lemme get my strawman
I am amused by your absurd reductionism and false equivalences.

so when pynchong talks about They, he's referring to dylan and his legacy?

I wish he sold his songs more often instead of performing them himself. Literally one of the worst voices

No, they're both talking about Them and I'm not talking about the fantastic Van Morrison 60s R&B combo,
whose beautiful version of It's all Over Now, Baby Blue you should be listening to right now.

the superior angl* folkfag, leonard cohen
still they are nothing compared to spanish folkfags

Actually I'm not doing nothing anyway, here's my five favourite versions of It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (no particular order).

Not really a strawman. Both examples are poetry set intended to be accompanied with music. And if not Homer, Sappho likely set her poetry to music. Or the fact many poems have lyric qualities and then are set to music afterwards. Dylan took familiar melodies and then wrote the song but the music was always a backdrop to the lyrics. The presence of music has nothing to do with the poetic value of a piece.

>I will ignore the false equivalence ONCE MORE

Yep. I wish people on Veeky Forums had a bit more respect for Dylan on average. Yeah, he wasn't technically a poet, but he did more for poetry than almost any other figure in the second half of the 20th century. And he wrote some visionary, haunting stuff. For example: "I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it".

There are so many things wrong with Dylan! I will list a few of them. Sorry for bad formatting - this laptop is a very bad one.

1. No ear for the musicality of words

Dylan can’t write proper meter, nor does he know where rhymes should and shouldn’t go. There’s not a single Dylan poem which contains rigorous, well-done meter, although there are many in which he tried to do so.

2. He works too fast

There is not a single Dylan poem which clearly shows him to have worked on it and polished it until he got so tired he couldn’t even move his fingers anymore. To give him a Nobel for his poetry is an insult to the art practiced by Virgil, who wanted to burn the last books of the Aeneid because he thought they hadn’t been polished enough.
You can tell those poems probably cost him less than a day to be written.

3. He’s inconstant

Almost every good Dylan stanza is followed by a terribly-written one. The man was born with natural talent for imagery and a smart mind, but he has no capacity to discern good writing from bad writing – nor good painting from bad painting, for that matter, judging by the fact that he is not ashamed to show to the world the horrible stuff he has produced in that craft.
With real poets, you can be pretty sure that, excepting unfortunate cases, the level will be more or less maintained from the beginning to the end. Thus, even though Paradise Lost has quite a few thousands of lines, there’s not a single book or stanza which can truly be called bad. Not all of the books are equally good, and not all stanzas are equally inspired, but Milton knew how to discern good from bad poetry, and, as a result, there’s very little actually bad stuff in Paradise Lost and, even when there is, it still holds the merits of technical mastery and metrical regularity. In Dylan’s case, I am usually disappointed because the level is NOT maintained.

4. He can’t think

He has no original thoughts. All he can do is repeat that which he has heard either from left-wing hippies or Christians (or anyone else that happens to be influencing him at the moment).

5. He has no erudition

He likes to name-drop Pound, Eliot, Einstein, Verlaine and Rimbaud, but he shows no real signs of having studied those men’s work deeply. Had he done so, he wouldn’t have had the metrical difficulties he has often had, nor would he publish such bad stuff as he sometimes has published, because he would recognize how terrible it is and would be ashamed it.

6. He can’t speak

You only have to watch his interviews in order to see how much of a master of the English language Dylan is. He can barely articulate his words! He can barely talk for more than 30 seconds. I have *never* heard a writer who talked so bad and so little. Even average writers can use the English language a lot better than Dylan when talking. It’s almost as if… Dylan has nothing to say. And don’t come to me with the old ‘’Oh, but he does it to piss of interviewers!’’ because this can be used as an excuse for everything.
Once I was reading a Chomsky article (I am not left-wing, but I try to look at all points of view) and he mentioned Dylan. He said he listened to an interview of his in the radio, and that the man could barely talk. His words were something along the lines of ‘’And Dylan talked, if you can call that talking…’’ I find it quite amusing that the world’s foremost linguist has said Dylan can’t talk properly…

Let's face it: we live in an age in which the Nobel Prize winner for Literature is a poet who can’t write meter, can’t discern good from bad art, can’t think, and can’t talk. Cultural decline is real, and this is what it looks like. I don ‘t like to be an alarmist but, in a sense, it really looks as though we have lost something. Any amateur can be a poet now that Dylan won the Nobel.

You people are still hurr durring about Dylan?


>he unironically believes that adjective- and adverb-infested mess is good writing

It's a meme but unironically Pinecone

A non-writer won a writer's prize, you'd better believe we're still butthurt about it.

Should have done better then

The Nobel Committee needs to not be so faggoty. A truly deserving writer hasn't won it in almost half a century now.

The reason I asked this is because I feel like Rushdie perhaps would have been a good choice. Anyone agree?

Could you recommend me some superior spanish folkfags?

first: the nobel is the equivalent of oscars. something shiny and glittering in the most superficial sense. is not the pinnacle of nothing.
second: that sentence/poem is brilliant. (i dont know if Dylan wrote it anyway)

Next year?

Marquez won it in the 80s didn't he?

Thanks for this, user. One of my favourite Dylan tunes.

>over the last 300 or so years
do (you) read, fucktard?

Silvio Rodriguez and Victor Jara are my favorite spic folkfags, their lyrics are beautiful.

She lit a burner on the stove

And offered me a pipe

“I thought you’d never say hello,” she said

“You look like the silent type”

Then she opened up a book of poems

And handed it to me

Written by an Italian poet

From the thirteenth century

And every one of them words rang true

And glowed like burnin’ coal

Pourin’ off of every page

Like it was written in my soul from me to you

Tangled up in blue

It's not that bad a choice, but there are far more deserving figures. Even for songwriting: Silvio Rodriguez, Victor Jara, Zenani (if she's still alive) or Leonard Cohen (alive at the time Dylan won) might have been better choices, though I don't know whether or not they have Dylan's influence.

*If Jara was still alive.

(You) know I thought of this, and it's great. But it's impossible to read and not hear the music that goes with it. Though I love Dylan (Desire, Nashville, and Blond especially) raw poetry taps into something unheard via words alone. This is not an opinion, but a condition. One that was thoroughly ignored.


Speaking of folk poet-musicians, thoughts on Conor Oberst?

Anyway, prove to me this wasn't all just Baby Boomer wankery. Fucking boomers.

Not that user, but it is a textbook strawman argument, which you just continue in this post.
It's not even a good strawman either. Comparing contemporary songs to poetry that has been read and studied for thousands of years is stupid as fuck.
>but it was set to music, probably
wow. now I truly see.

The Nobel is a joke anyway. They could give it to Ariana Grande and I wouldn't give a fuck.

cormac mcarthy. it's a fucking shame because no way the swedes are going to give it to two americans in a row, especially not with what is happening to our country.

i literally burst out laughing at this and i love jordan peterson

borges not winning the award is a travesty

Well that explains it. Case closed.

Like Ezra pound has said and delved into. The whole business and making a living side of things has a huge impact on an artist

I think it's further a problem to singers and songwriter, they have to dilute so much of themselves in order to meet contract obligations, appeal to masses and sell seats

Most average/pretty good people wont even come close to despite how much effort to be actually worthy of receiving a noble prize in literature for actual literature, let alone master a whole bunch of musical concepts, try and make a living, have their record companies breathing down their neck. It's preposterous that anyone can achieve such deservingly under such conditions

This is objectively wrong.

Care to explain. Everything he said is a valid criqtue of a "poet", maybe not dylan

"The Sun's not yellow, it's chicken".

Needs more context to the lyric. In the song, the commander and chief, while holding a barbell points to the sky, saying the sky is chicken.

all brawn, no brain? It's meant to be nonsense. The commander is supposed to be an idiot.

It's quite weird desu, he's very eloquent and concise when he talks but is a pretty average writer

James Fucking Joyce didn't win the Nobel. It's an award like another, it has no actual value

The real reason is the opposite. The Swedish intelligentsia is obsessed with Americana (Dylan/Springsteen) which to them represents an authenticity not found in our own vulgar European folk culture (because they've spent their careers deconstructing it and claiming it doesn't exist). Regardless, the aged hipster intellectual is stereotypically a Bob Dylan fanboy here, so even though it was a bit surprising it was by no means shocking.

I can't stand Bob Dylan, but even I think that's a good line.

Neither of those artists represents authentic Americana. They're both big city cosmopolitan Jews why aped actual artists who never recieved any recognition.

>Nobel Prize

Of course, but Swedish intellectuals wouldn't touch the US Trump-voting lower classes with a ten foot pole. Dylan and Springsteen just represent that image of rugged authenticity that hipsters obsess.

>the state of Veeky Forums
close this board please

Rushdie is a hack. That Iranian fatwa was the best thing that has ever happened to him, because without it he would be completely irrelevant as he should be.

Read Gass's Essay on the Pulitzer (and other literary awards) have done with this shit and think about something else.