Be cara

>be cara
>write a novel that is going to become a bestseller,guaranteed
What are you doing with your life?

>no oxford comma

halo effect
all you had to mention was she was born attractive

>tfw don't read YA shit usually but strongly considering buying this cos Cara wrote it

not especially. sasha grey's stuff didn't exactly fly off the shelves.

Gee, sorry my dad didn't buy me a career.
Guess I'll just drop out of business school now because user on the internet says I'm not as successful.

Writing things that I hope people enjoy, while holding down a boring job that pays the bills and gives me time to shitpost on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums during my workday.

Cara is in another league compared to sasha

You guys may laugh but she had a top tier public school UK education (public as in really fucking expensive old school). She probably spoke ancient Greek and Latin since she was 5. She is probably better read than you


Fucking dropped. I had it preordered too.

Off topic but how do you cancel prepaid credit cards???

>those character names

>being so insanely jealous of Cara that you bring up the fact you're in some worthless undergrad programme in business administration

Unironically this, these types of fuckers come across as stupid but are very very knowledgeable. I doubt it will make her a good writer though, that needs practise and she is too young to have studied lots of prose composition like they used to do at public schools

Imagine how fucked up your brain must be for you to be a dime a dozen twentysomething young person who mostly parties and fucks around, but you have agents and handlers who manage and construct this entire little celebrity life around that nothingness, but you actually think you're a successful interesting important person as a result, AND that you're 100% responsible for all the celebrity stuff

And then some of your handlers say you should write a book! And you say Okay! And they get a guy to write it for you, who not only has to do all the work, but pretend you are an equal collaborator and that he really values the time you deign to spend saying stupid bullshit like "I want one of the characters to be named RED. And I want RED to be BRAVE!!" that he then has to incorporate

And then you don't even tweet the book yousrelf, you have another handler do it, and at the end of the day you feel like a cool interesting important public figure celebrity who writes books

Celebrities are the most disturbing things this species have ever created.

If she's so smart then why does she need a collaborator (who would probably do all the work) to write a simple YA novel?
She might be well educated, but you know her name is in the book just to sell more

most celebrities dont even own what is named after them. they have a name and thats what people care about. $

Her parents are rich aristocrats, that's literally it.

I know a guy that looks like her.

Or rather, she looks like a guy I know. Absolutely hideous.

> attractive

books for this feel?

I love how they made her name huge on the cover. Though her description of it blows.

>What are you doing with your life?
Writing a novel too, obviously. Her success has not much relevance on my own life or yours. So why care?

>Celebrities are the most disturbing things this species have ever created.
People obsessed about them are much worse. At least she's having a good time, while some neckbeard is literally shacking while writing shitposts about her.

My friend knocked her over with his push bike while delivering a package to a vouge office

>"What do you want for Christmas, sweetie?"
>"My favorite actress, Cara Delevigne, wrote a book! I want to be just like her when I grow up!"
>parents google "Cara Delevigne movies"
>"Hmmm..." they think. "Seems like an up and coming young star. We'll buy our child this book."


>"What do you want for Christmas, user?"
>"My favorite actress, Sasha Gray, wrote a book! I want to be inside her when I grow up!"
>parents google "Sasha Grey movies"
>dad bookmarks the url for later

>And they get a guy to write it for you, who not only has to do all the work, but pretend you are an equal collaborator and that he really values the time you deign to spend saying stupid bullshit like "I want one of the characters to be named RED. And I want RED to be BRAVE!!" that he then has to incorporate
What's the over/under on his ghostwriter fee? My best guess is $25,000.

>dad bookmarks the url for later

really? i never understood why people find that wench attractive, she has a literal manface

She's attractive. Not saying she's talented but she is attractive.

I loathe the idea of her.

>with rowan coleman
Really makes you think

Can you imagine what's behind Cara's persona?
I mean, if you strip her from her fame, money and success, what remains? Probably somehting that is not even interesting: a spoiled, talentless person with absolutely no opinion on anything worth caring about, who is completely ignorant of all ways of life and fields of knowledge.
People like Cara and Taylor Swift never fail to give me this impression.

>business school


don't you like titanic, user?

>Can you imagine what's behind
>a spoiled, talentless person with absolutely no opinion on anything worth caring about

(You have to be careful not to let that thought consume you.)

But yeah, it's probably true. I work as a wageslave in the city centre next to all the offices and shit, and I've noticed that 80-90% of the city workers are conventionally attractive and charismatic as hell (and get drunk every day of the week).

I kinda wonder what happened to all the smart kids that met in education (they were a varied bunch, some ugly, some not, socially retarded, others not etc).

>I mean, if you strip her from her fame, money and success, what remains?
An attractive girl with the talent for modeling, acting and whatever else she's doing. You don't get how the industry works. Obviously mommy and daddy can get you in with their jewgold but if you don't have the skills, you're out pretty soon. Look at Rebecca Black what happens if you skip on talent.

>Taylor Swift
Is a fucking business genius, who plays her role perfectly. Mommy and daddy only helped her to get in, making almost 300 million was her doing.

her ancestry.

>She is probably better read than you
>"It's a story about friendship, identity, and the fact that appearances can be deceiving"
Yeah, she is ahead of Borges.

>actually written by this schmuck you've never heard of lol don't pay attention to that fact tho what was the title again?

He should become a trap

>Obviously mommy and daddy can get you in with their jewgold but if you don't have the skills, you're out pretty soon.

Cara Delevingne is still being shoved into films despite her acting being mediocre as fuck. There's no way she could've stayed afloat on her specific look.

>despite her acting being mediocre as fuck
Which is perfectly fine. She is not starring in oscar bait but children's movies. She's a decent enough actor not to seem like a celeb cameo, recognizable and got tons of fans. Why wouldn't you put her in your movie? Though casting her as a lead was a silly miscalculation.

>Though casting her as a lead was a silly miscalculation.

Miscalculation my arse, I'm sure she pushed for that. Maybe I'm wrong.