Why do you read literature?

Why do you read literature?

the consumption and creation of art is the only thing that I can see that makes life worth living, and literature is my favorite medium of art.

To learn about the heritage of my whiteness and white forefathers who built Western civilzation which is now crumbling thanks to feminist postmodernism

to gain knowledge/wisdom, which i use for or against the people i love

i only read belles-lettres

I think this phrase sounds so fucking stupid, "to read literature". We don't use the word literature in that way in Swedish. (litteratur)

this desu

to solve the mystery of the crystal stars

Because I am very insecure and want to feel smart.

it's just a hobby

escapism, education, mental reformation or expansion, appreciation of art for art

that is about it


I like things that take my noggin for a joggin.

because im a retard and i want to understand more about myself and the world in the hope i dont make it any worse than it already is.

and this!
Sheeit, I gotta lurk more.

because it's fun

through vidgegames, I've been unknowingly exposed to all kinds of thoughts and ideas, ideologies, theologies, mythologies...other ologies. Didn't realize it, but they were all right there, slapping me in the face. Yeah it's covered by fantastic coat of paint, but the core is the same. The soul, whatever.
I mean I loves muh fiction, but where did THEY get their ideas?
Pretty sure it was the "nerds" of the past.

What about orgasms?

How do you use it?

Architecture too!

Well this America you cum guzzling cock jockey cuck. Suck my dick while I read literature... faggot

Because I learned how beautifull it is, and not only that, but the great works often help me to find my own awnsers to questions that bug my mind.
The art of writting is what helps me being a bit happier about my fucking life, and if the things I write help or at least bring a little joy to others, than I am more then satisfeid.

bored of vidya desu

It's a necessary evil for writing, which in turn is one of the few things I like doing.

Because Mario is fat.