Will you stop eating natural meat once artificially grown lab meat becomes the norm?

Will you stop eating natural meat once artificially grown lab meat becomes the norm?

If it's cheap, I will.

If it truly replicates the taste and texture of meat at a fraction of the cost then the laws of economics dictate that everyone will switch over.

Will there be any other option? Natural meat will crazy expensive and will just become a complete luxury

No, just to piss off the liberal vegan crowd


>get is wasted on fucking normie
Stupid /pol/ cowburger

Quints never lie, lab-grown meat is OVER


checked, also a good option too


absolutely. if it tastes about the same and is the about the same price, easy choice

I'd be cautious about that, who knows if there are some differences in it that might cause fucking ass cancer or something.

> might cause fucking ass cancer or something.
... Sorry to break it to you but your regular variety already does.

I know that perfectly, that's why I eat rarely. But modified meat could be even worse in that regard.

eat it*

They can already do it today but it costs around 10000 for enough for one meal.

I bet the day they can make this cheap is the day where the real meat has already gotten so expensive most people have become vegans and evolved not to endure meat in their stomaches anymore.

For the same sorta price/taste for sure. Presumably much safer (less risk of parasites/disease) and much more sustainable / low impact. I have no romanticism about living whole farm animals.

Am I wrong in supposing the invention/marketization of artificial meat will be the greatest invention of all time in terms of positive environmental impact? I suppose the switch away from coal to petroleum/gas is a contender.

the meat will still require nutrients and energy which'll cost fuel and there will be byproducts possibly unwanted. artificial meat will do work economically because currently to grow meat, you also have to grow brains, bone, digestive system, etc. and those things cost extra

I doubt it'll taste the same. And introducing it into the market may raise the prices of real meat. Its not a good thing

>cruelty free lab grown meat becomes cheap and readily available
>veg retards rejoice because now the little cowwie wowwies will get to live in peacy weacy
>no longer any financial incentive to keep them alive
>cow herds the world over are slaughtered en masse and the bovine species goes extinct

Check back here in 25 years, it'll be true

Wait a minute i thought insects were supposed to be the answer to our eventual protein problems.

>25 years

I think the demand for "real" meat will still be high, there will be slander and campaigns against the use of lab grown meat and a stigma will be attached to it.

Sure, seems unnecessary stupid to waste so much space for livestock. Wouldn't mind real meat becoming a form of luxury food.

Will grow bacon from my back, then shit eggs

Depends on the dish i'd say.
You can probably still taste the difference when it comes to cuts that are eaten without much seasoning like steak.
But when it comes to marinated, heavily seasoned or ground meat products. Why the hell not?

do we have a fucking pigchicken on Veeky Forums

Only if it's as cheap or cheaper than the real thing and tastes about the same, but i sincerely doubt it'll take off as such because of pressure from the existing meat industries. Nevermind that freeing the animals into the wilderness isn't viable (it'd be a lot of dead animals due to starvation or being predated) and with the fierce amount of domestication and selective breeding with the animals involved they might not even exist if not for being in human pens.

Not gonna happen in only a few generations.

Lol. How is that even a question, who the fuck would eat that fake shit

It will be inferior in taste, texture and nutrients but the poor and middle class will be forced to accept it in their pig troughs while the top 10% gorge on real meat. So it will be exactly like it is today with regard to food products.

>Waste quints on chef boyardee
>couldve been used in Pol to resurrect and reanimate Hitler

Why u do dis pepe?

More importantly, will vegfags stop being vegfags?


>everyone in here saying "hurr it'll taste bad"
it's literally the exact same tissue, muscle and fat, just grown in a lab. do you understand the optimization potential here? you could literally make a steak as fatty or as lean as you wanted. you could pick and choose where different parts go. hell you could invent a new cut of beef that doesn't even exist in real life!

not to mention that we've been doing similar things for centuries, just in a cruder way: sausages and meatballs, think about it. how do you get a smooth, spreadable sausage like mettewurst? you add more fat to the mix. how do you get a harder, firmer sausage like mysliwska? you add more lean tissue.

If you want to talk about globs of random animal cells packed into a mush, you've already eaten that if you've ever had fucking spaghetti and meatballs. so what's the difference here? You're talking like just because it's grown in a lab it's gonna taste like ammonia or toothpaste or something


only if it tastes better or tastes the same and is cheaper

all accounts so far suggest they haven't gotten the texture right yet, the technology just isn't close to making it with the proper texture and flavor, especially not at a reasonable price


except then i will be the one classified as a non-gmo, organic meat faggot

>it's literally the exact same tissue, muscle and fat, just grown in a lab.
if it was that simple, it would have been done already

If lab meat becomes the norm won't the demand for real meat go down making it cheaper? I'll try artificial meat 30 years after it's introduced to make sure it doesn't kill everyone. Thanks for beta testing.

>smooth, spreadable sausage like mettewurst?
mettwurst is basically salami made with horse meat

wtf are you on about

I cooked two 10lb prime rib roasts for Christmas. Then created an au jus and yorkshire pudding with the fat and drippings. I've been eating sandwiches and plates with leftovers since. The texture and flavor of the meat and location and flavor of fats and the delicious bones can never EVER be replaced by your lab grown shit. So if you want to eat that soyboy shit, have at it but some of us actually enjoy meat.

>A single burger patty of lab grown meat is still 12 yankee dollarydoos
You would need to drop that to where, after shipping, handling and store markups the price is like $.50 a patty. While making it taste like normal beef and not cause some unforseen disease like tertiary predator meat or southwest chicamoo

why the fuck would you even stay here?

>Then created an au jus
>created an au jus
>an au jus

No. Real meat will go up in price in the way that handmade stuff now costs more because of machines. Plus eventually the animal rights crowd will see to it that meat goes the way of cockfighting or bear baiting.

depends on whether or not lab grown meat manages to solve the problem of marbling or if it's all gonna be super lean or super fatty. not to mention the issue of taste

>worried that the general public will hear "lab-grown" and nope the fuck out
>decide to ask normie family about it
>tell them about meat grown in labs - scientists can grow meat without it being on a conscious being and in some cases can do things like breed chicken without brains, all the meat none of the suffering
>all of them agree that they're fine with farmed meat despite not liking how animals are treated
>but they'd never eat lab-grown meat
They refused to or couldn't elaborate beyond "eww that's gross"

>entering a website full of things i dont like
But that's what /pol/tards do here, entering a website with open discussion with people of carrying opinions.

If they keep it the same nutritionally. They're currently trying to say it's better without the iron and fat, and saying synthetic milk is better without the fat and lactose. There are health benefits for all of those things as long as they're consumed in moderation, so taking them out seems like a bad idea. This is my only issue with it currently.

If it's the same nutritionally but the taste/texture/flavor is only 75% there then I'd still eat it.

I've had the same experience, they say lab-grown meat isn't natural but kind of just dance around the subject when I tell them factory farming isn't natural either and that's where most of the meat they eat comes from. I think it'll take younger people having grown up with it their whole lives so it doesn't seem so weird for it to take off, or things like celebrity endorsements.

>star trek replicators turning a block of uniform matter into a steak is cool as hell
>but if the process takes longer than an instant it's gross lol

>normies have an "eew that's grody" response and get mad when you use logic on them
what did you fucking expect, idiot

you're stupid and your family doesn't like you

>could have been used in Pol
get out

>do you understand the optimization potential here? you could literally make a steak as fatty or as lean as you wanted.
Would be nice except we're not actually at that level yet. Accounts of burgers made with the current meat-cloning process say they taste bland as all absolute fuck because there's no fat cloned in the mix, just cloned sheets of muscle-tissue and nothing else. 100% lean = no flavor whatsoever.
Factory farming is a hell of a lot more natural than outright cloning meat.


I am not trusting lab grown meat.
It hasn't been studied long enough to see how it affects humans long term.

I'd try it, but I'd be thinking of this the entire time.

I can't wait for cheap lab grown meat to exist so Jerky prices will drop.

Sounds good enough for stews though

>those fucking hardcore numbers

basically this

yeah, fuck that


This is a blessed day, the gods have smiled upon you this golden day.

>demand and price are directly proportional

>Will you stop eating natural meat once artificially grown lab meat becomes the norm?

Spoiler:Your mom wont

You make cheese in a fucking factory too, nobody we gross at that because people are illogical as fuck. It's nearly the same thing, down to culturing your medium beforehand

It would take people a while but if it looks and smells good then more and more people will eat it and then the stigma will be gone

Once again, only if it tastes the same or better; has the same texture; cooks the same; and is as nutritious or more so, and costs less than regular meat. It has to be exactly the same or better than regular meat for me to adopt it.

Those are some nice digits.
