Where are ΟΥΤΙΣ and Girardfag now? I miss them

Where are ΟΥΤΙΣ and Girardfag now? I miss them.

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If you check thread older threads Girardfag actually made a post a few days ago that he was taking some time off from posting on here. He said he still browses threads though. Since this one mentions his name I'm sure he is reading it (Hi girardfag!) and if we try hard enough he might post again. Or, you could actually have made an effort and created a thread about Girard and that would have worked just as well.

Thank you!

I gonna sleep now...

I called him out for being a histrionic plebshit fucking imbecile and he started crying and left
I'll bring down any of you if I need to

Take me down a few pegs plz

You're not as well read and intelligent as you would to think you are

i like the pictures girardfag posts


what about ΟΥΤΙΣ?

cool man

Literally who?

I know that he studied Hegel and Marx for several years, then came to Christianity

And disappeared

The orthodox larper cannot debate. I do not enjoy steamrolling, i'd rather have a challenge. And he does not read.

Cool guy, he talked about John Chrysostom and other people

Why do you think so??

It's night already. I have to sleep. Music for you.



ITT a namefag makes a thread about himself posing as Anonymous, and casually namedrops another of his ilk to avoid suspicion



No, I really miss them

Who the fuck actually tripfags on Veeky Forums

wot doz that graf say?

Sounds like a major cocksucker

*activates handle*

what's up homeboy

>I called him out for being a histrionic plebshit fucking imbecile and he started crying and left
I'll bring down any of you if I need to
n-no way man
cool guys never cry

have another

i love this place

big fags, that's who

i'm just taking a breather to digest for a bit. practicing dat silence. i check this place daily but IRL life has a few added dimensions to it now. working out the silliness in a slightly different form, mostly trying to prevent nick land's wet dreams from destroying what remains of my sanity

you guys are wonderful
this place is wonderful
memes are wonderful
& we are forever happy we came to Veeky Forums

i am trying to retire this handle but when i am desperate for attention again i will surely invoke it

but it is more than likely that i will be so obviously me that you will know me anyways

the Great Shitposting of 2016-2017 was absolutely awesome and supremo fun. more paranoid memefagging surely to come at a later date

much love, many keks, so memish

>And he does not read.

I've seen this faggot get BTFO so many times, it's a wonder why anyone wants to pretend to be him.

I sense resentment

when someone is a total failure and people look down at him for it, is that resentment?

I am happy with my life as now, i suck dicks for food.

might as well leave one more image here. until next time gents. & good luck in meme wonderland

Not unless you resent failure

shameless self bump :^)

how goes the accelerating?

been reading aztec codexs myself.