I want to grow my own spearmint for tea, any recommendations for grinding it to tea sized?

I want to grow my own spearmint for tea, any recommendations for grinding it to tea sized?

Will those "herb grinders" you find in gas stations be good enough, or will i get bumfucked for drug paraphernalia if police find it for whatever reason?

Also, anything i need to know before i start?

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Have you never heard of google you faggot gayboy ooo i wannnaaa groww spearmintttt to be an edgy tea drinking faggot because immmm to much of a special snowflake to just buy it with my daddys trustfund get hit by a car and live as a paraplegic then get heart disease and find your boyfriend hung himself in a closet and you cant save him because you dont have legs faggot

Rekt bitch

Pls no bully i just want to drink minty water.

Not sure about sparemint but I know that the production of green tea is somewhat labor intensive. The leafs of tea are steamed after harvesting, then rolled before the drying process. Would not think the same applies to sparemint - not even sure if you "must" dry them in the first place. I think that drying has more to do with preservation than flavor. If you have some sparemint growing then you might perhaps just pick a few fresh leafs and brew them i hot water. You might want to dry them slowly if you choose to preserve them - i think that drying them to quick might result in loss of flavor. Am just guessing here.

>plant a little mint in the yard
>a couple years later half my yard is mint plants
based mint

dry mint is brittle as fuck, I don't think you need to even grind it, just rub it together in your hands

I wanted to make a fair amount of it, that and smaller leaves infuse better.

Tea and tisanes have nothing in common in regards to preparation.

I would also suggest this If you do plan to grind it, make sure it's a consistent grind and bear in mind you might have to adjust brewing time.

I would also go for fresh mint, especially since you plan to grow the plants yourself. If you plan to dry them out, you can test it quickly like this

and compare it to fresh.

>try to look up info on any kind of herb or spice grinder
>literally everything is Dude weed lmao
My only hope is that when its legalized that smoking stops being a cool taboo and stoner culture dies.

How about a food processor you nigger

Because food processors are considerably more expensive and a manual grinder has more control.

Willikers, how about a fucking coffee grinder you daft cunt

Why you gotta be so edgy?

>Wonders why satanic trips are attached to an edgy post

lot of dubs

You'll only get in trouble if there's DUDE WEED resin in the grinder. If a cop finds it he can swab it with a kit and search the vehicle but you'll get the last laugh. It's not illegal to possess it if you're just using it for tea.


>I want to grow my own spearmint
For the love of God, plant it in a pot away from any other areas where it can possibly grow. It can and will take over everything

Just grow it indoors, dry it, and you can crush it with your fingers. Regardless, every jurisdiction is different with regards to what they consider "drug paraphanelia" to be, so your county may view grinders as legal unless there is cannabis residue, the county next door may view it as illegal regardless of what you use it for.

Mint species are very tough mofo's and will take over your entire yard if you plant the shit in the ground, so just plant some in containers and you'll be good.


>swab it with a kit
Those kits will test positive for anything, they could test a grinder thats brand new out of the box and shrink wrapped, and it would test positive for weed, coke, meth, heroin, and krokodil all at once.

You don't need a grinder to grind leaves. You can just use your hands. In fact, they will grind up on their own if you're not careful enough.

This. I also imagine that whole leaf tea would be fine, maybe even preferable.



Any grinder will be fine - it isn't considered paraphernalia unless it contains residue from cannabis or whatever the fuck other illegal substances you use it for.

And mint is so fucking easy to grow. You could stomp on the damn plant, take a dump on it, light it on fire, and your yard would still be overrun with the shit in a matter of months.

How easy is it to grow indoors?

Stoner culture will die when 40 year old women start wearing shirts that say "don't talk to me until I've had my bowl" and have pillows that say "it's pot-o-clock".

>mfw my 62 year old mother would unironically have both of those

Very easy, as long as it gets a couple of hours of sunlight.
Seriously that shit grows like weeds

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