For me, it’s Barqs

For me, it’s Barqs

Other urls found in this thread: chart&num=30&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS703US703&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjM2a-ysMnYAhUEzVMKHfy-DekQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949

Aged since 1898, that’s how you know it’s the good stuff.

That's Bangs you idiot.

It really disturbs me that people don't know how to write or read cursive. Bang's is my grandfather's favorite rootbeer, and aside from Bundaberg's old recipe Bang's is mine as well.

That's bangs you illiterate mong

the millenial thread

Huh... My whole life I thought that was a G.

But lowercase cursive “n”s have 2 humps

>phoneposter can't see the dip in the middle of the hump, or tell that the slant makes the two humps even, hence it is an "n".
An 'r' has an upwards or downwards raise/decline between the two points. That is clearly a lowercase 'n'.

>For me, it’s Bang's
Fixed it fer ya OP. You can thank me later.

you haven't had root beer until you've tasted virgil's

Love me a nice cold barqs

I know this is a meme, but young fags need to learn how to read cursive.


Retard can't read cursive, so he doesn't know it's Barg's.

For me it's Bang's, the original east coast club sandwich

The locations that produce it in house are great. Canned is shit.

When I was younger their chicken sandwiches were almost as good as home-made.

yeah... and sandskrit... and they should learn sailor knots and moris code as well

Unfortunately, the one nearby closed down a few years back. That shit was amazing. Looked for next closest one and it's in another state. Trying to figure out how these fat retards can keep Arby's in business but won't eat quality fast food.

>sandskrit, moris code
Good luck with any of that. I would like to be efficient at Morse code though.

How the fuck do you pansies sign your name without knowing cursive? Just scribble an "X" like the illiterate of yesteryear?

I know right? Can't believe these jerkoffs that can't read dimple cursive words.
Anyway, Bang's makes the best root beer hands down, probably from all the aged thyme they use in it.

Profeciency in Morse Code is still a requirement for obtaining your ham radio license. Ham radio is one of those critically important things romantic, wannabee preppers always forget. They'd rather talk about their popguns and the "food" loony AM alt-right talk radio cucked them into paying 10X what it's worth.

>requirement for ham license
Nope, they dropped the code requirement years ago.

>young fags need to learn how to read cursive
Rather ironic for you to say such a thing, mister.

Yeah, and that's probably one reason there are so many ignorant faggots on there nowadays - they didn't go through the discipline of learning code and working it until they could qualify for general. It's pathetic how we have to water down everything to milkpap so every lazyass clown can participate if they want.

Okay man lol. I commend everyone in the thread sticking to the forced meme so hard.

Damn now I want a bang.

Barqs is correct. It is a coca cola product. I used to work as a salesman for them

It's barqs dumbass

congrats you made up an entire website just for a joke

>old dumb meme
>blames milinials


it's pronounced "bong'o"

Honestly Great Value root beer is the best I've ever had

Noted. Is it suitable for mixing?

for me, personally, it's Baπg's

how could you have worked as a salesman for them and not realized it's Bang's? that's the weird part about this story


You retards aren't funny with your forced memes.

Bang's root beer is the best root beer

Love eating chicken and french fries with a good old glass of Bang's®.

how has no one in this thread mentioned the real god-tier root beer?
and cream soda


My nigga
But why?

Why do people like big name low calorie sodas so much when oliet bang's exists?

Because it's fucking expensive relatively speaking. def the best tho

I always go for Zup, myself.

It's Zoup

>There are people who dont enjoy a nice Coca'Gola



wtf is this shit

Nigga thats a Q hands down.

Fucking millennials and their cat videos.

It's called Brap's you fucking troglodytes chart&num=30&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS703US703&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjM2a-ysMnYAhUEzVMKHfy-DekQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949

This kills the meme. Now all of you faggots quit shitposting.

inb4 nice fake website, stop reposting this forced meme, or other gaslighting horseshit

Talk about a buzzkill. Does anyone appreciate your existence at all?

I'm not clicking that.

>Q hands down

I'm not going to your malware site. Please fuck off

Why did you post an entire Google search result URL? Why not tinyurl that shit?


oh very funny, your made up word "barqs" kind of looks like "bangs." I hope the real Bang's sues you for making that website.

>that offset kerning and vertical alignment

jesus user you're not even fucking trying. l2mspaint

good thing you scrutinized that picture to see if it was real

There's nothing wrong with being a typophile

shut up

laughing hard. saved.

the official flavor of laying in bed feeling like shit with a fever. Best served with saltines and soup

>no u

You can leave off everything after the search terms. We don't need to know your display resolution is 1920 x 1080.

>look at me I'm trying to force a shitty meme
Fuck off reddit

my store sells some diet cola that tastes like the stuff you'd find in the old lunchables boxes

>For me, it's ambuguhs and wooootbeuh

i prefer oliet bangs

>Not living in the Bangverse®.

You're missing out.


a8w > bang's

if anyone here wants to spend the money is for sale, make the dream real

I fucking hate this meme. It's "13azqj" and that's that. God damn it.

Were are the fucking mods?

for me you're gay

true uwu

The "bih/biw" params stand for "Browser Inner Width/Height", the actual document size, rather than window size.
We use that for canvas tags when you do the starcraft easter egg and shit. The more you know.

low iq plebs have never even seen this taste treat. bangs is a close second though.

Fuck off. It's Bangs and you know it. XD

Buie Slcy? Never heard of it.

I want to know more about bang's.