Books men will never understand (pic unrelated)

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men can understand everything, we're much smarter, women only think about chad cock while we're authentic towards art

>t. illiterate sexist

I'm literally a man and The Waves is my favorite book of all time. A woman can't understand it as well as me though

Doubt it, bud.

Joke's on you, I've read loads of Anne Carson and AoR is her masterpiece. She's arguably the best poet alive today. But thing is, women do not understand her poetry as well as me


When is the hermaphrodite thread coming up?

>the deepest thing women can think of is their hair

you wish bud

this wojak makes me realize that houellebecq is wojak

In case you don't know who it's actually a reference to:

this and To the Lighthouse, especially Time Passing. men will never understand the home




a classic

>My maid stole my style and ruined my marriage


I read through that recently and now I'm unironically scared of spirals and I already had a weird superstition about snails. Lots of people considered there to be a quality drop after the reporters came but I think that was good timing because it was right when the formula was starting to get stale.
For extremely petty reasons I don't like that she cut her hair or that the innocent reporter got one of the worst and most unfair deaths in the comic even though it came at a necessary time. It's the first time I read anything by Junji Ito besides skimming his most famous one a couple years back. The ending is okay, it's about as happy as it's going to get,

truly a masterpiece

oooooooh, fuck yeah, bud!

Kek, the foreword is by a male and the author posed as a male. This females are shitty artists meme is kinda feeling a bit truthful.

Also good fap material for adolescent boys. So even there men "understand" it better than females.

Not even women like that Jewish Miss Piggy.

that's a weird leap, considering it seems to admit that
1. A female wrote a successful novel
2. Managed to write it with a male narrator

Lesbian user Wish Fulfillment or Extreme Penis Envy is not the same thing as a successful and realistically written male narrator honey.

go ahead an double back then

forgot my female write pic, srry

I love how you actually refuted or debated my statement. Wow honey you just keep reading them fembooks now.

why can't men appreciate great works of art?


Did you men as in mankind? Or did you mean men as in men as opposed to women?

Was there a sequel called 'PENIS'?


There was actually a lot of depth to that work. Christian Grey being a successful male billionaire is symbolic of the wealth and power accumulated by a few in a phallo-centric society. The various acts of bondage with Mr. Grey and Anastasia obviously are representative of the controlling and stifling environment women are forced into in our society, and how it is futile for women to struggle for escape. Yet the powerful message of her many orgasms, represents that it is the womanly struggle itself and not breaking free of the bonds that gives modern women purpose and ultimately self-actualization.

I wish I was an underage girl with vampire fantasies as to better appreciate the simulation occurring within my vagina

you mean you don't appreciate the simulations occurring withing your vagina well enough?

No meaning firstly I want a vagina, and secondly I want it stimulated

This thread looks just as cancer as it's counterparts

Props for liking Uzumaki though. What'd you think of the ear chapter?

that looks nothing like a vagina

No, it's a book

is it even a good book?

i don't really see neither much sense nor much poetry in the available pieces of it on google books. here is one of the better examples

meantime somebody wrote about a "postcoital cigarette" on good reads lol

Are you people really that insane that you hate women?

Yes probably my favourite chapter.

This makes it sound even more boring. Sorry, but I think that book is so bad you can't even make an entertaining fake-analysis of it.

ah kek

it's great, makes a lot more sense in context.

Mine as well. Such a brilliant human

>hating women

Try harder next time

Is like a blueprint for understanding female neurosis. Like every which way a girl can experience psychological pain from a breakup explained

No I just hate awful people. It's not my fault they all happen to be women.