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How do you draw the line between competent characters and Mary Sue?
Is it okay for characters to be good at everything without a reasonable amount of character build up or explanation?

The definition has been warped so much by pop culture that it no longer means anything, so you can't.

Only if everyone else points out how fucking ridiculous it is some random person is that good without training. Add in some deep character flaws that come up occasionally to screw them over and you're good to go.

An epic fantasy... SET UNDER THE SEAS!

Would any of you be willing to read this?

If you mean how to write them:
Well it depends. You won't have much of an interesting story if the hero is amazing at everything. Adding obstacles at that point will make the story feel contrived as a result. Ideally the central conflict should be related to a hero's faults.
If you're talking about supporting characters, I suppose they're easier to get away with. Just put some distance between them and the protagonist and you're good.
If reading:
The line between them is really fine, honestly you should be able to tell right away by how much characterization the author puts in.

Stories taking place under the ocean typically are SF. I haven't read a fantasy one, though they exist, so I'm partially interested. Then again, what would setting the story under water add to a fantasy story? Other than mermen

>epic fantasy
This needs to end.

Okay, I'm going to come up with an example.

Mary Sue: Can kill an entire army on their own and everyone is totally in awe of their super awesome speshul skillz.

Hyper Competent: Can kill an entire army on their own to the complete horror of every authority figure around them. This causes them to be shower the hero in gifts to persuade them to either leave them alone or join them to take over the surrounding territories. The peasants fear the anger and wrath of this person so they offer them free drink, food, and shelter to avoid drawing his ire. All of the attention eventually drives the hero crazy so he takes the nearest ship towards a faraway land to live a modest farmer's life.

No. Epic Fantasy spanning 400 books needs to end.

I'm okay with 400 books, have an ending and spare me from dark lordism

*just have

You are dumb.

Well that really moves the conversation forward

Make it set on the seas, all the pirate fantasy SUCKS. Well it mostly doesn't exist in the first place, but Locke Lamora book 2 fucking sucks.

Best scifi that takes place inside a video game?

>inb4 RP1

Mary Sue is less about what a character can do, and more on how they do it and their personality.

Arrogant cunts with retarded luck.

I liked Otherland a lot, but THEY'RE IN THE GAME generally works for me whether via VR or portal. I'm not sure why since I'm not much of a gamer.

How does Veeky Forums feel about Zelazny? Happened to pick up Unicorn Variations cheap. I'd never heard of him before. Not bad.

>complex language
It's been previously explained that he has an excellent memory, and he just made the guy write down all the sounds he could think of. He just performed the AMAZING FEAT of learning a new alphabet, how fucking amazing.
I think I figured it out. Brainlets hate Kvothe because they're too stupid to understand him. Actual smart people enjoy reading about him because they can empathise with him. I don't know if you guys know this, but some people are just good at everything. They're real, not even that uncommon. I'm talking "walk into a room full of experts on a topic he never heard of before and surpass their grasp of the topic by the end of a conversation". I've seen a guy learn to play the violin in 5 minutes flat, having never played an instrument before. But you never see these people in stories, because everyone thinks they're "mary sues". But they're not, they're probably the most unsuccessful, miserable people on Earth. Almost ALL of them end up just like Kvothe, working a nothing job in the middle of nowhere, totally abandoning all their accomplishments, contemplating suicide, having alienated all their friends and family and burned all their bridges.

Reading Name of the Wind is amazing if you know how horrible it is to be smart and talented, the isolating, alienation, and hubris. How you ruin your entire life with your own two hands because no one can stop you. For you, you just see him performing all these amazing feats, I see all the horrible mistakes he's making with these seemingly good ideas and know exactly what's going to happen.

You also don't seem to get that it's a mystery. The whole point of making the protagonist so talented is to make you wonder how he ended up in such a horrible situation. It's like a Sherlock Holmes story started with him living on the streets as a hobo, having lost all his money and condemned by Scotland yard. You'd want to know how on Earth that happened wouldn't you?

I would like more books exploring virtual reality. Maybe a game where all characters are born within the virtual world, and the universe follows some of the physics and tropes of a video game.

Widely extolled but seldom read.

Is The Kingkiller Chronicle a good series? I was thinking about checking it out

The problem isn't, really, Name of the Wind. Not everybody likes it and it has real flaws but it was well received and honestly is pretty good on its own merits, some of which you pointed out. The problem is Wise Man's Fear being bad combined with Rothfuss' aggressive insufferability.

I hope this becomes the new Veeky Forums meme

What should I read first: The Black Company by Cook series by Cook or the Prince of Nothing series by Bakker?

Most underated sffg author of all.

Cook. Also try his Instrumentalities series.

If you love GRI, Prince of Nothing, otherwise Black Company.

I enjoyed reading his Amber books as a kid, I don't think I would enjoy reading them now. I've never read anything else by him, I probably should.

Too much first person was his downfall.

No, Wise Man's Fear isn't bad, it's just a reaffirmation that it's a mystery first, fantasy epic second or maybe never. If you pushed through the first book hoping it would change it's a gigantic slap in the face. As for the author, i cna agree that the worst mistake I ever made was looking up his blog to see if there was any news about the next book. GOOD GOD I hate that fat smarmy bastard! My only recourse is to not think about it and hope I forget who he is by the time the last book comes out. Unfortunately the more time passes the more I remember how much of a piece of shit he is.

And granted, the sexually-liberated-feminist-asian-matriarchy-kung-fu-enclave was kind of worrying. it's the first sign of the author slipping into the story with his awful, awful opinions. Hopefully that's just his fetish and we're out of the magical realm now. hopefully.

Zelazny makes it work.

how much GRI does the Stormlight Archive have?

>I enjoyed reading his Amber books as a kid, I don't think I would enjoy reading them now. I've never read anything else by him, I probably should.
Amber is for teenagers, Lord of Light is for adults.

Half way through the first book of Gardens of the Moon.

I don't care about these people, the only interesting characters are Hairlock, Anomander Rake, and Kruppe. I only include Anomander because his name is fucking awesome.

The Claws, The Empress...ALL of the Malazan empire seems ethereal like it has no stakes. Everyone is on some lone trail in the wilderness like they aren't part of some LARGE SPRAWLING EPIC FANTASTIC kingdom.

All of the combat capable people are written to react and quip the same.

Even the empresses right-hand Adjunct gets caught out in the fucking jungle by herself. What the fuck.

The Chronicles of Amber is fucking awesome modern fantasy pulp. Skip the sequels.

Lord of Light is a great read.

Thank you for the recommendation, I will go read it.

None. Author is a Mormon.

Well said my guy. People are scared of what they don't understand.
Possibly the greatest fantasy series ever written. You have to be pretty smart to get it though; if you found wolfe hard to follow then don't bother.

Prince of nothing. Book is pretty meh.

>Lord of Light

>They called him Mahasamatman, and said he was a god. He preferred to drop the 'Maha-' and the '-atman', however, and called himself 'Sam'. He never said he was a god. But then, he never said he wasn't.

Paragraphs that hooked you instantly?

man, I know you guys hate Rothfuss, but the man is a fucking genius. he writes two books and constantly gets sent to cons, book signings, gets to do university lectures, has his own (overfunded) kickstarter, and is in talks for a video game and a tv series. on top of all that, he gets his own anniversary edition of his first book. all for just sitting on his fat ass.

i mean look at this shit

That's the way to go though, write two above average books with a shit tonne of characters and waifu potential then tell people you're going to write one hundred more.

I'm writing an isekai story about a shut in who walks around with a loli sorcoress for a whole book then promises ass fucking in the next book.

I'm never going to write the second book though.

>>I'm never going to write the second book though.
Pure evil

Oh go fuck yourself to an herodom you Stockholm syndrome cunt.

is "the sci fi hall of fame" the best sci fi comp?

Hi Mr Reddite, that meme is as old as this general. That particular user always uses it to get some discussion about his favorite series. See here and here We usually ignore him, but you newfags are taking his bait. He is once again writing walls of text treatises on Rothfuss and his work.

alright /sffg/ what the hell should i read?
i have
>titus groan
>books of the new sun
>the way of kings
>h.p. lovecraft's collected work

>that pic

Who else but I talk about the awesomeness of the Lahnkmar Stories?

I'm pretty sure I'm the only guy on Veeky Forums who talks about them. Because I'm special.

any sci fi books similar to fallout? I know theres a whole post-apocalyptic genre but I want it specifically Fallout-ish

>The Empress

Canticle of Lebowitz

The perfect one, look no further.

I'm stealing that nigger paragraph as a short story writing prompt.

>about a shut in who walks around with a loli sorcoress for a whole book then promises ass fucking in the next book.
The Obelisk Gate. Is that you Jeminsin?

already reading that lol
anything else? i'm kinda obsessed with FO

This is undeniably the best story Patrick Rothfuss has ever made.

Gardens of the Moon is pretty slow actually but it picks up in the next couple books amd practically turns into a different series
Also Quick Ben is the most interesting character in the series next to Kruppe

The Road for raider-kino.

Vic and blood coupled with the movie A Boy and His Dog. The fiction that pretty much inspired the game Wasteland and then Fallout.

The definition of mary sue used to be the character having a moral high ground over everyone else, just being a vessel for the authors own opinions to shit over all the other strawmen they write. But I guess that definition is dead by now since no one mentioned it.

And since the general seems to be in Rothfuss shitpost mode I'm gonna add that I'm amazed he's the only fantasy writer so far that managed to not only write a mary sue main character, but a whole ethnic group of mary sues instead. The not-gypsy highly educated and sophisticated hobos are the only example of racial supremacy I read about in fantasy, that's kind of impressive. Just when you think he might have an ounce of self awareness to make them not as unrealistically perfect as Kvothe was making them appear they turn out to be evil fakes pretending to be not-gypsy highly educated and sophisticated and too good for the average peasant to share the full extent of their amazing art hobos, that's when I gave up on ever caring to see even a summary of the 3rd book, not that the disgusting fat gnome will ever finish it.

Then ask /v/ or Veeky Forums we don't game here. How can we give you a comparison when we don't know of what you speak, the aesthetics. (Yes we know it's a post winter nuclear wonderland, other than that, kaput.)
You want post apocalyptic novels? Check out the chart. Also add wind up girl to your list.

>we don't game here.
user...Come on.

Well the ones of us that actually read don't game. How do you expect us to finish a 100 books in a year in our spare time, if we have to play a 100hour long game?

you really Veeky Forums isn't a hivemind?

gave me a good hoot

you can just do half half not that hard at all

If you dark souls babbies came here to shitpost and ended up staying. You can't expect it to be our faults when your hi/v/emind falls on shuttered ears. We actually read here. We don't have time for fallout or marrowmind or deep space.

dear lord.....

Please take your pixels back to your gate generals. Also ps4 has no games, kinects is watching you fap, etc.

An hero.

anybody know of any books similar to the Halo games?

Writing an emotionless character is proving quite difficult. I don't know how she's supposed to phrase anything aside from not using abbreviations or contractions

Just have her always respond with "I have no particular opinion on the matter."

The Lazarus Wars series maybe? It's about a team of soldiers who pilot remotely controlled vat-grown super-soldiers against a zerg-esque enemy, but they end up finding some ancient and evil precursor civilization. Little more Aliens in style than Halo though.

Book of the New Sun.

>I don't know how she's supposed to phrase anything aside from not using abbreviations or contractions
How does that make somebody emotionless? That just makes them sound like a primitive text-to-speech AI.


It doesn't, but its an unnatural, unaccented speech pattern that seems sterile





>Seven Forges
>YA Shit
>Maximum Ride
I refuse to believe anyone on /sffg/ recommended any of this trash, take this garabage chart elsewhere

delete this

Seven forges is about gods among us (kinda okay first two books, shits the bed later)
Maximum Ride is YA (which is a shit genre and thus you will get shit recs).
ESL please leave

Mary sue was never even supposed to mean anything like competent. It means the character the author fantasizes is him because he is an amateur.
Absurdly competent characters are perfectly fine in many stories, it's autistic to dismiss that as inherently bad, it all depends on the framing.

Hang in there.

You have been bamboozled, 90% of our charts are made ironically and full of garbage with a few good books thrown in to increase credibility.

That kind of categorical claim is nothing more than bait ultimately but it is a very strong collection. I would read it more as a historical tour though; more effort went into making sure there were representative stories of key authors and eras than necessarily making sure the very best stories were included.

Where would a dumbfag find The Book of the New Sun online for free?

For A Breath i Tarry is the greatest SF short story ever written.

Wool by Hugh Howey

I think theres a subreddit for people who married autists and they like to share, you could try that, there are some real horror stories in there.

What about people having sex with a "count to potato"?

I can't tell if this is a legit list or not

Why do this to new readers? WHY


forum.mobilism.org/viewtopic.php?f=1293&t=712490&hilit=New Sun

More than half of it is garbage but there are some good titles there.

It is legit. Look at the fucking subsections. I was here from the beginning and every subsection there was asked by multiple anons over the years. So I made a chart with "frequently requested subgenres". Every book there I read and was recommended to me by Veeky Forums sometime over the course of my many years in these infinite hallowed Jest filled walls.

>Spend a decade writing several books
>Achieve fame and success in your own country but not in other countries
>Some people approach you to make a video game based on your book series
>Eh, fuck it why not?
>The video game series goes on to achieve worldwide fame and success and is the only reason almost anybody has ever heard of you or your books
>They also retconned several things
