Foods you don't eat anymore if you're an adult

>boneless chicken tenders
>any kind of candy
>hot chocolate
>apple juice

Stimulants of any kind
Meats seasoned with "dry rub"
Non-citrus fruits
Freshwater fish
Soft or un-aged cheese
Tree nuts
American food
Hard boiled eggs

Any sweet drinks
Tea with sugar
Activated almonds

>basamati rice
>curly fries
>unevenly microwaved microwavable meals
>any drinks under 8 fl. oz.
>cough drops

instant ramen. not even joking

>"I'm American but cultured" the post

Breakfast cereal with cartoon pictures on the box
Non alcoholic drinks aside from water and coffee
Cookies shaped like animals
Alphabet soup
Pre sliced cheese
White bread

Not sure if you intentionally posted a picture describing what you're doing as childish but it's nicely ironic if you didn't.

Agree, others are retarded and should kill themselves immediately.

ITT: food cucks that brag about their "adult palettes" by refusing to eat perfectly tasty food.

>play doh
>baby food
>kids meals
The list could go on

>be you
>at work
>your boss approaches you
>user, make sure to congratulate your new supervisor, Chad, on the promotion. I was almost going to give you the position until I saw you drinking apple juice at lunch break. Get back to work now you big fucking baby.

>he thinks people actually think or talk like this
>he lives in fear being so inept that apple juice would negatively affect his career
You honestly might be better off just being a drug dealer or something, Christ

Supervisors new car

You've gone and lost your mind, child.

This is such an obvious troll thread. Here's the real list.
>Juice Boxes
>Kraft Dinner
>Kid's Cuisine (most TV dinners, really. Mary Calendars excepted.)

boogers and bugs.

>tfw the next day you see Chad eating SpaghettiOs®

You people have lost the plot. Being an adult means you can eat anything you like. Yes, there are foods that many adults choose not to eat and drinks they choose not to drink, normally for health reasons, followed by changes in palate. But there's no food or drink adults CAN'T have. If you believe there's some special list of foods "adults don't eat", then you are not yet an adult.

what's shitty: finally having a job, money, and car.

i can quickly go get all the hostess fruit pies i could ever want. something i could never do as a kid.

but if i indulge, i'll ruin my health.

Those are good for you. It's a serving of fruit per pie.

I have one to add to the list
>low quality bait

>chewing gum
>any tea other then green tea
>any bread other then full grain bread

You have to be over 13 to post here

Christ, you'd think Chad would have better taste in cars given he's so Chadly.

Ill buy my meth from a MAN who drinks WATER not some JUICE SIPPIN BITCH BOY

>cough drops
The only real answer


>everything i dislike is childish

Fuck you

>boneless chicken tenders
why did you specify boneless? there are no chicken tenders with bones

Because bones = flavour and children are scared of bones. Imbecile.

Unless you're cracking open the bones and eating the marrow, you're just as bad as the little kids eating the tenders.

lmao that "chart" is what normies believe. In truth real successful people are narcissistic assholes who do whatever they want, whether it's good or bad for themselves or others. That outside the line behavior is what makes them so successful. That "chart" does nothing more than attempt to make certain personalities feel they're better than other personalities. You see the same delusion in Democrats time and time again.

I do that so occasionally, so we agree then.


Actually real sucsessful people are neo-riche that turned their comfortable wealth into billion dollar businesses.

Sugared Breakfast Cereals
Polished Rice

Not a complete list, but essentially everything that has worthless carbs or is fortified.

The absolute irony of this post is palatable.

Fuck you, those are the best

I had one a few weeks ago. It was so sweet it actually hurt my teeth.

What is wrong with you
>hot chocolate
If its a celebration, I'll indulge.
>apple juice
Its good if im sick
>Chicken tendies
Fair enough

that image is about as wrong as it is right

Anyone else think the green one was a mermaid?

junk food
frozen food

you have a typo in the topic
>Foods you don't eat anymore if you're an adult without your own will


Hillary's lies.

the are very arbitrary and nonsensical lists

>cereal (any kind)
>bag potato chips (any kind)
>pre-cooked anything, especially if it comes in "sauce"

I don't know how but I've come to be sickened by fake food even though I grew up on it. My mom still loves that shit and won't stop stocking her fridge and pantries with this trash. How do I save her bros, she has diabetes now.

>cereal (any kind)
muesli is good and not sugary tho

I love that I can get my serving of chocolate, gotta keep your veggies in mind.


Eating microwave shit or easy to cook food is okay if you have a reason to do so. I live of mac n cheese whenever I have a huge assignment to finish since it only takes a few minutes to make, but otherwise I cook properly.

Most stuff is right, except

Ketchup is necessary for bacon rolls
Eggs are a great protein source and go well with meats
Noodles are a staple of most asian dishes
Cheese is an acquired taste, won't go there

Also if you're looking to improve your nutrition quick and easy, juice cocktails are really simple. Get two or more juices (fresh or carton), mix them in a pint glass, drink it during a meal and you have a healthy start. Apple juice ideal because its milder and goes well with sharper fruits like orange, grapefruit and so on.

>be me
>guest staying at my house
>I ask him what he would like for luncheon
>he asks if I can "fix him a sandwich"
>I say no, I don't have children, it's just me and my girlfriend here and we're adults
>he looks at me oddly
>says that lots of people over eighteen eat sandwiches

Is this real? I can understand luncheoning on a selection of tapas including pan y aceite de oliva con vinagre balsamico, or bruschetta with antipasti, or maybe even a crostino, but do adults really eat sandwiches?

It's increasingly common in the millennial generation. You should understand that many people are still living with their parents well into their 20s due to poor socialization and underdeveloped problematization caused by rampant video game addiction. They've even taken to deriding problem solving skills by associating it with so-called "social justice warriors" (in their world view, "justice" is bad). And they come up with elaborate conspiracy theories for why nobody will hire them, "diversity quotas" and so on. It has caused a real talent crunch especially in the tech industry which has had to use a combination of outsourcing and H1-B visas to fill the gaps at the lower ranks when in previous generations youngsters came out of school fully equipped for the job market.

So we have men in their 30s who spend their entire lives complaining online about the "roasties" and the "shitskins" denying them sex and stealing their jerrrbs. And of course, eating crustless mayonnaise sandwiches on white bread.

tl;dr it depends how you define "adult", pic related it's me

>improve your nutrition by drinking straight fructose
It would literally be a better idea to just start eating table sugar with a spoon

I said quick and easy, nigger. Sorry it isn't a perfect blended kale-cabbage-garlic monstrosity you'd call "food"

Fast food

>Excessive alcohol at parties
>Fast food like mcdonalds
>milk chocolate
>ice cream
>fish fingers
>pan fried potatoes
>instant noodles
>crisps obviously
>kid cereal
>ready made microwave meals
>frozen pizza
>white bread
>retarded bread condiments like nutella

Not eating fish is my n1 red flag to not take people's taste seriously

>thread full of pseudo elitist retards who believe certain foods and drinks are childish

i wish gas chambers would be a thing again

Can't afford real food?


Being an adult is not assigning a maturity level to energy morsels.

>Kim chi
>Anything cooked by means of radioactive induction
>Small rocks and various lake bed sediment
>Cooked eels
>Whale's baleen
All childish

lol That "unsuccessful" graphic perfectly describes the self-entitled 'Merican white woman.

What the fuck is wrong with a quick sandwich?

>Goes to /r9k/
>Actually accurate

>pan y aceite de oliva con vinagre balsamico
you really?

>basmati rice
What rice, then?