Who /poor/ here? Post your poor person dinners...

Who /poor/ here? Post your poor person dinners. I'm a little classy this was sapporo ichibon soy ramen which costed an extra 75 cents a packet.

fucking pothead, you could afford more reasonable meals if you stopped blowing your money on drugs.

>an expensive drug
my grandpa spends more on cigarettes man


>spends money on weed
>spends money on name brand cola
You're far from poor you imbecile, you just don't know how to handle your money.


>/poor/ thread
>weed brah 420 blaze it

Gentlemen, we have a correlation

I don't care how cheap it is, you'll always be poor if you smoke weed. You can't make money when your mind is fucked.

Stupidest response here

lol he put his external harddrive in the picture.

You'll see, faggot.

Still an unnecessary cost, 10 dollars a week adds up to over $500 a year

>You can't make money when your mind is fucked.
What does this even mean?

>Still an unnecessary cost
>$500 a year
Are you poor?

are you trying to say that you're short and fat?

and a little bit fabulous?

He should've just bought a 4cahn pass

This thread is about poorfags so when the poorfag OP is spending $500 a year on a drug that likely makes them snack more often then yeah it fucking adds up.

No, just a jew with my money. Its hard for me to buy anything I don't need

>buy more than you need
>sell half

like, duh.

You are poor because you buy into instant gratifications such as weed, electronics, and entertainment. Buy Shasta instead you insipid faggot.

I don't care about anyone smoking weed or whatever, but it's pretty dumb if you're already strapped for cash. You don't NEED to smoke weed to enjoy your life, your brain's tricking you into believing you do. Go cold turkey for a week and see how much your mood and overall wellness improves. Being dependent on consumable shit like alcohol or drugs is just retarded and easily solvable/avoidable if you're not a complete retard about it.

why, because he has an external hard drive? what century are you living in, because it clearly isn't the 21st

>recognizing drug equipment on sight
found the junkie

Theres a jar of weed right on the table you dumbo.
Poor because you rather spend money on weed than on decent food i guess?
I smoke too but Id rather get good ingridients to cook than a lot of weed.
But I only smoke on weekend anyways these days.

Hmm. What if he has nothing else in life. What if he uses it to cope with traumatizing events in his life. The world ain't all white or black. In the end we're all addicted to something (and i dont mean drugs)

500 bucks a year


Hey fuck you weed smoker haters. I gave up being a stoner for 10 years but it was fun to have a smoke after work or with friends during my 20s. Also when you're broke poor too you've got nothing to eat except rice and cheap meat. People aren't robots.

Cheap meat? Is there such a thing besides dog food?

>a fairly good percent of Veeky Forums are alcoholics

I'm all for weed. But honestly everyone uses the I need it for mental/medical issues excuse. OP might truly have an medical reason for using it. But, That being said it's more of an luxury than a need. Their are plenty of other options. But, Op more than likely uses it for recreational purposes.

hoping on the "you're poor because you smoke weed" train.

Weed was a drain on my finances, so i invested in growing, and now i have 23 oz of pot at the cost of 400$ and some time. I have enough for a fucking life time, and can give it to friends as gifts, which helps me save money in the long term.

Birthday? Here's a bag! Secret Santa? Heres a bag!

It's called shopping at 7:30pm picking up marked down ham and chicken strips while fighting off the local poor tradespeople and hobos.

I eat egg, cheese, and spinach omelettes with a small glass of milk. Works out to .86 cents per meal

how big does the cup have to be for perfectly for a pack of generic ramen noodles?

I eat leftovers been living on leftover baked spaghetti for 3 days

i see weed and coca cola
fuck off

As I said I don't blame him for smoking weed, I've done it for years, it's just not worth it though. I've seen this happen to countless people and almost all ended up being welfare bums/thieves/layabouts. We all have something we're addicted to, I agree with that statement but it's no use crying about the sad state of your life when you KNOW it can be solved through dedication and hard work but you opt for the easy way of "making problems go """away""" for some time" using dope or liquor.

You're brain has been addled in such a way that you get super defensive about something you don't even do anymore and know solves nothing. That's the danger of substance abuse and a sign of (former) addiction.